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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. Gee, I would think after all those years at sea you would have thicker skin than to let some posts by people who have no idea of what they are writing about bother you. And remember there are many of us who are very grateful that you come to these boards and share your first hand knowledge.
  2. Same here as we are booked by an elevator.
  3. No ship on a stick for winning trivia, I guess the MG is a Carnival ship to avoid! 😒😢
  4. Yes, obviously, but my real question is the $50 credit still valid, or do they check and say "wrong person, full price"?
  5. What if the first person buys the excursion but then gives the excursion ticket to the second person?
  6. 😉, I can totally understand that.
  7. We were lucky in 2014 that we had an overnight, actually in Rosyth. We spent the day in Edinburgh and then went to the Tattoo. We had bought round trip train tickets, but unfortunately the last train back had already departed when we got there. We ended up taking a cab back.
  8. Another way you can reward exceptional service is to write up the employee as someone who made your cruise special. These commendations can lead to promotions.
  9. The only question is why did you not do that in the first place?
  10. The same happened to us years ago. When I posted about it, I was told I should have tried again. A different agent might have allowed it, but it was only a small amount ($35 IIRC), and I figured it would just be there to spend when we got onboard.
  11. For the last 31 years she taught art at a school so small she was the only art teacher for grades pre-k through 6. Not really worried about rowdy elementary school age children, but more about college age students.
  12. Sounds like the type of problem that you should have a TA to call, and let him or her spend the time on hold.
  13. it actually does make sense that a disembarking TOUR to an airport would qualify while a mere transfer to an airport would not. One of our best ever cruise line excursions happened to be a disembarking tour. It was through Princess from Dover to Heathrow airport and included a walk in Dover and then Canterbury.
  14. DW's career as an art teacher started well before our first cruise in 2002, but now she has retired from that job. We in the past never worried about Spring Break as all our cruises were during the summer. So now I ask, when exactly is the Spring Break time to avoid?
  15. Not really totally relevant as it was in a different city and pre-Covid, but we once had a great airline roundtrip offer available between Newark and Copenhagen. The return flight was scheduled at 9 AM. Both the cruise line (Princess) and our TA told us this was too early. We took the deal, but flew out the following morning heeding their advice. When the questionnaire for luggage tags was handed out, DW noticed that there was a tag for Continental flights at 9 AM. I then looked, and not only was she correct, but there was one for flights before 9 AM.
  16. But when one of those high volume cruise agencies intercede for you aren't you worried that you "lost control of your booking"? 🤣🤣🤣
  17. Call TA. Tell him (or her) what you are looking for. Get a quote. If it is satisfactory, say book it. Does not sound so complicated.
  18. We are probably also in that category. We do also have the problem that we approach dancing totally differently. DW wants to get the steps perfect; I just want the music to move my body. It gets interesting as she tries to lead although one of the basic rules of ballroom dancing is he leads, she follows. 😉
  19. Right, absolutely dead on. NY City is more than Manhattan. And New Jersey is not New York City. I do not know why there is any confusion about that.
  20. One of the nice things about Dover was our trip back to Heathrow. We took a Princess excursion that had us explore Dover and then go to Canterbury. On our cancelled Norwegian fjords cruise out of Southampton, we were going to also take the Princess excursion back to Heathrow. This one went to Stonehenge, and DW said she was looking forward to this even more than the cruise itself.
  21. I know London is listed as a departure port, sometimes as London (Dover) which we have done and sometimes as London (Southampton) which we had cancelled by Covid and now have booked for next summer.
  22. I had no passion for art, but now that I am married for 45 years to an art teacher (just retired), things have changed.
  23. I did not realize there was one in Nice. We have been to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.
  24. But this is not nearly the same situation as Florence, Rome, Athens, London, or Paris. Even if only Manhattan is what you intend to see it is merely a cab, bus, or subway ride away.
  25. That first port stop where we went to Nice is still one of our best, if not best, do it yourself excursions. In addition to that beach part, the 2 museums we went to were Matisse and Chagall. DW was (now retired) an art teacher. The only negative was DW said the place where she changed into her swimsuit (not topless) was the most vile place she was ever in. I believe it was a bathroom that was basically a hole in the ground. 😒
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