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Everything posted by Ombud

  1. The total cost of the cruise is the total cost of the cruise. If I'm traveling as a solo, my "base fare" is the fare that cruise costs me, as a solo. It doesn't matter to me what two people in the cabin would pay per person, because that doesn't apply to me. All that matters to me is what I would pay for that cruise. I'm so confused. Are you saying you don't mind paying exactly what someone would pay if they were paying for 2 in that same room?? If so, why are you looking for "Solo Deals" which is where the solo supplement (aka penalty although i don't see it as such) is reduced????? I guess I'm missing something. What is the definition of "Solo Deals?" Can anyone let me know. PLEASE @Cruise Raider need to look at more SF cruises. Its nice just taking Bart to the port
  2. @hunt182644 i didn't see anyone when arriving at Heathrow last September. Walked up to egates, scanned passport & my face, walked right in. Seriously through in a matter of minutes and off to National Express bus system. That was the entire customs / immigration process. (I do not carry med in its container. Just a pill a day × 3 weeks)
  3. So maybe it's just the itineraries I'm interested in never completely remove the supplement.
  4. @cavecreekguy. Umm it should matter to you what the supplement is. the lower the supplement the lower your actual solo fare. You'll still pay 100% of your per person taxes / fees / port charges (those aren't doubled for solos). 2800 base fare 5600 for 2 in room. 3960 with 40% supplement 5600 with 100% supplement I've never seen Princess completely eliminate solo supplement in my 50+ cruises.
  5. 1. The 3 MDR are basically the same 2. I know the midship dining rooms (Deck 5 Juneau & Deck 6 Skagway) have windows on both sides. No idea about Ketchikan (Deck 6 aft). My favorite spot is Juneau tables 213-215, near enough to look out the window but never lucky enough to get the actual window 3. Absolutely! Just ask the head waiter 4. Ok. Now you're getting a little tricky. Deck 5 Juneau probably but not at prime dining times. So you're being seated at 5 or after 7:30 as you're a larger group. It's easier for me bc I'm a solo and pre-order so fast. And definitely not in Skagway -- that seems to be more crowded. I've heard it's also possible in Ketchikan but I don't eat there -- 5. Button up is common for US based cruises. Europeans and Asians are more formal (add tie & perhaps jacket). But you'll be seated in a button up there too But hey, this is just my personal experience ... yours may / will differ
  6. Maui Food Bank, Maui Community Foundation. Also added Maui Humane Society.
  7. Its so sad. I was just there 2 months ago and now it's gone Suggestions on best way to help now
  8. Yes but it requires you to post your email then have them email you with that info. The roll call is a good place to do it as those are harder to find after the voyage
  9. We actually agree that everyone's needs are different -- some can't bear to be unplugged [FOMO] and many are so relieved to be unplugged especially when traveling with family & friends. OP is traveling with family
  10. @memoak I don't. I'm plugged in continually here so I appreciate being unplugged. I just deal with 15-30 minutes on the TV. I wouldn't even carry my phone if it wasn't for ON. Before my trips this year when I got so used to ON, it lived in the safe.
  11. Yeah so OP's math is even more likely to be a slam dunk. A good example showing everyone has to do their own math Assumption is that internet us needed. Not everyone needs to remain plugged in 24×7
  12. If not needing internet (and not everyone does) your math is spot on. Just forgot free room service ($5 each order) + ordering on app ($15 one time) Current (as of June 16, 2023) children's menu calls it something else. Although it doesn't say berries it still had them:
  13. 2 thoughts: 1. Op has only 50 OBC so I doubt that it is "extra." Any idea how fast that'll go? $14.99 to activate OCEAN NOW then I (and think many others) can blow thru $35 in a day or 2. Lunch at casual dining? Now $30+ gone ..... 2. I have been blocked in the casino so can attest 1st hand knowledge that they are capable of blocking users. (My error was loading, running, then cashing out a slot pull w/o notifying them that that's what I was doing. Took floor mgr to get me back in .... now I always notify them 1st)
  14. Something strange happened to me too. Disembarked last September with 35+ refundable OBC. Emailed customer service when I didn't get a check w/I a month. Didn't get it before December cruise. 2 more emails. Frustrated call to my CVP who contacted Customer Relations. There wasn't a way to get a check (🤯) but they agreed to comp me 100 obc. Came thru as non-refundable so disembarked April cruise owing. Now I make sure I always owe something.
  15. I did so n etching from 2010 but that just prompted another question: the casino provides the swag in slot pulls & timing is coordinated through them. Is this done with or without bar involvement (other than bartender making drinks)
  16. That subject came up in our roll call. As I manage the spreadsheet id be more than happy to add another column but I don't know what / how / when etc they are. Can anyone here shed some light on it?
  17. Solo supplement on my next cruise (11/23/23 transatlantic on Enchanted Princess category BW) is currently 40%. Would love to see a list instead of finding a cruise, then figuring it out. On this site: @latebuyer mentions a list but also states that the Wine Country Oct 2023 cruise has a lower solo supplement? Not sure about that .... but I do look at that other part of cruise critic from time to time for hidden bargains (anytime there isn't a 100% supplement seems like a bargain)
  18. Elite can go to Guest Services to get tokens at no charge. I've done this several times. Me too on 3 different ships. Free tokens for machines, detergent, and fabric softener sheets
  19. Please understand their position. They are not part of Carnival Corporation so many things that I personally can do with a CVP or TA (book solo, use 1 FCD to secure any cruise, refare or rebook to capture a price drop) I cannot do onboard as their commission is diminished and that's not in their best business interests. So I select it onboard either by placing it on hold or sending a screenshot to my CVP in port. Then she gets it for me before I get back from wandering. When I have wifi I just send her an email immediately. I can have it and secure it with 1 FCD I just can't utilize the ONE (Future Cruise Consultants) onboard Its just like: Some TAs give cash discounts or OBC, but not all Some CVPs answer promptly & find hidden discounts, some are no better than the general 1800Princess or www.princess.com
  20. And when I request early ticketing the fare magically dropped by a reasonable %. Not quite to restricted fare, but almost
  21. That $85 reads suspiciously like a TA group OBC, so interesting a PCL agent "found" it. I used to get them all the time pre-covid but this is the 1st one I've gotten after restart and from a different CVP
  22. Exactly. The 9.75 deficit was covered with the 635 OBC. So as soon as part 2 started it was 635 - 9.75 = 625.25 obc left. OBC came from FCD, Shareholders, promo, and 85 from unknown source. CVP just added it from somewhere
  23. Pre-covid (so not sure about now) I had my CVP book the excursions for everyone and paid by credit card .... but like I said, pre-covid. 4 rooms, 7 people. I get a solo room no matter what. I guaranteed 3 of the rooms, my son & his (now x)wife were responsible for their own bill.
  24. 5/27/23: 250 obc loaded for 1st voyage 6/1/23: 1st voyage ended & I owed $9.75, amt owed rolled over & 635 obc applied 6/17/23: 2nd voyage ended. I have (according to saved screenshot) 1 combined bill for both legs. Final bill $6.15 So yeah, OBC & Balance due rolls to last voyage
  25. Yeah, I usually lose 15 minutes just checking important stuff from 3 kids while having tea in a Cafe. Nothing else matters
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