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Everything posted by icft

  1. After all the various gyrations in Guy's and still not back to the original my opinion is that they could serve poop and Guy would approve as long as he got paid. Most times the fries they serve these days are not bad, but they are not Guy's. It is like if the French had a shortage of grapes and started making champagne with California grapes. Might be good, but the name champagne would then mean "whatever is cheap and available" which is what Guy's now means to me.
  2. Yeah, they keep that hidden for some reason. If it is a casino promotion you can go to: https://oceanplayersclub.com/contact/ At the bottom of the page click "Verify Casino Offer" and they can tell you what offer (by name though I have never asked for the code so you can try asking for that) you are under and what comes with it. I would really like it if they put the the code on stuff. In my opinion Carnival is not the most ethical outfit and I always worry that I will get on the ship and they will say we're under some other code and I have nothing to show the code I booked. Since we always sail on casino offers I just use the link above to get something in writing. But in almost forty cruises I have only needed the verification email twice.
  3. I have gotten the impression that Carnival does make special efforts to have better food on its big new ships. We haven't been on one of those but overall the reports are of good food on them. On the other hand the overall reports of food on their other ships is bad. We have seen it steadily decline on our eleven cruises since reopening. Yet I continue to hear some folks say the food was good on older ships. I have decided that there are areas in the United States where terrible food is the norm. My mother always told me that, but I didn't believe her. She said they call it New England for a reason; things carried over from England, including the food. Having spent some time in England I do know their food sucks (other than fish and chips) unless you go to an Indian, French, or other such restaurant. They conquered much of the world to get away from bad food and in search of decent food. So, to those who think Carnival food is good, I say stay away from south Louisiana because you will be miserable with the food back home for the rest of your lives.
  4. I think most did indeed get your point and enjoyed the way you presented it. I know it made me chuckle.
  5. I think that if you check the prices for those rooms that can hold 3 or 4 guests that the price is based on double occupancy.
  6. One thing I will note about Glory. I think it was early 2022, they did a wet dock that changed out much of the interior public areas. They changed carpets, wall treatments, ceilings and generally made the public areas nice. Those areas are still nice and they have steadily done things like refinishing table tops and reupholstering furniture in the public areas while cruising since. It is the cabins that are in sore need of refinishing these days. Some of the cabins are in close to rent by the hour shape. I don't see how the time span mentioned would be enough to redo all the rooms, but that is what Glory needs.
  7. But the thing is many others will buy them. I mean, I'm with you. I'm not going to waste money, but apparently a lot of folks do. Why else would there still be art auctions and jewelry stores on the ships?
  8. Enforcement is rarely a problem for Carnival - they just don't try to enforce. 😲😁
  9. You may have security software on your phone that won't allow a browser window to be opened over an unsecured wi-fi connection unless that unsecured connection allows VPN to operate over it (with VPN being part of the security software). Our plain ol' AT&T security software prevents that. Like many businesses, Carnival throws out QR codes and like many businesses they have unsecured wi-fi (unless you purchase an internet plan) available for QR code or similar uses. Due to the admittedly small risk posed by either of those things we don't use QR codes or unsecured wi-fi. The MDR folks were not happy with us back when they wanted you to scan a QR code using their unsecured wi-fi to see the menu. https://www.ic3.gov/Media/Y2022/PSA220118 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-hack-a-open-wifi/# We do use the Hub app since it can't access the rest of the phone and that has the menu these days.
  10. Yeah, but I've played this game with my wife before. "Starting At" means à la carte and the upsell is what gets you.
  11. Ummm... Is "Butler Service" code for something else?
  12. I agree 100%. For the first 40 years of my life waxed paper straws were the norm and they did a great job. I don' think a lot of the "eco-conscious" stuff is a real attempt to be eco-consious but rather marketing to guilt. In my younger days we not only had waxed paper disposable straws and cups but we also had brown paper bags at the grocery that you used to line your kitchen garbage bin. These young folks who accuse us boomers of not respecting the environment are the ones who brought in disposable plastic straws, water bottles, grocery bags, garbage bin liners, once a year plastic phones... But the new generations don't think it counts unless you suffer. Gotta earn your cred. 🤣
  13. 🤣 And most of them are quite happy to have TSA grope grandma in a fruitless exercise. At least dogs have a high success rate. "In recent undercover tests of multiple airport security checkpoints by the Department of Homeland Security, inspectors said screeners, their equipment or their procedures failed more than half the time, according to a source familiar with the classified report. When ABC News asked the source if the failure rate was 80 percent, the response was, 'You are in the ballpark'..."
