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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. My favorite kind of pictures! I love this. I think you will really like. The Kraken dark spiced rum gives it some really great flavor. Here is the recipe: Kraken colada recipe 16oz ice 5oz colada mix 2 oz Kraken Dark Spiced Rum Mix in blender Pour 1 ox Kraken on top as a floater Miami Vice: 2 oz rum 1 cup Strawberry 1 oz fresh lime juice 2 oz cream of coconut 2 oz pineapple juice Note 1 cup of strawberries equals 8 large strawberries And the Lava Flow. I say try all three. 1 oz Rum 1 oz coconut cream of 1 banana 2oz pineapple juice 1 cup crushed ice Lol, Sip Ssssslllllloooooowwwwlllllyyyyy.
  2. That is so disappointing. You should show those two pictures to the restaurant manager. I love Branzino but I don't think I would even eat that. Doesn't even looked fully cooked. I'm so sorry.
  3. I'm sorry to hear this. Good news like others have said type 2 is very manageable and I'm confident he will learn how to deal with it and be able to do all the things he enjoys doing. Wow I'm so sorry that you had to deal with those loses so close. I have all my mom's recipe card files and make a lot of her recipe's to this day. It makes me feel good. I'm so happy for you Sue. I love cats and a kitten is even more fun. Congratulations. Pics please. I'll say. Yaba daba doo is right! Congratulations. Please post a lot I want to be with you. I vote for the Kraken Colada. That's first day ritual. Others would be Lava Flow, Miami Vice, Mudslide or a BBC. I'm glad your brother is doing good. What kind of Martini did you have? Gin or Vodka based? As explained earlier but here is the recipe. 1 oz Baileys 1 oz Dark Rum 1 oz Banana Liquor 1 banana 3 oz Pina Colada Mix (Optional 1oz Godiva) Put banana and liqueur and mix into paste. Add Baileys, Pina colada mix and rum with ice and blend. Congrats to Owen. Great win. Hang in there. I know it's tough. I have experiencing more pain than usual. I think I may be overdoing the exercising. I going to give my knee a day of rest. It's frustrating as I don't seem to be improving like I would like. I am sure you can relate. Hang in there I guess it just takes time for all of us.
  4. Thanks Ken ! Somewhere I have a sheet that has all the cabin classifications and codes but I can't seem to find it now.
  5. Try ports of call section. Better place to find out that kind of information. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/67-jamaica/
  6. My liberty sailing as a solo is classified as 4V interior. I'm curious as to what a studio cabin's classification number is?
  7. Thanks good to know because I don’t want to be β€œthat guy” assuming it was like the past.
  8. Last night was emotional for me when Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs paid tribute to the great Len Dawson by reenacting the famous choir huddle that Lenny and the Chiefs were so famous for. Here is the two shots. Very cool.
  9. Wow that's too bad. In the past they always said come directly to the stand and bypass the line.
  10. It's still my understanding that if you make reservations for MTD you can bypass the line and go right to the maitre'd stand, correct?
  11. Tried that before helped a tiny bit. My dentist doesn't do gas any more. I need to find out why. Looks like you had a great time. So pretty to be out on the water.
  12. We've had the restaurant manager check on us but never a head waiter.
  13. I bow down to you. Wow I could never do that. I'm so tense the whole time. After I get out of the chair I feel like I've gotten beaten up.
  14. That's great. Too bad you have to now go to the dentist. I hate dentist's they stress me out. I have a thing about someone else's hand and tools put in my mouth. The feeling of the scraping when they clean your teeth is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Good luck. Thank you Judy. You are so right. Thank you so much. I never thought about that you are so right. Makes no sense. @A&L_Ont Fantastic pictures Andrew.
  15. Wow that's a blast from the past. The Red Loin was the KC Chiefs hotel I stayed at every year for 12 years with the Chiefs when they played Seattle. It had a great bar and when the team stayed there it was always packed with girls. Needless to say fun times.
  16. Thank you all so much for your love and support. While I do not want any sympathy towards me I just wanted to pay tribute to someone I was very close to and was an incredible human being. Again thank you to all who took the time to post. And yes Bob that is one of videos that included me (I'm the one in my music studio) talking about Len. I hated doing it because it took me about 20 takes because I was getting too emotional. I'm way better behind the camera than in front. Here are some of the pieces that produced and edited about Len that were first used when he retired from broadcast television. I knew then that they could be used for his obit. Enjoy these video about Lenny.
  17. It was great when we had it on Harmony in the MDR with a lobster tail.
  18. I know Patti it is hard as we get older. Losing our closest of closest. That's horrible about your friend at a resort in Hawaii I'm so sorry. I must say when I go I hope it's on a cruise ship.
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