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Everything posted by A&L_Ont

  1. I asked Sharon when I saw her this afternoon and she looked at me like I had a hole in my head. She then asked if the noodles would be cooked or raw, and I said “I have no idea”. Now Sharon asks, how would one do this?
  2. No, I’ve never tried that before. I don’t think Sharon would ever allow this to happen in her house, but I will mention it to her when I see her next.
  3. I agree with you. We have never had wifi that we could access, but have “seen” it from the ship but could never connect. I used cellular data on the beach.
  4. Thanks for the holiday wishes. Here are a few photos from our Thanksgiving yesterday, from here in Canada. My plate of food. Most everyone finished their seconds before I did my first. Thank-you jaw. 😉
  5. Eating is getting a bit easier. At my last appointment (Tuesday) they took moulds of my teeth and I will be getting upper and lower appliances to wear at night and in the day. The day time one is much smaller and in only on my lower teeth, and the upper is larger and only for nighttime. When they did the lower one, I could hear popping in my jaw and it felt pretty painful. However, right after I could open my jaw twice as far. Unfortunately at this point, it doesn’t move that far. I currently only use the temporary one at night.
  6. @dani negreanu I can not imagine how you felt this morning to wake as a nation under attack. There are so many things I could wish for, but right now I am praying for your safety as well as the people that surround your family.
  7. Congratulations to you two. This was our Thursday night. Owen’s team is 0-3 this year. Hopefully you will have better luck than our boys. Unfortunately I think they will be out in the first game of playoffs. The senior program does not get the same coaching skills as the junior program. We personally know more than 6 players that either quit or didn’t even tryout this year because of the coaching techniques. Last night was spent at the hockey rink.
  8. Soybean harvest has begun. We came home from Owen's baseball tryouts to see the harvest moon rising. Going to be another dry hot one here today, in the 80s.
  9. Thanks Mac. These all seem like amazing options and I’d be very interested in hearing about Oceania after you have sailed on them. We are very relaxed travellers and the smaller capacity ships have caught my eye. We have done a few AI along the way, and looking at the sea is just not the same as being on the sea.
  10. Mac, who have you been looking at as alternatives for example AI or other cruise lines.
  11. Tuesday is the TMJ clinic. Thankfully, I’ve never been bitten by any ticks or nor shown any symptoms of Lyme disease. It’s not to say that it couldn’t be a possibility. I’ll keep that in the back on my mind, for just in case purposes.
  12. Just the one side and I can chew on both. That said, when having food in my mouth and making complicated “shewing moves” can hurt.
  13. It was dead. I always treat animals out here the same way. I picked it up with a long shovel and put it where the vultures will enjoy it. I rinse off the shovel and spray it with bleach. Thankfully it doesn’t happen often out here.
  14. Thanks for the kind wishes. If I could wave a wand, I know what I’d wish for. It is not a great feeling, at all. I can understand your The temporary mouth guard I have been given to wear has two “water pockets” on each side to act as cushions between my molars. I have been wearing it 24 hours a day, except for eating. I thankfully never grind my teeth because these pockets have not popped. They gave me two type to wear, one with these and the other without. They said grinders would pop them.
  15. Jaw is no different, maybe opens a 1/4” more. Compared to what others are going through it is small potatoes.
  16. A few other photos from the day here. I had to take care of this at my mom’s. I escaped without a scent. It was around 75F. Pool is 80 and it will remain open for a week. Dinner tonight. I was only able to eat half the steak.
  17. Then you should enjoy it. We laughed a lot. See below. We did once. It was when we were inter-porting in Rome. The main embarkation port for the Allure sailing was Barcelona and we boarded with Rome. They took the card from us when we got off the ship, so we could not reboard the ship on disembarkation day. Had I know this was going to happen I would have had a new card made a day earlier to replace my “lost”😉 card.
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