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Everything posted by PescadoAmarillo

  1. My husband has happily used Galveston Express twice this winter and will use it again. The fares differ from Hobby and IAH, but from Hobby it’s just $30 for a senior. Princess charges the same for either airport and it’s $54.
  2. We’ve spent quite a bit of time in Tahiti and French Polynesia. Because we were there for a longer period, we always used local currency. I searched Google Maps for ATM’s in Papeete. We’ve used the one I’ve circled many times with no issues. It’s just a short walk on a wide sidewalk around the marina from where the ship will be docked. It’s been more than 5 years, but I do not recall tour operators by the Vai’are ferry dock on Moorea. We’ve taken a taxi to the nearby Sofitel (see beautiful pics on this thread), tipped the pool attendant well and bought food and drinks and enjoyed the pool and beach there. I think the Lagoonarium, which was fantastic, has not re-opened after COVID. We’ve also used Julienne’s Safari Tours. She spoke limited English but drove around the island and up to the Belvedere, which is well worth it on a clear day. https://tahititourisme.com/en-us/business/julienne-tours-safari/ Except for the Sofitel, there is very little to do around the ferry terminal on Moorea. You can see on the map below how far the ferry terminal is from Opunohu Bay, where the Majestic is likely to anchor, or Cooks Bay, especially by road. Lots of Moorea tour ideas in my blog (link below, click in Moorea label on right side).
  3. Tracie-Lynn, how have I missed this for three days? (Oh, maybe because I was getting someone out the door for his own cruise). I already wished you Happy Birthday on FB but here is another one because you’re worth celebrating twice! Thank you so much for thinking of me with your chicken Korma. Still haven’t quite recovered from being ripped away from that last March. So rude! I ordered some last summer while on vacation and it just wasn’t the same. Glad to hear you’re finally feeling better, and happy to report that, ten months after I got sick, I can finally say the same. You will do great on the Camino (watch Homemade Wanderlust’s YouTube videos of her experience doing it). I am in training myself, for Antarctica, mostly by getting the mail in single digit temps. 😆 Cruise on!
  4. Goodness. I wonder what island is close? You’re kind of in the middle of nothing.
  5. You can take a taxi but the driver is not going to be thrilled with the fare. If you’re at Piers 2 and 4, they are perpendicular to each other and it’s a couple of minute walk between them. If they are further apart (I forget exactly, because it’s been a few years, but I think Princess also uses Pier 21), Port Everglades runs a shuttle bus that can take you to the other ship (in reality it’s to return cruisers to their cars that might be in another lot). You can check the berth the ships will be at shortly before that day at https://pevvesseltraffic.broward.org/webx/.
  6. To be fair, the issue we’ve had with DH’s cabins being changed are, I think related to his doing B2Bs, but it still shouldn’t happen. They’re all marked no upgrades of any kind. Specially, I book him in a balcony cabin in one of his two favorite locations. Then he adds a cruise and I get him as close to that one as I can. Then he adds another cruise and there is nothing close by so he is booked in a balcony cabin on another (lower) deck, more mid ship. Princess thinks this is a higher category. Then, without notifying him, he gets moved to a cabin close to that third one for all of his cruises. I’m sure they (their system) think that’s wonderful; he’s in the same cabin in a (theoretically) higher cabin category. But he really didn’t want to be in that location at all. This happened twice. One time I could get him back in his original cabin for one cruise but not the other. But it took a couple of hours in chat to do that, because it’s a change in cabin category. And another time, though his original cabin was available when the chat started, they took so long that it disappeared.
  7. Sorry, I don’t feel comfortable doing that without asking her. And since she didn’t post it here herself, she might not want to make it public. But I’ll ask her.
  8. You can’t. The CCL OBC is based on the number of booking ID #s, and you have one. But you’re in luck, because instead of two $100 OBCs, you’ll get a single $250 OBC. You will get a new minibar setup on turnaround day. you’ll love doing B2B cruises.
