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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. That was more embarassment than fear. Give me the Nit Nurse every time. Avril
  2. That has happened to us a couple of times too. One the old chestnut, mini bar items, and the other was a telephone call made before we had even boarded. I questioned both, and was refunded immediately. You would have thought that the number of times this has happened to people over the years that something would have been done about it by now, However, if it makes extra revevue because some don't notice or bother to ask for a small refund then......................... Avril
  3. The two words that struck fear into every child was 'School Dentist' It took years for me to get over the fear of dentists. When I was 28 I found a dentist with the off putting name of Greef. He promised me the only pain he would give me was with his singing and he was true to his word. His singing was dreadful, but he cured my fear of dentists. Avril
  4. I think we still have one🤔 Just checked and it was lifted Dec 6th. Shows what I know.😏 Avril
  5. @P&O SUEI'm sorry your Mum is not too well, but you know we oldies are tougher than we look. Especially the female of the the species😉😁. I hope she's feeling somewhat better today and pass on all the get well wishes from your CC friends.💐 I know it's not easy, but try not to worry too much Sue, she's being well looked after.🤗 Avril
  6. The first one. Just before he takes a penalty😉 Avril
  7. I thought the bags were all one colour bro. I didn't know you could chose a colour to match the tablecloth.🤔 Isn't it great what they do nowadays🥴 Sis
  8. Very true. While in Hong Kong, we visited a monastary on Lantau Island and were served a vegetarian lunch and green tea. We were all enjoying the refreshing tea when a lady complained rather loudly that that it was awful. When asked why she said '' When are they bringing the milk and sugar?'' ''It's full of tea leaves anyway so I don't think I'll bother. Ugh, disgusting!'' That was in 1994, so yes, odd memories are never forgotten. Avril
  9. I know you're feeling disappointed Michelle, but it sounds to be really good news after all. You can look forward to planning your cruise now. I love Maderia, it's a beautiful island. Avril
  10. That would be one thing they'd never be short of if they did. Avril
  11. That was the only thing I found, but I need to change our dining preference, so on to the P&O call centre tomorrow. Should be fun😏 Avril
  12. They've changed that too have they?😏 Yes, I booked Select so I'll give them a ring tomorrow. Avril
  13. That's a good idea Jean, I shall do that now. Thank you😊 At least I will if I can find it😬!!!!!! Avril
  14. Well if the Arvia maiden was as bad as is being reported he won't admit it will he? Not unless he wants to lose his job that is😉 I would imagine that ''99.9% of passengers having a fantastic time'' would apply to any cruise. Avril
  15. We don't choose our cruise line or ship by others experiences, but by our own. All tastes are different, but then again there are also others who live to complain. When we began cruising with P&O in 2010, and were happy and comfortable with the service thay provided. We tried RCI, not our cup of tea, so went back to where we were more comfortable. I know things were already gradually changing, no flowers or sweets in the cabin etc, that didn't matter to us, they weren't important to the comfort or service onboard, and our last cruise in November 2019 was very enjoyable. What concern us are the reports from all ships, about the lack of service and the loss of certain amenities that made our cruise enjoyable. That is the only thing that concern us. They may be unimportant to many, but to us they matter. Avril
  16. I agree Jean. We have one booked Aurora for Dec 2023 and are begining to wonder now whether to forego the deposit and look elsewhere. It seems the changes made on the new ships will be implemented fleet wide. Avril
  17. That'll teach you to empty your own pockets first Avril
  18. I can understand that one. I had the same problems with Frank being a carpenter/joiner. When we were on our 3rd new machine I decided it was more cost effective to empty his pockets myself. Avril
  19. I don't think she would be that subtle wowzz, she's a Yorkshire lass. Avril
  20. I'm sure it does Phil, it's all the mushy peas😁 Avril
  21. Happy New Year everyone. We had a quiet evening, in bed for 11.15pm but then shaken awake at midnight by the outbreak of WW3, at least that's what it sounded like. I have never heard fireworks so loud that the ground vibrated and the sky lit up like it was daylight. I have a feeling they were display fireworks. I had a busy morning, joint now cooking and veg prepped for tonights dinner, then phoning or face timing with family, something I always do New Year's Day, much nicer to personally wish them a happy new year. I don't nomally make new year resolutions as I always break them and then feel disappointed in myself, but this year I'm turning over a new leaf. After speaking with my sister, 83 years old, 2 cruises last year, 1 coming this March and Aurora booked for 2024, who goes out for a walk every day with my 87 year old BIL, I've realised what a coward I've become, and that I'm stupidly letting life pass me by. So this year I'm stepping back into the world and dragging Frank with me. 1st, the 9lb that crept on since 2020 is going. 2nd, when the weather picks up, we're going into Barnsley to look around the new centre, I'm told it's lovely, and last but not least, I'm going to begin planning for our cruise in December, and also research for next years cruise as well. I hope everyone's 2023 is what you wish it to be, and maybe we will meet sometime on a cruise ship. Avril
  22. A very Happy and Healthy New Year to all posters and lurkers on CC, and a special New Year wish to Sharon for this much needed and important thread. Long may it continue. ✨ HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE🥂 Avril and Frank. xx
  23. I would love to see some photos of the fireworks if you find time. It's been a few years since I last saw that magnificant display. Have a Happy New Year . Avril
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