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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. That’s a lot of satellites but just saying signal is not always perfect. But we will find out on our soon to be 155 day World Cruise.
  2. We have been very pleased with reception on Star Link equipped ships. Particularly strong in Caribbean but there is still some areas cruising worldwide that signals are weak and occasionally non- existent.
  3. Good morning. Starting the day off at 37 degrees. Sue got our India Visas yesterday which was the most difficult of all the required visas. Pharmacy has filled all of our med requirements for next six months. It’s all coming together other that we are not sure where our cruise will take us. We are scheduled to sail the Red Sea and Suez so who knows what will happen or change. Dental cleaning today and awaiting news on getting windshield replaced. Thanks for the Reports and post. Bruce
  4. We drove straight through for five hours and got home around noon. When we entered our car this morning there was a ding chip and about a two foot crack on the front windshield right in front of driver. It was like driving a car with bi focals. There was no window crack when we used the car Saturday so maybe it was caused by gust of wind blowing an object onto windshield over night. Who knows but car insurance covers it and waivers deductible so in process of getting it repaired. @ottahand7Do hope you are enjoying your special day. Happy Birthday!🎂 Time for some unpacking then recliner and Happy Hour. B.
  5. Good morning! As soon as the granddaughters get off to school we will start our 4+hour drive home. We usually drive straight through. Not looking forward to Jacksonville morning traffic. Short but enjoyable visit. So I’ll make this short as we prep for trip home. Have a great week and thanks for report. Bruce
  6. Good morning. Late this morning but with good purpose. First was a birthday breakfast and we just celebrated Lana Jane’s opening birthday presents. Hard to believe she is already eight years old. Her three year old sister struggled why she wasn’t getting any gifts. It rained most of the night and it is pretty breezy outside. Time to play a new game and that’s why we are here. Precious times. Have a good week. Bruce
  7. Good morning. So far no signs of any bad weather here in North East, Florida. Currently 59 degrees and forecast looks like most of the weather will be later today and this evening. It was great seeing family and granddaughters were excited to see Nana and Pop Pop. After dinner we went for a ride around the neighborhood and enjoyed the Holiday decorations. Many of the homes had really extensive Christmas displays. Obviously there are a lot of Clark Griswald’s residing in the area. Plans for the day are to enjoy being with family and we have dinner reservations if weather allows. Sunday will be the same and we will be grand parenting as daughter and son-in-law go to the Jaguars football game. Left over stuffed peppers? Maybe Debbie can find a recipe that will make the dinner suggestion sound a little more enticing. Thanks for the Fleet Report and postings. Bruce
  8. Made it to daughter’s around 12:30. Traffic was heavy on I-10 but without incident. So far no wind or rain.
  9. Good morning. Awaiting the break of dawn and we will be on our way to St. John’s, Fl which is right below Jacksonville. Looks like a stormy and very wet weekend ahead of us and others along East Coast. So back to packing up car. Two day trip should be simple but we are bringing some food and frozen food stuff that we don’t want to keep for our six month cruise. Thanks for the Reports and Post. Will catch up later. Have a great weekend and Bon Voyage to our upcoming cruisers. Bruce
  10. Our bags made it to UPS Hollywood, Fla. Hopefully they will be delivered to our ship Jan 5. Cost us $380.00 but we will get that back as we had a $500.00 credit for forwarding bags.
  11. Good morning! Have not been to today’s port of call. We have a lunch date planned for today at a favorite Thai restaurant that we hadn’t been to in a while. Tomorrow we drive over to St. John’s Florida to celebrate daughter’s and granddaughter’s birthdays and will return Monday. For rest of day we have some errands to do. @Sharon in AZHappy Anniversary to you and Craig. Thanks everyone for your contributions to the Daily. Have a safe day. Bruce
  12. Good morning. Late start. Have last doctor’s appointment this year in a half hour. This visit is for both of us to get malaria meds. We’ll be visiting Dubai so pics are appreciated. Thanks for the reports and have a great day. More later. Bruce
  13. A wonderful review. Thank you for taking the time to share your cruise experience with us.
  14. Good morning. It’s a cool morning in NW Florida and currently 37 degrees. Another annual doctor’s appointment this morning and one more tomorrow to be prescribed malaria meds. Pharmacy overrides were started yesterday and UPS will pick up two advanced luggage bags today. More butternut squash and curry? Never have heard of today’s port of call. Rich thanks for the Fleet Report and continued thoughts and prayers for those in need. Have a great day. Bruce
  15. @kazu Jacqui. Yes Azamara has an Azamazing Day or Evening on each cruise or segment. Load everyone on buses and brings them to venue. Those are included in cost for all. In addition a couple events are just for those booked for entire voyage. Last count there was approx. 190 of us booked for entire voyage. Passenger capacity is 690. The trip to Taj Mahal they have chartered an airplane and flying us to Agra for lunch and entertainment and visiting the Taj Mahal which is free along with another exclusive event in Turkey. Each segment or cruise they also have a “White Night” party around the pool with BBQ and huge Buffett followed by entertainment and dancing. Not mandatory but most folks do dress up in white clothing. Fun evenings and quite the party. The pre cruise gala at Marriott is only offered to all who are booked for entire voyage. For those on entire voyage business class flights were also included along with some substantial OBC and other perks. It still puts a very large dent in the Ski Fund (Spending Kids Inheritance)!
  16. Even better they are paying for the $500.00 per night room!
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