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Everything posted by LobsterStalker

  1. So it was your TA that gave you the bad information ?
  2. This seems to be the silly part . If they are gonna sit at the bar and do this they are just being arrogant/ asking to get caught . If they get a drink and walk to a different location or do this on the pool deck where there is constant confusion , the likelyhood of getting caught is Very slim . >>> And yes I realize I did not answer your original post OP . :) Just replying to this scenario ...Cheers !
  3. So hopefully that is what I may see when we sail her 4 day in October . Following with Harmony 2 days later Cheers
  4. That's all well and good , but what if you truly received bad service ? I have only had service a couple times that I truly believed did not reach or even come close to the standard that it should , yet I have never given anyone a poor review due to feeling guilty about what it means to the employee . I am really rethinking this as of late for the obvious reason that if management doesn't know there is a problem , ( because everyone is guilted into giving 10's ) , then substandard service will become acceptable. This begging for ratings system should be abolished ! If the service given is indeed a 10 out of 10 , then they shouldn't have to beg you for the rating . And on the other side if they haven't put their best foot forward and given you great service , they also shouldn't have the nerve to ask for the rating . JMHO Cheers
  5. I don't believe that is necessarily true . The cruiseline could also be experiencing higher profit margin from this. It's not like they have to return extra money to the cruiser when their end goal is returns for the stakeholders....? JMHO
  6. Thank You .!!! I have been trying to come up with a real world example that some of the cheerleaders might be able to understand ! Yes , 100% , some people just live to B!**h and moan . But many others (myself included) go on every cruise KNOWING I will have a GREAT time , despite whatever negatives I may encounter ... And I will encounter negatives , just as anywhere else in life . I have had many subpar experiences dining in my hometown... even at my favorite restaurant . And I've told my friends about them sometimes.... And it's still my favorite restaurant !! Cheers
  7. And you will likely settle for 2 tables close to each other at best . I am pretty sure nothhing above 10 < maaaaybe 12 is accomodated... ?
  8. I won't say it's not part of the issue , but noone has ever referenced that to be a problem . It was alao never suggested as a possible resolution . And it certainly doesn't explain or justify them confirming me 3 times and not have a table for me !! In that case they should state that is a problem before confirming anything and we could move from there for resolution . We always used to join larger tables until I went on a NCL cruise in 2018 and realized how much easier it was to dine alone . I would not mind if we had to join a larger table , but worst case scenario would be to sit at a 4 top with just one other couple. How awkward would that be if they weren't as cool as us ... :) Cheers
  9. I believe you missed what my comment was referring to . You stated cruising is a deal with food and entertainment included in price . To which I say again "For now , stay tuned " We'll have to wait and see where future changes lead Cheers
  10. I won't go quite that far but it is very important to us as well ! If it weren't for such a late start for MTD I would pik that and then have a little extra flexibility . Early is always starting between 5 & 5:45 from what I have seen . Have 2 coming up in Oct.( 5:45 on the first , 5:15 on the second ).5 is just a bit too early . In a perfect world ... 5:45- 6:15 range would be ideal for us . Cheers
  11. That in itself is ludicrous. It is hard to comprehend how the decision on whether or not to give tens of thousands back to their rightful owners is not a head office policy ....but is at the discretion of the ship...You pay fees to go to a port that you don't go to ..... It's pretty easy to figure out what's right . Clearly just a way to skirt the obligation by throwing a little shade into the mix ! I have only ever missed 1 port , and did get some credit .... Deservedly Cheers
  12. I do always . All 3 times I was left with they could not guarantee me a table but would see what they could do . the first one we were assigned starting night 2 . On cruise 2 and 3 after seeing how it went on cruise 1, I left dining room and went to GS , explained situation and asked if they could help. I did get a table eventually . There was actually a woman who burst into tears just ahead of me , while they were telling her there was nothing they could do . Her 10 year old was actually hugging her saying "It's OK Mommy " (Hilarious), and a bit pathetic .Of course suddenly they were able to help her . I tried to get my wife to duplicate her actions but she wouldn't go for it... Just Kidding of course 2 cruises coming up in October , and have confirmed ET on phone 3 times now. We'll see how it goes this time ?! Cheers
  13. I guess we could also ask HOW is it regular practice to overbook cruises and flights , which is also standard practice nowadays Cheers
  14. The how is easy . Companies can and do get away with lots of shady practices all the time . I would go with "Why would they do that ? " I have been trying to come up with that answer for some time. The best I can figure ( and this is obviously only MY hypothesis , coming from MY experience) is that they are going with the ask for forgiveness later approach rather than disappoint people at the time of booking .? Possibly thinking if they inform people that they can not have their desired dining time they may not book at all .? Once on the ship , obviously no turning back.? The sailing that they had E-mailed me my table # , the only way I found out without an awkward situation at seating time , was I went to see where my table was shortly after boarding . I noticed it was a 4 top when I had booked a 2 top , so just went to stand in line to confirm there was not another couple at OUR table. HaHa , jokes on me , it wasn't our table . Cheers
  15. Just curious , what is your desired resolution ? Compensation , or your balcony cabin reinstated ? I don't get why you say you would understand if both rooms were downgraded...
  16. Allow me to blow holes in your theories ! Masking tape and a sharpie...First problem solved People are very particular about how they want their coffee . Staff would definitely know this ! Would they also use a container marked tea , and put coffee in it if they happened to need an extra container ? No , because that is not a deception they could get away with . If this is indeed happening the way OP states , It is clearly deception ... and just wrong >>I also do not drink coffee ...! Cheers
  17. I'd still double check when you board , They have a habit of overbooking Early seating Cheers
  18. I believe that it's structured this way now because of the increase in numbers of MTD and it's popularity. I'm thinking that 5 or 6 years ago more cruisers were still using traditional dining times. So as the shift to MTD occurred they had to respond to the numbers. It is an interesting dynamic for sure. Where I am seeing the issue on my last 3 sailings is Way more people are requesting Early Traditional rather than MTD , so much so that is causing a chaotic scene at the MDR on embarkation day .It is a flood of disgruntled passengers trying to get Early , and them stating that it is full . For me personally , I have had early (Confirmed ) pre cruise , 3 cruises in a row only to board and find out I am bumped . 1 of these I even had an Email confirmation of my table # Yes ........ It is currently a $#!T show ! Cheers
  19. I never realized Allure didn't have the monstrosity . ... And I agree , leave it that way. Guess it doesn't hurt my experience any , but it is an eyesore ! Cheers
  20. Sorry , but the first bold made me actually laugh out loud a little . Mdr ... not busy on Embarkation day ? Not unless they happened to be first to be boarded on the ship ! As for the second Bold , I completely concur , as my last 3 sailings since restart ( In my experience ) MDR in general has been been dreadful ! Hoping for improvement this fall Cheers
  21. Hopefully by the time you factor in the recent price increases , you don't end up in the red ! Cheers
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