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Everything posted by Oceansaway17

  1. And maybe it was RCI as I am trying anything to stops the comments from a know it all poster. my reply to OP is it can be for port taxes. Buh bye now ya all
  2. I love the fact that the buffet area does not shut abruptly between meals and they leave it open for the food in the front and let folks sit at tables to play cards or just look out. I love that my 2024 Oct cruise on Reflection is being moved to the new Beyond for the same price. yippee.
  3. usually 12 days they will hold. If the pharmacy has issues they can always call your doctor. good luck
  4. naw I Can't see that. I also think that a lot of folks on Icon won't pay for Waterpark when Icon is a waterpark in itself.
  5. Yes I know that. My point was two ships from the corporation shared the island just like X will now go to Coco like RCI.
  6. Wow just got an email that my Oct 2024 6 days on Refection will now be on the Beyond for the same money, And how interesting for me that it is a month before I sail on the Ascent. I wanted to try Reflection and then go to the Ascent. Funny how things happen. but now the Beyond won't go to Key West (boo) but still get to go to Bimini. oh well Should be interesting to see what Prime Oceanview room I get as I had one facing forward on the Reflection.
  7. Reserving shows is a way of spreading passengers between the days. but never fear standby lines will get you in. Sometimes it can be enjoyable to be in the back for aqua show as well as ice show. This way you won’t get wet and you won’t be chilly. For main theatre always check the balcony especially after lights dimmed and they remove the ropes for star class and pinnacle seats.
  8. Folks on X ships like to go to beaches too. Hey Carnival stops at Half Moon Cay that is usually HAL
  9. Solo can stay in interiors but usually not 4k. but those family suites are very expensive too. I got a good price back in October and will enjoy aqua show and ice show each in newer venues. I think Utopia will out sell Icon within the year.
  10. What a lovely photo and color of canoe sticks out well. Just nice
  11. Agree as I can get and paddle in canoe but kayak scares me
  12. Oh stop listening to CNBC doom and groomers. Hard to tell what might really happen. At least Utopia is more reasonable than Icon. I mean 4k for solo in Interior room.
  13. I know the feeling and me thinks they play music loud for crew to be happy. I notice more of them seem happier if they have a job of just observing or cleaning as the music keeps them happy. we paying passengers have to deal with it.
  14. Yes I have seen them in 150 Central Park. I noticed the looks the staff gave a few customers. I suppose once seated, it is a good idea to have a nice top on if one is to wear shorts to dinner.
  15. A new build will attract excitement and bring the dollars needed for next couple of years. Then time will tell.
  16. Folks from Europe and also home schoolers from USA and also childless couples and singles as well. You would be surprised the number of adults with no kids or college age kids
  17. Says one of the most person who the most comments and arguments on cc.
  18. It will be interesting to see how many B2B with DCL Wish. That ship is in town same days Mon and Fri. Interesting in whether the port will now have shuttles.
  19. Ya but a lot of UK folks are tired of her for some reason
  20. Yes it is a mess for sure and sad as well.
  21. But realize thousands are affected getting off and those getting on and the ripple affect at airport so folks are thinking these thoughts even for evening flights now and how about folks in terminal will they have to find hotels now. yes loss of life is said even if someone was careless
  22. Ft Lauderdale is wide open. gosh ripple affect will last 24 hours. do tragic this story on many levels
  23. I was thinking that but did not want to sound unkind and get flamed: Alcohol and boats do not go well together. thanks for explaining. I hear the ports in Singapore and Thailand are quite hectic for cruise ships having to be careful
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