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Everything posted by Jim_Iain

  1. LOL -- a woman of my own heart. A small piece of good news is they have upgraded many of their Amuse Bouche. Some of them are now pretty good. Some are the same tiered old things - e.g. the Cream Cheese Pillows. I'd hate to sleep on those pillows
  2. The other side of the coin is that Eclipse to Hawaii dropped testing and had a huge outbreak (over 3%) and required masks for all while inside the ship. I agree that Vaccination (pre new shot) may be ineffective at prevention but believe that filtering out those that are positive before joining the ship have to reduce a certain number of infections. Having said that if Airlines, Buses etc do not require testing passengers even if tested 2 days prior to cruise could still be infected and bring aboard. I honestly feel they will drop all testing but I wouldn't hold my breath that they will do it before the returning TA's.
  3. I suspect (but without any justification or knowledge) is that they may for the transition time just stamp cards with AquaClass Suite vs Sky Suite. Reality it is just a marketing shell game to increase revenue and you have the same room you purchased.
  4. I'm using Firefox and no problems at all. Also tried Chrome, Edge and onld IE
  5. That's correct. We know one couple that the husband stayed in the Sky Suite and the wife moved across the hall into an inside. It was a bit more complicated as they were on a B2B and the second cruise they were in an Aqua Class so coordinating trying to get the husband shifted to the inside so she could pack up the room and get stuff moved. Their existing Sky was booked by a new passenger. On the next cruise she took the Aqua Class room and he stayed in the inside until he tested negative then they were re-united in the new Aqua Class room. By the way he was a doctor with a number of underlying conditions and did not bring Paxlovid with him as he said he wasn't a candidate to use it. I did give his wife some of my free tests so she could pre-test - They were testing her daily and it was very anxiety provoking.
  6. Had to go looking. I knew I had seen it as i was trying to figure out what it was - It's at least on the Beyond - not sure of other ships - It's actually called AquaClass Sky Suite and the price on the same cruise is about. On the same sailing I'm looking at a SS Guarantee is $5,264, a S3 is $5,347, S2 $5,447, and an S1 is $5,540
  7. Not sure if it has been rolled out system wide but on some of the ships they are now offering Sky Spa Class for a certain number of cabins. It's higher priced than Sky Suite but include the Persian Garden - Kinda a hybrid of Aqua and Sky.
  8. Was on Summit for 3 cruises in Aug / September. Quarantine was in original cabin if spouse negative they had a choice of staying in isolation or were given an inside cabin close to the original cabin until the infected one tested negative. Paxlovid was not available on the ship. Those that I knew who tested positive were given Tylenol, Cough medicine and one was given an inhaler. All tested negative around day 5 and were released but had to wear masks at all times outside their cabin. They were permitted back in their dining area and Ocean View.
  9. I've never rented one but have seen them in use on Edge and can say - Zero Privacy and Zero Sun. All of the Cabana's are adjacent to where they park the Magic Carpet and the only thing sepating the seating area from the busy walkway to the Grill is a movie theater style rope barrier. I understand they have reversed them on Beyond and now face the pool where you have the rope barrier and on the side adjacent to the Magic Carpet you have a barrier with plants about 4 feet high. Better design yes. Privacy no
  10. Yes. I'm a Roku fan but Firestick probably easiest if you need VPN to spoof location. Express VPN and NordVPN both have apps that work within Firestick. Roku has no VPN support and you need to do it via an external source. I have two Firestick's which I had along on my last cruise and they worked fine. My personal dislike of Firestick is all the advertisement and busy main screen. Roku's very clean and streamlined but has been adding advertisements as of late.
  11. Agree that it was discouraged but at times it was approved and in some cases like an anirline not getting a passenger to the ship prior to departure. During covid if you missed the ship you were out of luck as it wasn't permitted at all. We were on Equinox the weekend South West had their meltdown and we sailed with about 25% of passenger no show and weren't permitted to join. I've done a number of down line disembarkation and was rather painless but did have to pay a fee to process and get pre-approval.
  12. I'll check the 4 day point as a marker. I haven't received anything after 24 hours and nothing applied.
  13. We are from the Bay Area and agree - We sailed out of SD last year on the Pacific Coastal and loved it. SD airport is so much easier to fly in and out of and the port is so close by.
