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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. I was just thinking, after cruising Wonder (Bella 2) we will of cruised every Oasis class ship......... Except Oasis! 😆 Have a great time!
  2. It was 2002 when we were there. The Royal Pacific Resort had just opened. Staying there gave us passes to go to the front of the line on each ride. We loved the park and hotel. A lot has changed since then. I bet y'all will love it. Have a great time.
  3. Helen might say she's a lightweight in alcohol but she out drank me! Ken @Ourusualbeach can verify! She can also out dance anyone!
  4. Another thing about the 70's, you didn't buy jeans with holes already in them, you wore them out until natural wholes appeared.
  5. I might of mentioned before that I am growing jalapeno peppers from last year's seeds. Out of the 8 plants one is cross-pollinated. It is producing peppers that are big and characteristics of a bell pepper. The first one I tried had very little heat. Today I was chopping up a lot of different vegetables to roast. I thought I would had one. After cutting it open I took a seed a put it on my tongue. Another one stuck on my finger dropped on my lower lip. HOT 🔥. It felt like I had a severe burn. I recovered with a couple spoonfuls of cool whip! These pics don't show the true size but here ya go. I set regular jalapenos inside the sliced new one. Here is a comparison of the tops.
  6. Forgot about our posts. Looking back, I am so glad to see you decided not to spread the rumors about the butter.
  7. You can also share them..... What cruise are you on? 🤔
  8. We cruised last May from Hawaii and the year before in Alaska. I remember I was surprised that they were not not charging for everything this year. We had the regular fish and chips with no charge. I remember going to the Solarium for lunch. I am not seeing it on the app for the current cruise.
  9. I reckin it's bout time to gettin back to that there southern talk thang. Y'all for a small or large group. All Y'all when you want to expand the group you where referring to first.
  10. Just catching up. If the tomatoes are almost ripe setting them on the window sill is OK. It's not really the sun rippening them. The warmth helps. These tomatoes are green. Put them in a paper sack or a cardboard box. The ethylene the tomatoes emit will stimulate the ripening. Keep them in an area that is at least 70⁰. Adding a banana helps speed things up. Some add an apple. Both emit ethylene which the tomatoes need. I do this with the last tomatoes we harvest the week of the 1st frost. I have had tomatoes mid December using this method.
  11. So it looks like you heard the rumors about the butter on RC ships.
  12. No, not Milk Duds. They would be udder failures.
  13. I was thinking I was going to wait but we were able to get some good group rates too! Same on Wonder and Utopia. You must have a great TA too!
  14. The last cruise we were on I saw a guy throw a glass of milk on his wife! I thought, how dairy!
  15. OK, I will tell you what a cow's favorite entertainment is when they cruise RC..... some might think this is a lie.................... It's mooooooooovies!
  16. Thanks for posting! We will look for you in January on the inaugural cruise. Do me a favor, try to figure out which slot machine I should try.
  17. Speaking of milk, do you know what a cow's favorite entertainment is when they cruise RC?
  18. It's been several years ago but we tried them. We were going to rent a car but there were none left. They suggested the bus. We board with 3 locals who knew the driver. They became our personal guides. They even asked the bus driver to stop a couple times to have us take pics of certain places. It was fun and we would do it again.
  19. Speaking of shorts, I have witnessed with my own eyes people in the Cafe Promenade getting coffee in shorts! I also noticed the ones that wanted half and half did not tip!
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