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Everything posted by LobsterStalker

  1. This may have been a true blanket statement in the past , but in the present cruising environment I would Respectfully ... completely disagree ! Cheers
  2. I have traveled and cruised enough to know that it does no good to besmirch crew here for any shortcomings. In my experience, let the steward know what was left behind and let them correct it. They want nothing more than to make sure you’re happy. Their tips and ratings depend on that. Barring that, if it continues, then go to Customer Service and let them know. They will get the crew member’s manager involved. Complaining here about a steward doesn’t help anyone. And, if you want it addressed, the place to do that is on board. Crew work hard. I’m likely to cut them some slack if they overlooked something in the cabin This is what the problem is becoming .... People felling like it is not OK to complain (I.E. expect a certain standard of service )... because the crew is overworked ...And they are ! I like you am pretty easy to please , in fact , in my 13 previous cruises have NEVER made or left a complaint about anything ... Not once . However since returning from my last cruise and reflecting on how poor some of the service standards had become , (especially with dining), It is striking me that even though this is no fault of the crew , and in the vast majority of cases it is probably not, that I will begin voicing my dissatisfaction moving forward . That is not to say besmirching the crew , rather being very clear that I am unhappy with the cruiselines cutbacks that are at the root cause of the majority of the issues . If this is not done , they will continue to go about their business feeling like they can get away with it . Cheers
  3. I know what you are saying but what it means is that my room was not cleaned after the previous guests. It's one thing to not have your 'own' room cleaned quite to the level you would like , But very much another issue if the previous guests Filth is still lingering when you arrive . ...To me this would be to the contrary , a very very very very very MAJOR issue ! Cheers
  4. That is certainly not true on most ships! They will not let you use MTD if you are booked into traditional! Tried it many times - were always turned away and told to got to WJ Hmmmmm...That is shocking to hear as many times as I have read about you saying all you need to do is complain,(Throw a tantrum), no one will ever deny your request , and you will eventually get your way Cheers
  5. Loyalty status has nothing to do with a royal up decision. For Royal Up, a Pinnacle cruiser has no advantage over someone on their first cruise. it is all some computer based matrix m And if Status did count ... I'm thinkin your 6 cruises in 30 years would be hurting you rather than helping Cheers !
  6. Interesting . With all the juggling I would think it would be much less common. Heck , I even notice the table #'s being juggled mid cruise as they shift to accommodate changes Cheers
  7. First of all ....Jealous . Secondly , I ask because since last fall I have had horrible results with any requests . B2B in Oct. and then again in Feb. All 3 times I had confirmed early seating ahead of time ,(2 of the 3 I had a Email confirmation with my table number showing)< to show up and be told I had no seating and all and that I could do MTD. Eventually on all 3 I did finally get a table for most of the week , 2 were on second night . So very surprising when I hear the dining system is running 'smooth' for anyone
  8. You realize with all the shuffling around ..., for example , turning any given 8 top from one trip into 2-4 tops for the next sailing , that the same table # is not always going to yield the same exact location , but more likely to just be in the same area...?! Cheers
  9. So funny when someone claims to know exactly what every ship in the fleet will do when any given request is made . Cheers
  10. To be clear I'm not disagreeing with the premise ... clearly the server is not getting the 18 % Cheers
  11. It always confuses me how anyone knows for sure how the tips are split when far as I know none of this info is public.... ? Cheers
  12. Last morning of the cruise. Did the OP mean first day or last day ?
  13. I hear ya , these issues really P!$$ me off as well , but when I think of all the enjoyment/relaxation/rejuvenation that comes from cruising (for me)... There is no single issue that can ruin that for me . As much as I enjoy the dining aspect of a cruise , and see how many ways it is and has changed for the worse over the years , Still so much I enjoy that the experience is priceless. Hmmm.... Priceless ? Well , that's another issue I guess , whether I get priced out by the wild price hikes as of late Cheers
  14. ^^^^Agreed 100% ^^^^ They actually had it as an announcement the last day we left the windjammer at lunch I found it all a little confusing. The whole thing comes off as an annoying guilt trip. I cruise with a great attitude towards staff and understand how hard they work , but that should speak for itself without the lecture ... If they don't do a good job , that needs to be addressed .The more I read people bring it up , the more it makes me rethink my approach Cheers
  15. We actually really liked the Aqua as well. Not saying it was the best we have seen but in my opinion doesn't have to be the best to still be amazing just the same . We went back on the last night and took the son of new friends we had made on the sailing to offer them some time to themselves. It was pretty cool as they were transitioning in some new cast members so it was actually noticably different. The main girl from the first show was actually sitting right behind us cheering on her replacement ... I t was awesome. Some of the special effects in Effectors was enough to make it worth seeing , but definitely more geared to the kids Cheers
  16. Hmmmm..... Processing , processing ...? Alright . So any Pinnacles wanna have a fit , vibrant , good lookin (IMHO) 53 yr old gentleman companion for a week ? Let's get this ball rollin ! LOL Cheers
  17. So no staff ever questions whether or not you are suposed to be there ?
  18. Always interesting (and welcome) how different people see things different ways. We were on in February and felt the ice show was the best we'd ever seen . Other shows were all just good , nothing mindbendind though I guess I'm also assuming it was the same ice show with same cast ... can't remember what it was called Cheers
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