  14. I always get a kick at the Sommelier who pours a taste. I kid him and say what's it going to do turn into wine. Some nights I order Fre Red October 2022 my favorite month. LOL
  15. Things are pretty similar to the past. Probably the most important difference is that they have been enforcing arrival time to the check-in time you get when you do advance checkin. Possible differences are that depending on length and location of cruise you may or may not be required to have a covid test - U.S. 9 days or longer and in the U.S. are a self test with a photo of the results (monitoring not required). You will also either fill out the Health Questionnaire in the app or will be asked the same at the terminal. Safety Drill is now done virtually so you can do it on you smart device or your TV. Once done you go to your Muster station and have a 30 second briefing and card scanned. Probably the nicest change is that when you board your key is usually in an envelope on your room slot. You are invited to go to your cabin on boarding the ship to drop off luggage and collect your key. You are asked to then remain in public area while the complete room prep.
  16. Good luck --- I have a Samsung remote and it no longer works out of the box. At a minimum you have to first press the CC button (which put you into the first part of the setup) on the ships remote and then you can use the Samsung remote to change sources. Like I said before - on Summit when I used my Samsung it kicked the TV out of the ships system and the ships remote would no longer work.
  17. Same for all your room. You connect your device like Roku to one of your accounts or buy an additional if you so choose. Upper suites RS and above get 4 accounts per room.
  18. You got it. Then when you get to Sources you can choose Mirroring, HDMI port (you must be plugged in and powered on for it to be selectable), Blue tooth -- If I recall they also have component and RBG. I have tried Mirroring a couple times and really messed up. ON the ships I'm on you have to pick the TV and there are about a dozen all listed with the same name (I guess your neighbors). I just played around until I found mine. It is designed for a Android and was difficult with an iPhone. I found on some TV's that there is a toggle button on the bottom Right corner and after you hit CC you can manually select the source. Last cruise there was one on the Bedroom TV (old tv) but not on the new one in the Living Room.
  19. On some of the ships I've been on the Children weren't the issue. There was on "Gentleman" that the Captain called in for a meeting and cut him off for the remainder of the cruise. Ouch.
  20. Interesting to see. They have taken them out on all the Revolutionized ships. I see Celebrity is staying consistent. LOL On Summit they still had the refrigerator they had just Water and the bar tenders bottles of wine. All beer was kept behind the bar.
  21. I only hit Thanksgiving about every 5 - 11 years. Leap years screws up all lineal calculations - 2015, 2020, 2026, 2037, 2043, 2048, 2054, 2065, 2071, 2076, 2082, 2093, 2099 I always celebrate on my real Birthday. One year while on Millennium Iain through a birthday party for me with 10 friends in the Wine Cellar in Murano.
  22. I would say that a change to a port or missing a port is relatively infrequent but by this I mean maybe as high as 15%. As listed above Weather is probably the number 1 cause, this can also include high winds and high seas which make it unsafe to dock or tender. Ive been on a number of cruises that due to a medical evacuation we were either late or diverted to an alternate destination. I have also been on cruises where a port was caused by labor issues and demonstrations. One cruise we missed a port Limon because a bus on a Carnival cruise had been attacked by pirates and a 70 year old ex marine jumped the 20 year old attacker put in a headlock and killed him. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=2901148&page=1 Our captain determined it was safest not to dock the next day so we spent a day at sea.
  23. I want to preface by saying I haven't been on during Xmas / New Year but have been on for Thanksgiving. They did host a Special Dinner in Murano which I was say was similar to the Holiday menu above and I would aliken it to the Chef's Table Menu with wine pairing. In MDR / Blu / Lumina they had the regular menu but had a special Turkey Dinner choice. They also had pumpkin pie which is my favorite pie and it was terrible. Come on - how can you screw up a pumpkin pie just use the recipe on Libby's Canned Pumpkin. Ok I was born on Thanksgiving and am particular. LOL
  24. That is correct. I would also like to note that Fresh Orange Juice on Celebrity is not Fresh Squeezed OJ. They have 3 tiers of OJ - OJ which is concentrated - Fresh is Fresh Squeezed and is the same as you would buy in the refrigerated section of the grocery store and Fresh Squeezed which is only available in Blu, Luminea, Retreat and CC Breakfast. I learned this from a Assistant Waiter in Blu that's job was to get up at 5:00 and fresh squeeze it. She told me how much she squeezed and the amount for each location but I don't remember. It was quite a bit.
  25. I honestly don't know if it changed but there is a tier system. The $200 is for 14 day or higher and unfortunately they now have very few 14+ days on Celebrity. $250 Onboard Credit per Stateroom on Sailings of 14 or more nights $100 Onboard Credit per Stateroom on Sailings of 6 to 13 nights $50 Onboard Credit per Stateroom on Sailings of 5 nights or less
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