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Everything posted by ChutChut

  1. I think there might be a lesser charge for kids in the Crown Grill 0 $14.50, I think.
  2. Last time I checked, kids those ages were allowed in the Crown Grill. I know I took my daughter to Crown Grill when she was 6.
  3. Is there someone in the corporate department who might be able to help you? Perhaps Guest Relations in Seattle, etc.?
  4. A "doctor" advised an alcoholic pregnant woman to continue to drink and endanger the baby? Unreal.
  5. Stats reveal vast majority don't make enough and pay no fed income taxes. Uber rich/wealthy, etc. pay vast majority of taxes.
  6. Very tragic. The ocean is a shark's grocery store and, as such, we are potential targets. They don't have hands to grab stuff and feel if it's food, so their teeth do the work. Most attacks are investigatory bites (at least, purportedly, for Great Whites). The bull shark is unrelenting and will return again and again. Again, very tragic.
  7. Correct. Advanced age and then co-morbidities and then just how your individual immune system reacts to these viruses, etc. Everyone has to assess their own, individual risk, etc.
  8. Usually only a crime if you INTENTIONALLY infect someone with a deadly virus, etc. If we prosecuted everyone who negligently/accidentally infected someone with the flu, the cold, etc. and that person was compromised and died, lots of people would be behind bars.
  9. I think at some point they were unlimited and then people started guzzling insane amounts.
  10. Good info. Thank you. I'd rather pull out my fingernails with pliers than call Princess right now!!! I'll wait and try again in a few days. Thank again!
  11. Familiarize yourself with the Royal deck plan. You can go on Princess website or other websites that might provide photos of that particular cabin, etc. Also look at the cabin review section on Cruise Critic or do a general search for your desired cabin in the forum section. That way, you can determine if other cruisers like and dislike in terms of location, noise, vibration, etc.
  12. Having problems processing an excursion for my upcoming November cruise. Might be an overall website issue.
  13. Just looked at Princess' health page. You don't have to test if you're fully vaxxed unless you're going to one of the countries or doing one of the itineraries referenced in the footnotes of the page.
  14. According to Princess' website, you don't have to test if your cruise is in December 2022 unless you're on one of the specified itineraries, etc. in the footnotes of its vax/healthpage.
  15. Sounds as if you've got it down now! Enjoy the restaurants!
  16. Actually - two if Pfizer or Moderna and only one if J&J. Don't need three of anything for Princess to deem you "fully vaccinated."
  17. I may not have read the post as closely as I should have. It appears it was an OBC - not a CC credit.
  18. Liability issue, especially when excursion has moderate or greater activity level. Pertains to ability to get insurance, etc. I'd book a private tour. BTW - Princess had quite a few 72-75 age limit excursions (also weight limits, etc.)
  19. Dispute the charge on your credit card. Tell them you have attempted more than once to have Princess resolve this but, to date, have been unsuccessful. That's what I do when the business is giving me the run around.
  20. Yes, but it's tinier than an outhouse on a manure farm!
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