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Everything posted by Elvis1209

  1. Looks interesting. Not something I could drink all night, but before dinner! I'm going to give it a try. Elvis
  2. I'm with you on that one! I think of myself as a purist. There is only one drink that should have the name "martini". The only variation should be either gin or vodka. IMO all other drinks that are called martinis are abominations. Not to say that they shouldn't exist, but they shouldn't have the name "martini". By rights, the Martini Bar should not be called the Martini Bar, but the Abomination Bar! Of course, that would be a bad business move! Anyway, like I said, this is just my opinion. God, I need a vacation! Elvis
  3. So, then it's okay to tell the butler I'm Batman? Elvis
  4. I have a martini and think about what the "poor people" are doing. Then I realize they are on a cruise ship having a martini! Elvis
  5. I was able to order two drinks on my last NCL cruise. Elvis
  6. I used to think that way. A martini was made with gin. Case closed! Then along came James Bond! Seeing that he was the coolest man alive, I figured if he could drink Vodka martinis so could I. So, I tried one. Been hooked on them ever since! Elvis
  7. You are correct! I'm giving them too much credit! Elvis
  8. Unfortunately, there will always be someone that has to put on a show! There is nothing I like to do on a cruise more than smoke a cigar and sip a cognac. We are a dying breed! The smoking Gestapo are coming to get us! They are taking away our lounges, how long will it be before they take away our outdoor smoking areas? Elvis
  9. Attract or dispel? It's kind of like a win/win situation, don't you think? Elvis
  10. Oh, I do know what to look for! However, I would much prefer sitting down, sipping an XO cognac, and smoking my stogie that I brought from home and leave the shopping to my wife! In fact, that's what I'm going to do right now! Want to join me? Elvis
  11. On my cruise on Breakaway last March, my mission was to find out which restaurant had the best prime rib. I came to the conclusion it was at the Haven. It never dawned on me to order a lobster tail with it! Next September when I'm aboard Escape I'll try just that! Elvis
  12. I find that while cruising it is best to bring your own. You can never be 100% sure of anything you buy. Elvis
  13. Word of advice: get a porter after you pick up your luggage. They make the whole process go smoother. Elvis
  14. That sounds interesting! What's in it? (the Sunset Martini) Elvis
  15. I'll be on Silhouette in February. If they leave out of Port Everglades they're just going to have to stop in Miami and pick me up! That's where my hotel is! That's where I'm staying! Elvis
  16. I cruised last March for the first time since the pandemic. It was on a different line (NCL). The ship was at 65% capacity. No lines anywhere. No crowded elevators. No chair hogs. When people talk about the "good old days", this is what they'll be referring to! Elvis
  17. The last time I wore my tux on a cruise people kept giving me their drink orders. I cleaned up on tips!!!! Elvis
  18. Great! Another reason to spend all our time staring at our cell phones! When I'm on a cruise my cell phone is locked in my safe. The only time I carry it is if I'm on an excursion. Celebrity, stick with the paper! Elvis
  19. I'm a "purist". I like a simple Belvedere martini. (From the Martini Bar, of course) I take it "James Bond" style: shaken, not stirred. I like it very dry and very cold. You shake it till you think it's cold, then you shake it some more! If I'm at any other bar I either have a vodka gimlet or a mojito, depending on my mood. Elvis
  20. Belvedere martini for me. Very dry, very cold. Straight up with three olives. (Like James Bond: shaken, not stirred!)
  21. I took my first cruise on Zenith when it was Celebrity Zenith. (May 2001) It will always hold a place in my heart! So sorry to see it go! Elvis
  22. I'm traveling on Silhouette in Sept of 2023. I know it's a touchy subject, but I intend to wear my tux for both "Evening Chic" nights. There is nothing that makes me feel better than to get all dressed up and go to dinner with my beautiful wife. Plus, when you're the only one in a tux people tend to give you their drink orders. On my last cruise I cleaned up on tips! Elvis
  23. Bird, An excellent report! There is something you left out though. Some consider it to be the best part of the cruise! You didn't give us any dessert menus from the main dining rooms! Elvis
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