  9. I am GREEN with envy. Hurtigruten is the least expensive I’ve found, but since DH has negative interest in going (says he can sit in his recliner and see snow covered mountains for free) I am actually looking at Ponant’s Le Commandant Charcot. They occasionally have cruises with no single supplement which makes them simply outrageously priced, not exorbitantly. In fact, they have one that goes from Ushuaia to Lyttelton, NZ for 28 nights. Goals….
  10. DH said yesterday that what he’s doing this year, booking last minute cruises, is as close as he’ll ever get to what people who live in California and Florida can do all the time. He booked Wednesday to cruise Sunday. In his case, having a lot of Southwest points definitely helps, though this weekend he’s spending a night in a La Quinta to save a lot of points, but I have flights for him to come home on four different dates.
  11. Lots, but not so many that the monster ships go to. That’s what was so perfect about the Pacific Princess. Not many ships go to Korcula, Portofino, French Polynesia, etc. Glad we got to Venice while we could.
  12. I look at that cruise all the time, literally a couple of times each week. I’m just not feeling like spending that much to return to a place we’ve already been for months, at least not while the Arctic and Antarctic still wait. Hope it’s a great cruise!!
  13. Count us among the Pacific Princess’s most ardent fans, also. We had ELEVEN cruises booked on the Pacific when COVID hit, and then the ship was sold. I’m still in mourning. The reality is that we lucky ones had found a tiny corner of the Princess product that especially appealed to us…and the rest of the Princess product is growing in the opposite direction. I look at Azamara and Oceania (they got some of those old Renaissance ships, also) cruises often, and would be happy to reduce cruising days to sail on their ships, but haven’t yet found the perfect cruise with enough new ports to justify the expense.
  14. They used to run the bus just on turnaround days (not port visits) and I think it dropped all passengers in front of the immigration museum.
  15. They may have butchered the ship but that promenade is beautiful. Friends are with you on the WC and she is blogging. She mentioned something about weigh ins and “so far so good”. Surely that’s not a sponsored event? Is there just a scale in the gym?
  16. Target in Honolulu us your friend on a WC. You can order online using their app, pick up the order inside the store and take it back to the ship. No need to spend time shopping.
  17. I can’t log into the app except with the Booking ID. Using my log in and password that I use to log in online has never once worked. Then, online, I can’t do the app functions in the cruise Personalizer because it says the booking is already linked. I can go into the cruise Personalizer, I just can’t complete the check in or do DMW. Yesterday, for the cruise my husband just booked, I had no issue choosing his dining times, but can’t do any check in. It just spins and tells me to try again later. He cruises Sunday. It’s a mess.
  18. We don’t do the casino cash out any longer. Seems like cheating to us when it’s clearly stated it’s not allowed. But we also refuse to leave the ship being owed anything from Princess. Between purchasing items I use anyway from the cosmetics shop on board, doing some purposeful gambling and transferring it the crew appreciation fund, we manage to use it all up.
  19. There are some amazing fares out there right now, though I don’t see any as low as you’re being offered. My husband saw the weather forecast for next week and booked one. He SAYS he needs to train for his summer races in warmer weather. 🤨
  20. That first turnaround should allow you to come and go as you wish. But in Melbourne, it doesn’t make a huge difference. Any sightseeing in Melbourne is at least a tram (109 I think) away. You’ll probably leave the ship and not return for hours anyway.
  21. We have boarded a cruise in Melbourne, but not done a TAD (😊) there that I recall. However, if it’s like Sydney, it’s a bit different than US turnarounds and very different than turnarounds in other foreign ports. Unless the ship is not leaving Australia waters on the next cruise (ie Tasmania), you may leave the ship at any time up to when they call for in transits to disembark but you can only reboard it one time. You can’t go shopping, bring the items back to the ship and leave again to go sightseeing. Nothing else special stands out. But I understand what the OP is asking. Some cruise lines (HAL used to do this) offer in transits a special lunch sometime during the cruise on a sea day.
  22. Thank you. I didn’t know either, despite having done a few of them. 😆
  23. Yes it is possible and can be done at Guest Services. Princess’s concern will be that they have a credit card on file for each person (ie if that person was an authorized user of someone’s credit card in the previous cabin, that they remain an authorized user of it in the new cabin or have a different credit card to register). No need to switch medallions: it’s all done in their system.
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