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Everything posted by marazul

  1. You get noise from the anchor in the forward V1s on deck 5.
  2. That could be a bit much for one day. You might want to pick Nice and Monaco or Nice and Cannes. Nice always first so you can see the Flower Market in action. It is a bit of a walk from the train station to the Flower Market. Same for the others. Go to google maps and enter: sncf gare [name of town] All three could be done if you have a very long port day, a lot of stamina and not a lot of interest in seeing much. In Cannes you see the beach and the fancy hotels. There is a lot more to see in Monaco old town - palace, cathedral, oceanographic museum. Of course, you would also take a look at Montecarlo. So, my vote would be Nice and Monaco.
  3. We last received in 2019. We cruised both in 2021 and 2022 and there was never a consent form for a passengers list and no passengers list. Yes, the titles were interesting. Not long ago there was a Royal Highness from a now defunct monarchy.
  4. Skip the castle and have a more comprehensive tour in Ephesus. And of course, if you have a private tour say "no shopping!"
  5. Seabourn used to publish a booklet with the names and town of passengers who consented during each cruise. I still have a few. That stopped in the last 3-4 years. You used to get a form a couple of days into the cruise asking if you would like to be listed. The brochure would appear the next day or so.
  6. It is nothing like what you find in the US. Have him try the real carbonara.
  7. BTW - Pizzarium has suppli too. (Risotto croquettes)
  8. Go to Pizzarium Bonci near the museum. You can have wonderful pizza by the slice. Restaurants don't really serve dinner at 5. https://www.bonci.it/
  9. I had the hotel call them and reserve a table for us. We emailed the concierge and he replied by the next day.
  10. There are three Roscioli establishments: a bakery, a pastry shop and a restaurant. The one you want is Roscioli Salumeria con Cucina. It is excellent and very near Campo di Fiori. https://www.salumeriaroscioli.com/en/home-english/ It is consistently named as one of the best trattorie in Rome. Another one is Armando al Pantheon, between Piazza Navona and Piazza della Rotonda (Pantheon). https://www.armandoalpantheon.it/en/
  11. Sorrento might not be as wonderful today. Concentrate on the Amalfi coast - Positano, Amalfi and Ravello.
  12. marazul

    Rome Cabs

    Rome Cabs will tell you. Let them know at what time you need to be at the port.
  13. On our June cruise we met a number of crew that were new to Seabourn. The common remark was that they had been trying for a long time to get hired by SB but only recently they had the opportunity. They said training was hard. All were trying their best and I hope this rough patch is over soon.
  14. There are no disembarkation times by group. You are free to walk out as soon as the ship gets the all clear. Practically all embarkation/disembarkation ports are included in FlightEase. Athens is definitely one of them. We have used George's Taxi many times and highly recommend them. taxigreece.com
  15. The prawn cocktail in the pics is a frequent and standard offering at lunch in the Colonnade buffet. It seems to be very popular, although it also seems to fall short of the ultra-refined standards of some passengers. Since it probably represents less than 1% of the offerings, it can be easily ignored by those who are offended by its presence.
  16. The OP booked flights through Seabourn. If the flight is at a time when many other pax have flights, there will be a shuttle bus provided. If the flight is at some odd time, a car and driver will be provided. SB will notify pax of the arrangements when they are on board. Nothing to worry about.
  17. SB provides a shuttle to airport if you get the flights through them. The shuttle is also available for a fee if you get flights on your own. They will also offer transport plus a tour for those with late flights. These options are made available on board, not on the website. There is something similar for all disembarking pax in all ports. You will get a sign up form 2 or 3 days before the end of the cruise. If you have any concerns, ask the staff at Seabourn Square when you board.
  18. And here is the site for the Vatican. https://m.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani-mobile/en.html If you have a timed entrance or a guided tour, you simply show up 15 minutes before the ticket time. There is a dedicated entrance line for those tickets.
  19. Taxis in Athens are plentiful. I would not bother with Uber. If there isn't a taxi right outside your hotel when you need them they can call for one. Or they can call ahead of time to have one waitng for you at a given time.
  20. Plaza de España. The carriage tours take you there. It saves a lot of walking.
  21. Mid-september is a wonderful time to cruise that area.
  22. Yup. Stuff happens everywhere. Just ask the thousands of stranded passengers in US airports this year. Plan B and C should be part of your luggage wherever you go. But Bennybear, you have had your share!
  23. Seville is the first choice. Stay in Cadiz after you have been to Seville at least 2 or 3 times. If you do the "on your own", get tickets to the Alcazar (royal palace) and the cathedral ahead of time. They are very near each other. https://www.alcazarsevilla.org/en/ https://www.catedraldesevilla.es/cultural-visit2/ The cathedral ticket includes the Giralda tower. It actually has wide ramps inside instead of stairs, so it is not as hard a climb. At least, go up part of the way. After you have seen both, if you have time, take a horse coach tour of the city (1 hour). You will see them all over in the area between the Alcazar and the Cathedral. They will return you to the same spot where you hired them. The city is gorgeous and this will be the best way to have an overall tour. Be on the lookout for the coaches after your bus drops you off, then at the end, hire a coach close to the bus stop. In that way you will have a shorter walk back to the bus. If any of the ship tours include admission to both the Alcazar and the Cathedral you might want to consider them. They are both "must sees." Just a thought. You could do the "on your own" and hire a tour company for Seville. They can meet you at the bus and get you back there. Please, stop stressing about missing the boat. You are missing a lot by worrying about missing the boat. With a little planning you won't.
  24. Have you entered the country code ahead of the phone number? It is in a drop down menu with the country flags.
  25. Yup. That is the not so subtle message. Do what's right for Italy or just add a small amount for a very helpful driver. I suspect most drivers are subcontractors and split the fee with the company.
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