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Everything posted by quilty964

  1. Good afternoon from dreary SE Wisconsin. It rained for a while, an maybe some snow tomorrow. It was 40+ F yesterday. DH is busy watching basketball games, he's got Marquette in the final game, we shall see! @JazzyVThanks for including me on the cares list. You can take me off. I saw the Dr. today, he wasn't concerned about anything, but did change 1 med. Said to come back in a year. I'm loving all of the pictures today! The pandas are so cute! Prayers for all that need them, and cheers to everyone else! Karen
  2. Happy Tuesday from a sunny afternoon in SE Wisconsin. It's around 30 F, but the wind isn't so bad today so my walk wasn't too bad. A Brandy Old Fashioned and Supper Clubs are a "Wisconsin thing!" Some use brandy, but Bourbon seems to to popular also. Our son-in-law makes the best ones with Bourbon! Then there is the fruit or olive garnish "discussion!" People are very particular about that also! I've found a recipe for meatloaf, not Paleo, but good-it's covered with mashed potatoes and then some cheese and chopped up bacon...yum. It's my new "Take them a Meal" idea. Thanks for including me on the Cares list! Prayers for all who need them, and cheers for the rest! Karen
  3. Good morning all! Another snowy morning here, but I don't think it will amount to much. Our cruise was a month ago, and I think we've had more snow after than before we left. @StLouisCruisers your train pictures reminded me of Skagway and our train trip there! @grapau27Happy birthday to your Pauline! Birthday blessings to her! I have earmuffs, but I'm hoping they can be packed away soon! @RMLincolnso sorry to hear you tested positive for covid, hoping you recover quickly and without issues. I have a cardiologist appt. this week, i've been bothered with PAC's since I had it in March of 2020. Here's hoping everyone has a great day. Karen
  4. Good afternoon, a fun day here thanks to @RedneckBob! Happy birthday! 🙂 I also had a problem getting on CC this morning. Have a great rest of the day. I'm getting ready to teach a class to our 6th graders tomorrow. We have 9 teachers and 14 students...9 boys and 5 girls. We're going to make a pillowcase and then if we still have time, a little table runner. We have 5, 1 hour classes to accomplish this! Karen
  5. Good afternoon from a pleasant afternoon in SE Wisconsin. Just got home from our walk. I'm not a fan of pot roast, don't know what's for dinner because DD and family invited us over tonite. Haven't been to the port of the day, and I'm not sure I'd like the drink of the day. Give me a regular margarita on the rocks with some chips and guac on the side! Had that every afternoon as a snack on our recent Eurodam trip. Thanks to all who contribute and add to the wonderful conversation here! I was going through our trip pictures this morning, lots of good memories! The Panama Canal was quite amazing! Have a great rest of the day, Karen
  6. Good afternoon from cloudy SE Wisconsin. Have never been to Puerto Rico, but I do enjoy marching bands. I was in one during my grade school and HS years. Had a good time then. Our DGS is in his High School band, it's always fun to see them march during Football halftime! I also enjoy our Wisconsin Badgers band, have seen them "live" a few times, and they are always fun to watch! I enjoy seeing all of the pictures here everyday, and also enjoy the recipe sharing! Soon, people will be sharing their garden pictures. Our tulip, daffodil and hyacinth bulbs are starting to peek out. Saw a robin here the other day, maybe spring is on the way. @ger_77 I'm glad we don't get your winter temps, and every time you mention the "Frozen Tundra," it makes me think of our Packers and Lambeau field, also known as the Frozen Tundra! Just watched our DGD play basketball, now on to my next sewing project. Have a great rest of the weekend, Karen
  7. Sorry to hear of your quarantine. We were on the Eurodam earlier in February. As the 10 days went on, we heard lots of coughing. We wore masks, and tried to avoid crowded areas. Who knows about Covid or colds/flu on board, but we were very happy to come home with no illness.