  14. I hope the patient does well. And yes, the Coast Guard search and rescue folks are truly amazing - unsung heroes.
  15. Just a few thoughts. 1. The OP said it was not a big deal. Somehow when someone mentions something on CC folks assume they are seething and can't sleep at night for the angst. The OP didn't get, didn't care enough to interrupt his vacation enjoyment to track it down and now they are back essentially saying "whatever happened to..." 2. Folks here seem to forget that pre-covid you didn't have to do a lot of research before a cruise. You got on the ship and they took care of you just as they had done even before Carnival had an internet site or there was a CC or YouTube. On our first cruise in 2001 we knew nothing. Your cabin steward and the Fun Times told you everything you didn't know you needed to know (the app is great for finding things you know to look for, but reading the Fun Times you found out about things you didn't even know you needed to know). On that first cruise we didn't miss a thing even though we did no research and really gave it no thought - it was just a lark to see what cruising was. 3. I'm happy for all the folks that Carnival informed about new ways post-covid, but on our September 2021 cruise neither me or my wife got any emails about changes other than a ton of stuff about proof of vaccine and masks. Our cabin had no paper at all let alone any notice about where to get water etc. Sure, now for some cruises we get an email with that kind of information but it is hit and miss (and sometimes we get emails about a cruise while we are on the cruise or after we get back) so I have no problem understanding that the OP didn't get any email and didn't know to go looking for things he didn't know he needed to go look for. Bottom line, for about 48 years all you need to know was how to get on the ship and they would fill you in on the rest once you were aboard. Now you have to do research to even know what you need to research. The OP was caught unawares by the change but now knows. Why keep piling on?
  16. I completely understand where you are coming from. Our first cruise post-covid we were in the same boat but Diamond. No notification from Carnival that anything had changed with regard to the items in the room. Like you it wasn't a big enough deal to go stand in that long customer service line. Then I came across CC and when I mentioned it I got the same response you are getting. I apparently didn't get the memo that the only place to get information on a Carnival cruise was CC and I was an idiot for not knowing that and spending hours on CC to find out what Carnival had changed. In my opinion one of Carnival's main customer strategies is a form of gaslighting. They change things, don't mention it, then try to make you think it has always been that way. If they know that won't work then they say it is temporary, like bacon only every other day, due to covid shortages and supply chain issues. If you were to pin them down now they would probably just say it has been that way for years.
  17. Yeah, but on port days the MDR closes at something like 9am. We're retired - past wage slave hours and before nursing home hours - party late and sleep late, so can't make port day MDR breakfast.
  18. I didn't read the referenced review, but I can tell you what we think of Vista. We sailed her once, said we would never again sail a Vista class ship and we haven't. They designed it to feel cramped and crowded. They did their best to make you feel like you are a rat in a maze on land. I guess they want to appeal to folks who are susceptible to motion sickness and don't want them to realize they are at sea so they went for the crowded mall in Phoenix feel. Just my opinion.
  19. Day trading Carnival stock for OBC?
  20. There are as many ways as there are tax consultants. Here's an easy one: Make money influencing cruisers? Tax deduction for whole trip.
  21. Perhaps I have missed or misunderstood something but the OP said, " her application for passport was denied because she supplied the wrong version of birth certificate. she waited almost 2 months to tell me and then request a new copy of her birth certificate (she says they kept the other one). she has a photocopy of the very very beat up birth certificate she turned in." If what she sent in to get a passport was "the wrong version" it would appear to me what she sent in is not a valid birth certificate. So how would having either the original of something that is not accepted as a birth certificate by the U.S. government or a copy of that invalid document help anything? Since the OP said, "she has a photocopy of the very very beat up birth certificate she turned in" and never mentioned a photo copy of any other document I assume it is a copy of the invalid document that is under discussion. But they sound like Carnival's target new cruisers and Carnival will do everything possible to get them on board so they should take what they have and hope for the best.
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