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Everything posted by Rick&Jeannie

  1. Not too long ago we booked (through Princess) Hotel Genova. I would not say that it is "grand" or "historic" but it was perfectly adequate. We're not too picky when it comes to hotels...we typically are just spending one night to board the ship next day. There was a very nice "neighborhood-style" restaurant right across the street from the hotel. We only had time to eat there once...but would probably have eaten there again if we'd had more time.
  2. Yep...we've done it twice now, both on newer ships. It's great activity if you have the opportunity. Can only be booked while on board, though. Either call the dining line as soon as you get on board OR see one of the Maître Ds.
  3. This is the main reason I DO NOT book with EZAir! I prefer to "make my own mistakes" if a mistake is to be made and deal directly with Delta. Yes...those "bulk discount" rates are very enticing, but this is what happens when there are issues. Very sorry you are having to go through this.
  4. It may very well be too late, but do you have any recourse through your CC company to decline/reverse those charges? You may have to open a case with them and show all of your documentation...
  5. It's a business entity called "Princess Promotions". There is a VERY loose association with Princess...that's how they know all of your Princess account details and can speak "knowledgeably" about your history & such. It's discussed in several other threads here on CC. I've received one of the calls myself. I simply will not do any type of business with *anybody* through a "cold call". Princess is really scrambling to drum up more bookings.
  6. Not "English". They are "European style" which is different from what Great Britain uses. European style have 2 round prongs while GB has 3 bladed prongs, very similar to US style 220 volt (but not the same).
  7. We have stayed at the Grand Hyatt Athens previously on an NCL cruise. I don't know for sure that the hotel directly has a shuttle...ours was arranged for by NCL for all who had booked through NCL for the hotel. It was VERY nice! From the rooftop pool you have a great view of the Acropolis.
  8. I guess it just goes to show that the "weirdness" is different for everybody! I ALWAYS (and always have) logged in using username & password and have never had issues.
  9. While it *sounds* like this person is really serious and just refuses to "believe"...are you sure he's not just yanking your chain? He may be getting a big kick out of the hoopla!
  10. We just took advantage of the Princess transfer to FLL airport a couple of weeks ago. We were dropped off between two of the main airline entry doors (we were flying Delta...we were dropped off just past the Delta door) and we pulled our bags *maybe* 40 yards. Not far at all. The main reason that they drop off in this manner (i.e. not directly in front of the doors) is that the traffic lanes are extremely busy...bus "pull over" slots are located between each main entry door, so you may walk back the way you came a bit or you may walk forward depending on your airline. The driver will always let you know which entry is coming up or at least when he stops. If you are absolutely averse to pulling your bags any distance at all (how did you get them out of the cruise terminal...) then yes, you could always take a taxi/Uber/Lyft and hope that there is a parking slot close to the door. You just may end up pulling your bags the same distance if the driver cannot get a close spot!
  11. Apologies if I gave misleading info; I was simply making reference to the specific *last* cruise we did. It was not meant to say that *all* cruises are the same. You are correct in that the itinerary makes all the difference! It appears that the the majority of itineraries that we choose seem to not follow the recipe like the LA based cruises. We *rarely* see much participation at all on these themed deck parties. Just sharing our own personal experiences...
  12. While you will see various references to themes...you will rarely see a lot of participation, at least on itineraries *other* than Caribbean-based cruises. Even then you probably will not see much. We are just off a partial Panama Canal transit...almost no night life *on the decks* (and we had VERY comfortable temps!) Now...at the bars or in whatever "nightclub" type area the ship has that will be a bit different...but those will not be an organized event (usually).
  13. You beat me to it regarding how electrical current works! Several very interesting interpretations made in that post!
  14. I would just hold off a bit and try to book later. If it's a 2024 sailing you've got plenty of time. They may just be having issues with the booking system. (And we all know about the myriad of "issues" the website and their IT department have had over the past year or so...even longer!)
  15. DW will rarely (if ever) send anything out to the ship laundry...and she certainly is not going to do it self-serve! So...she pays the price by having to bring *everything* she's going to wear! Myself? I plan on sending out to the ship's laundry. Depending on length of cruise I may even do it more than once. I have even done the self-serve bit on a couple of occasions, although that would only happen on something like a transatlantic with lots of sea days. I just don't want to have to pack and lug around all of that weight! (In my luggage that is! 😄)
  16. While I very much respect the opinion of @Lady Arwen, we like to book the pre and post cruise hotels through Princess. Yes, we're fully aware that you can certainly "beat the price" by doing it yourself. However...there's really something to be said for just sitting back and letting Princess handle *everything*! We just consider this as part of our entire cruise package and don't worry about the cost. I particularly like the fact that Princess automatically throws in the transfers to/from airport/hotel (whichever direction is needed). When you factor the cost of those transfers into the total cost of the hotel package it really brings it much more in line with "do it yourself" endeavors. And there's always a Princess rep available (either at the airport and the hotel) to help guide things along. Since we have made the decision to always go in at least a day early before a cruise (don't get me started on *that* topic!) it just makes things go a whole lot smoother for us. We don't always do a post-cruise hotel; if we are domestic at cruise end we will often go straight on to the airport...still via a Princess transfer.
  17. It varies widely between cruises...but I *usually* see availability a good 6 months out...maybe even longer. Which cruise are you speaking of? Are you saying that *nothing* shows up?
  18. Same with us. We have more than made up the entire purchase price with the OBC benefits over what we paid for the stock. I doubt that we will ever sell the stock.
  19. I had read on another post about the sensors a couple of months ago. I decided to put together a small "tool pouch" with possible SMALL tools that just might come in handy while on a cruise. (You never know...) It is extremely small and takes up almost no space at all in checked luggage. All that to say...I included a tongue depressor with about 6 feet of painters tape wrapped around it. Worked like a charm for our room as well as our friends' room just a couple of weeks ago on the Caribbean Princess. My tool pouch is now included in my packing list.
  20. Well....not sure I agree with "or go back through security at CDG." On a couple of previous trips we definitely DID have to go through security. Never understood why.
  21. I was not aware that purchasing with rewards was possible...I've been giving them dollars.
  22. Clarification please: Are you speaking of purchasing gift cards or applying them to your cruise balance?
  23. Once I have narrowed down the cruise I want in the search criteria, I have always just clicked on the picture in the posting and it takes me into the booking process. Today, if I click on the picture it logs me out and gives me that "Cannot Continue" message...try later. 3 different computers/devices and different browsers. Well, I *finally* tried clicking on the "Cruise Details" button instead of the picture...and it works! Website crew strikes again!
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