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Everything posted by techteach

  1. @BklynBoy8 I know the Golden Lion is open on embarkation, we just never made it there at all. Every time we walked past it was packed. But DH just said he is willing to go. Since we’ve now been on QM2 I think we’ll explore more on this next cruise. We ate every meal in the QG on our TA, partly because we had a lovely people sitting around us, and the food was very good. I’m more inclined to order a salad in the QG than in the Golden Lion. 🙂
  2. Fish had to be flown in or caught in a lake. Trout, smelt, sunfish. We now eat fish twice a week because we live close to quality fish. But, those fish sticks weren’t quality, knowing my mom they were the cheapest in the freezer section. Now I’m craving fish and chips!
  3. So you could hear at any time if your bid was accepted. We’re still 50 days outs.
  4. Checking in - Has anyone had an offer accepted?
  5. Fish fingers. Perhaps they are similar to what were called Fish Sticks. They came out of a box and mom popped them onto a pan and into the oven. Best eaten with loads of ketchup. Just remembering them brings a visceral fishy smell. I wouldn’t touch one now. I wonder how many people won’t eat fish as adults because they had to eat fish sticks as a kid.
  6. Ditto @Victoria2 We enjoyed the deck even in August.
  7. techteach

    Pol Aker?

    @bluemarble Have Fun!!!
  8. @exlondoner I have not heard of Stargazy Pie. I have a problem with shrimp being served with their heads also. Also, no sea urchin. Must be something about fish. I appreciate being educated. Many thanks to both of you @D&N. Was it an eel?
  9. @D&N Not sure what I would do if a fish appeared on my plate looking at me. A very interesting presentation.
  10. There is a famous YouTub (sp. on purpose) cruise reviewer who has a video about cruise critic. He says to ignore reviews but pay attention to the information on the threads and use it to glean information. Thanks for your question, and I bet there will be lots of responses. I can’t comment on the QV because I haven’t sailed on her, but she is on our list to do the same cruise you are looking at. If you decide to take the cruise please post your impressions here. Take Care -
  11. @Nemanoxer No one will hate you. Be happy, it’s your holiday.
  12. Fascinating @sfred. Thanks for posting.
  13. DH and I were talking about 2025, our next cruise year. I really want to try QV based on so many positive comments on CC. We are just really limited to time of year due to DH’s work responsibilities. I’ll be so glad when he retires! We have QM2 for the 4th of July cruise, and if it were to be cancelled I have DH convinced to do Alaska on QE.
  14. @Rothko1 I hate to disagree with you but there have been lots of judgmental comments made. Hattie usually locks them when they get bad.
  15. Let’s just do what we want to do and not judge others negatively for what they want to do. There are so many more problems in the world we could be worrying about.
  16. White glove luggage service can deliver it to the ship from your home, but they usually need 2 weeks. Their link is on the Cunard website, it is actually luggage forward. We used them last year and highly recommend them. (I think it’s actually called luggage forward). We had 2 large suitcases shipped home from NYC and it was super easy and worth every penny.
  17. Sharing information about great wine from my state. (Wow…sorry about that link) https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fflemail.flipboard.com%2Fredirect%2Fws%3Flang%3Den%26uid%3D15138405%26utm_source%3Demail%26utm_medium%3Drecipes.mon.rd.20230424%26utm_campaign%3Demail-2022%26v%3D47278f2794583cd6%26web_url%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fflipboard.com%2F%40tonyandlibby%2Fchampagne-cognac-wine-e7fktj72z%3Futm_source%3Demail%26utm_medium%3Drecipes.mon.rd.20230424%26utm_campaign%3Demail-2022%26section_url%3Dflipboard%3A%2F%2FshowSection%2Fresolve%252Fflipboard%252Furl%25252Fhttps%25253A%25252F%25252Fflipboard.com%25252F%252540tonyandlibby%25252Fchampagne-cognac-wine-e7fktj72z&data=05|01||23cfab60fd694a26512008db44ddb1e8|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|638179491200176685|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|3000|||&sdata=Ha5pUrrsOQPJVCfmF2mb9QFpQfU22iLBBHA1n9cDTSY%3D&reserved=0
  18. @safarigal I just played the video for our 2 1/2 year old grandson and he watched every bit of it, imitating the horns. When it ended, “Where the boats go?” Thanks for the video.
  19. @Windsurfboy Thank you very much for your post. We haven’t sailed on QV or QE, but have added it to the list of must do’s.
  20. @NE John If this thread gets locked I’m holding your responsible! 😋
  21. Sounds like they need him down in the engine room today.
  22. Fortuitous that Stephen Payne is on board.
  23. @safarigal YEAH!! It certainly was a noisy race. Your video is almost 4 minutes long. How long did the race actually last? I love the chearing. I wonder if someone on the QV will post a video so we can hear what was happening there.
  24. Gotta share my day — Our house is going to be painted this spring. Our painter arrived today, a week earlier than planned, to power wash it. I have deleted everything I wrote after this…deck isn’t cleared, and won’t be until tomorrow noon, water is coming in through windows that open and under the front door. Plus, I have a head cold and running up and down 3 flights of stairs is making me grumpy. SO glad we have the fake review to make me laugh. I hope you are having a better day than I.
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