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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. Oh my! I didn't know that the CruiseNext Haven dertificates could be used on non-Haven rooms! I see it in the T&C, but I'm wondering if this is new since it's the first I've heard of it. This would make it better to buy the $500 certificates. Anyone have experience of this? On non-Haven bookings, that is.
  2. No, it¨s not onboard only! It's in the terms and conditons on the web. I can't link to the US site (I'm in Europe), but just check the T&C. If indeed you happen to have a balcony or above already booked and it's more than 4 months away, use the app and apply a certficate as has been describes numerous times.
  3. Well that is hoaw it always is with CN. Buy 4, get 500 OBC. Edit: I think I misunderstood the first time I read it. I guess you say that apart from those 500 you had more from the early departure
  4. Oh come on! I see people daily about to go off att the wrong floor until someone calls them back. Especially between floors 4 and 5 on my most recent cruise. (Not to mention all the people asking "what deck is this?")
  5. I am monitoring a particular cruise. The price difference between the 35 % and 50 % promos came to a few Euros. The crossed over price was increased for the 50% promo. It went from around 2200 to 2600 or something like that.
  6. Eh... No... Wasn't charged in Alaska. AFAIK Alaska is part of USA. 😄
  7. It's not as easy as in USA. There is a cancellation fee from day one. If you work with a NCL PCC (Personal Cruise Consultant) you can have conversations about doing cabin upgrade cheaply if price drops and you don't want to cancel/rebook. The PCC can tell you your options.
  8. Unfortunately I don't. I have no plans to travel in that region, so I haven't done any research in a long time.
  9. I can relate to that... 😄
  10. I know this is something repeated a lot here at CC, but my experience is that it doesn't matter if you used any of your minutes or not. Maybe it's ship dependant (or rather Internet Manager dependent), but on both my recent Star cruises this has been the case. If it is important to you, don't risk it though! (I'll be going on another ship in December and will check it out there as well because I'm kind of curious about this and I won't upgrade either way so nothing to lose.)
  11. It's a few years since I was in Egypt, but I think this is pretty standard for all tours. It might actually even be compulsory, at least for buses.
  12. I have heard that it's not allowed, but I haven't heard of it being enforced. I've seen door decors on my cruises this year and they have not been removed.
  13. I haven't been on Sky, but I suspect much is the same fleetwide. I keep a small stash of fruit (2-3 pieces) in my room. Just in case... I also keep a water bottle (refilled in the buffet) in the fridge. Also just in case...
  14. It's true that in general people are more inclined to share their bad experiences than the good ones. So the number of bad reviews isn't necessary telling it all. I do however often read bad reviews because they can tell me SOMETHING about whatever it is (book, film, hotel, cruise...). I check out what in particular they are unhappy with to see if these are things I care about or not. The wording can also be a hint to if this is a "complainer" (In 5-star systems I often find the 3-star revies most informative. Some good and som bad. Like it so often is!)
  15. I'd be very surprised if it wasn't one of the many glitches NCL system has had lately.
  16. The same in Sweden! Sweden is a very small market for NCL, but I'm sure other countries have similar rules. I'm amazed they can get away with this!
  17. Are you talking about Studio cabins? They do tend to sell out but not that far in advance. Are you setting the number of passengers to one? If you don't the solo options will not show up.
  18. There was a "live" report here from a cruise I was on earlier this year. When browsing through it I frequently thought the same as you say in the headline. The person writing had lots of complaints and I just kept thinking "WHAT??". I guess it shows how differently we can perceived things.
  19. I have reserved both Moderno and Teppanyaki through the app multiple times without issues. But, as has been stated, you have to reserve them before any a la carte speciality restaurants. (I book for two even though I'm solo.) That is with the FreeAtSea free speciality. If you're planning to use a Platinum coupon to get it for free I guess it would be different.
  20. 😄 Yeah... This time I could really see how they upped the "original" price and coming to the exact same amount as with the 35% "sale" on a cruise I'm monitoring. Not even a single dollar less than yesterday! 😄 Soooo shady! 😮
  21. Biscuits and gravy on Star in October. Not something I like, so didn't try.
  22. A very good point that agree wholeheartedly with! But I can also see the opposite point. I am now retired, but if it had been during my busiest working years it could have been a good thing to have the sea days in the beginning to be able to wind down and get into vacation mode before hitting lots of ports.
  23. Yes it was! I had one, it was fine for me, but I'm not a hash brown eater myself, so my take on "fine" really doesn't say much. FWIW I would say "fine" but I wouldn¨go as far as "yummy"
  24. I don't remember them telling me anything one way or the other. I already knew I needed the Internet upgrade so it wasn't a big deal to me. But I can't recall them ever saying much about the OBC at the desk, then or at later cruises. Just their "amazing offer" to scrap the OBC and double up my certificates instead (which of course comes to the same 125/each price so not really that amazing...)
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