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Everything posted by Oceansaway17

  1. I know what I am talking about was not RCI though
  2. Wow upsetting news which will then make Miami airport full of drama rat of day with flights home. Miami is quite hectic with small boats and at times police have to chase them away from ships. But a collision in middle of night is odd do wondering what happened
  3. I had a negative balance just before sailing
  4. Ok well something made no sense when I was on Serenade so I will go back and look. I remember the Radiance in 2010 too. then again perhaps I am confused afterall
  5. Yup the Radiance class ships are not using the sliding roof for what it was intended for. they do on Vision class. I enjoyed the Vision two months ago.
  6. There is before final payment and sometimes after. it has happened to me twice
  7. No they are open but they need to be able to close. Serenade did not do this in 2018 up in Baltics which was my point. Had chilly weather and hard to swim
  8. I’m ok but my comment on close to Little Mermaid is true
  9. I like the beds split when I have oceanview room with a window. I do not want to sit on my pillows to look out. Stupid to put headboard against a window.
  10. aw and that is my concern about MSC. So many folks only like YC and I am concerned how lacking it is for everyone else. Heck maybe that is why they are sneaking in because they realize how sad non YC is. oh well. you sound like a nice person and I am too. I just over feel that MSC has created too much of a class system. I think if you want expensive, try Disney. OMG wow the prices. Overall RCI does a great job I think. But I am attracted to the pretty decor of MSC ships and their private island. Well perhaps one day.
  11. do they not have enough chairs for the rooms that are YC. perhaps the venue is too small. I have been sailing since the 1970's and now it seems like so many issues with suites vs non suites, loyalty levels. I think ships are becoming too class conscious and not for the good either. It is why I sail on many lines and try not to get too loyal to any cruise line. So on RCI if a pinnacle decided to sail in an interior room, why can't they be in the suite lounge. I think the cruise lines have created some drama with the various lounges. I am diamond plus and I find the Diamond lounge boring except for at 4pm when I can find my chocolate covered strawberries. Perhaps all cruise lines need to get rid of all special lounges and everyone has the run of the ship.
  12. the sliding roof over the pool. sorry if I used solarium. Anyways on Serenade in 2018, they never did close the roof over the pool and it was chilly at times. But in 2012 They did close the roof over the Radiance. So if the trend is to put up big screen tv and not cover the pool, then I do not like that.
  13. and dark rooms are perfect for Alaska. just curious, which MSC is your favorite and why?
  14. The reason I started my first reply was because of the word interlopers. It means unwanted or not allowed. I thought that was a strong term. I thought it sounded snotty. In then end, have your YC and enjoy. I won't ever go on an MSC ship because it does seem like only the YC get good food and nice rooms. So many folks complain about MSC but they also would only go if in YC. I guess that is why that area is very territorial compared to the haven on NCL.
  15. oh well 8 members is a bit much. I would never invite someone to dinner just the pool area and only for a short while and then a general walk around so they could decide if they wanted for future. But of course this sounds like it would bother too many folks on this thread.
  16. no not really but sounds like you do. Mean thinks snotty is a great word even more now. elitist is not quite right as it involves money. Not wanting to let some folks in to visit is elitist IMHO> Again comparing Haven to YC I am finding that I am right above what I think of MSC based on lots of comments here. OMG restricted. oooo becareful , warning warning, do not enter. I mean really now. perhaps MSC needs to overhaul the YC and perhaps they need to during port days let a few folks in to check it out. On NCL folks bring other family members into the solo lounge in morning for coffee and the crew allows it. On RCI folks bring in a guest to Diamond lounge and no one makes a fuss or asks who you are. Again on MSC, it sound like and different vibe and a bit sn...... to me. then again so many cheap prices on MSC I guess some folks fell like they just must have YC.
  17. well if you paid for YC then you should use it. again sounds like many folks on this thread are watching what everyone else does in YC.
  18. are you done now. do you feel better. everywhere is crowded on ships but I do not look to see whom belongs.
  19. The smaller ships dock near the Little Mermaid and one can walk away from Little Mermaid 5 minutes to see the smaller ships. The others are back a ways. I think the Brilliance OTS was in the closer area back in 2018.
  20. well if the crew member says yes, then folks need to mind their own business. again, me thinks folks in YC are looking to find issues and should mind their own business if a crew member says yes for a couple of hours. Should I in the other common areas outside the YC complain and send you back to where you should be. hmmmm. I mean again sounds like MSC is not for me given some attitudes. It is a bit different on NCL.
  21. hmm I know ships like to get the head count down to zero before they can let new folks on. But this ship has two starting ports so will be interesting.
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