  8. Happy Thursday from a dreary SE Wisconsin. We've had an "easy" winter, but some snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. Lots of "old" stuff in our house, and it keeps accumulating! Went to our church quilting group today, and brought home more fabric for baby quilts...hopefully it'll all get used! @Sharon in AZ my niece and her husband live in Tucson, 2 x this week they've sent snow pictures...they say it melts quickly though. I'd like to visit Norway some day. My mother's family came from there. They were from a central area of the country, so I don't think a cruise port would be near by, but it would be nice to visit. Prayers for all who need them and cheers for the rest. Karen
  9. So very sad, condolences to all of the friends and families.
  10. We were just on the Eurodam on deck 8. We were under the outside aft area, the tables under the covering were above us. We could hear chairs moving, but it really didn't bother us. We like the 8th deck because of the proximity to the Lido market and the outside areas.
  11. Happy Paczki day! They are a big deal around here. Lots of Polish immigrants here back in the day, and the tradition has carried on many years later. One of our local tv stations has 2 "roving" reporters at bakeries this morning! Our Milwaukee Dancing Grannies, who lost 4 members in the Waukesha Christmas parade tragedy were in NOLA the last several days for Mardi Gras and parades. From postings on their social media pages, they had a great time. They were in 1 parade and attended others! I drove by a bakery yesterday, but drove by, because I need to loose a few lbs after being on the Eurodam for 10 days. I don't know how people survive longer cruises...even though we tried to eat healthy, there were so many temptations! Never went hungry!! Haven't been to St. John, but the partial transit through the Panama Canal last week was a great day! We have some bad weather in the forecast for the next few days, snow, ice and sleet. Thanks for everyone who contributes here, prayers for all who need them and Yay for the celebrations!
  12. On Tuesday, the Captain said they were re-doing carpet and other updates in the dining rooms. I don't remember what else he said! 😉
  13. Good morning from a snowy day in SE Wisconsin. Not sure how much we'll get, but they cancelled all of the schools already last evening. Sad to see our cruise end, but our pup was glad to see us. We had a great time on the Eurodam. I'm still feeling the "motion of the ocean" today. We heard lots of coughing the last 2 days on the ship, and on our flights home yesterday. We had masks on in the crowded areas, so praying we stay healthy! Prayers for all that need them and "yay" for the others. We "cut the cord" with the cable tv service a while back, only issue is DH can't watch Brewers games anymore. It's back to cooking, etc. today. The recipe looks yummy! Thanks @dfish Karen
  14. Good morning and happy valentine's day from the eurodam. Sad to be on on our way home...it's been great!
  15. Good morning from the Eurodam. Sitting in Gatun lake, after going through the locks...amazing. we were in Port 2 days with harmony of the seas, that ship is huge! Happy weekend!
  16. Hello all, anyone know where the webcam is? We're on the Eurodam in February, and I'm just wondering where in the port area the camera is placed. Thanks, Karen
  17. @rafinmdGlad to hear that you got checked out, and that there are no fractures. Rest, and feel better soon... Karen
  18. We haven't been in aft cabins, but we like deck 8 because it's close to the lido buffet and the pool areas.
  19. You and your family will have fun. We've only been on a few cruises with HAL, but the kids on board seemed to be enjoying themselves. Our 1st cruise to Alaska had some multi-generational families, they all were enjoying themselves. My guess is during spring break, there will be many friends to be made! We usually eat in the Lido, and there are lots of choices there, not sure about the MDR. Enjoy your time! A mom on another popular social media site just shared their cruise around Christmas time. Her son had a great time, and the crew treated him like royalty! While on board, they even booked the next week, so they stayed on for 2 instead of 1 week!
  20. @kazuSo glad to hear you're back home. Prayers that you heal quickly and easily, back to full function and with minimal pain. @grapau27Prayers for your Sarah, you, Pauline and all of her caregivers. I'm patiently waiting to hear news from @Scrapnana We made a stop in 2020 to Grand Turk. We had a quiet day at the beach. We did get our toes wet in the beautiful water there! Karen
  21. Thank you for your update. Happy to hear you're on your way home. Prayers that all goes well from here forward.
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