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Everything posted by Tree_skier

  1. There's only one near where I live now and I'm not disappointed that it is only one. I've never understood peoples love for KK. Their coffee is rubbish.
  2. That's good for your part of the state, I think. We're usually a little cheaper than you and the cheapest I saw it today was 5.09
  3. It's back over $5 for gas and $6 for diesel here in Central CA. A couple of weeks ago I got $4.68 for gas and $5.79 for diesel. I've almost got DW convinced that we should buy elsewhere. 🙂 I'm heading to LA for a couple of months on Saturday. I expect it to be worse down there. 😞
  4. My last four cruises boarding times were irrelevant. That includes Seattle, Galveston, FLL and San Pedro. YMMV
  5. My refunds have been taking about 7 days. YMMV since you are from the UK
  6. Wow, I 'm so incredibly jealous of your weather. Our last two Alaska cruises had nothing like it.
  7. I remember when Krispy Kreme came to the Vancouver area back in early 2000. I told my wife when I first heard about it that it wasn't going to make it. They opened to much fanfare. The franchisee did a big interview on a local news talk radio station. He talked about his plan to open 17 more stores and that he expected the brand to dominate Tim Hortons eventually. I remember the radio interview like it was yesterday because, while driving alone listening, I actually laughed out loud. It was a strange location to begin the Canadian domination of Tim Hortons. It is a free standing pad in a strip mall on the North Surrey/Delta border. For those that might be familiar with the area it is heavily dominated by folks from the Sikh community. The store itself was directly across the street from the big Guru Nanak Temple and half a block away from a Tim Hortons. Upon opening I went and waited in the massive line like many others for my taste of America. My wife commented to me that it looked like I was wrong. It was so busy it was sure to be a success. I told her "wait for it". Sure enough, within two weeks the crowds were gone and within a few months it was a ghost town most of the time. There was never a second store opened in Metro Vancouver let alone the 17 that franchisee predicted. The Tim Hortons down the road never slowed down and was as busy as ever. That Krispy Kreme, surprisingly, is still there to this day. However, it is never busy and must just be barely surviving. That was just such a weird location with a demographic that simply was never going to fit market that Krispy Kreme targets.
  8. I like Freddies... I discovered them for the first time up in OKC about 6 years ago. The Turtle Sundae is the bomb.
  9. Whataburger is my go to fast food when I'm in Texas. They are great. I like Blue Belle but I love Braums when I am in that part of the country.
  10. Canadian A&W's serve good poutines 🙂 After our Alaska cruise a couple of weeks ago we drove up to our old home in Canada first two stops were A&W for lunch and Tim Hortons donut dessert. 😉
  11. You can enter the US by land without proof of vaccine. It is only if you are flying into the country that is it required.
  12. I'm with you... I'd eat almost anything over White Castle tried it twice just in case the first time was a mistake. Give me In N Out any day of the week. I can't for the life me understand people fascination with those tasteless little burgers.
  13. It worked on for us on Navigator two weeks ago. We were able to get lattes debarkation morning with our diamond vouchers.
  14. If I wanted to do it on my own and not use the NCL's post cruise excursion what could I do with luggage?
  15. Yeah I wondered to but it came precisely at 14 days from embarkation. I requested it 2 months out.
  16. You should have followed. The video footage would have been absolutely viral on Youtube and made you a tonne of money.
  17. As someone who has spent a lot of time in and around the NW, I second this recommendation!
  18. Mine showed up in my cruise planner 14 days before my cruise.
  19. We just did this with our teenage unvaccinated grand kids on Monday when we boarded Navigator. When you check in online with app at 30 or 45 days (I can't remember which) you list the vax status for each person on the reservation. Upon arrival at the terminal they ask to to see the test for the unvaxxed. We showed pictures on our phone of each grand child's test. The picture was given a cursory glance and they moved on to the next step in the process. They didn't check the date of the pic and they didn't care that there was no proof that the test was actually taken by my gs or gd. I had the actual lollipop test in my electronics back just in case they wanted to see the original. It was unnecessary. It was a simple and painless process Enjoy your cruise!
  20. Absolutely love this and will be following along. I'd love to do the same thing. As a former Vancouver guy (Almost 50 years) if you want any info about your few days there be sure to ask.
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