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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Thought some would enjoy seeing our Azamazing Evenings and Special Events. Needless to say we are getting excited about are upcoming 155 day World Voyage! https://www.azamara.com/static-assets/files/azamazing-celebrations- wv2024.pdf
  2. Thought some of you would like to see some of events that are planned and included on our World Voyage! https://www.azamara.com/static-assets/files/azamazing-celebrations- wv2024.pdf
  3. Good morning. It’s 31 degrees this morning with clear skies and the weather report states our highest temperature will be 60. We got some shopping in yesterday and I believe we have everything we need for the cruise. Two bags are being picked up Tuesday. Friday we drive to daughters to celebrate her and granddaughter’s birthdays and return on Monday. Our son and family in PA all have Covid except grandson who has managed to remain negative and asymptomatic. They are all doing fine and isolating. Sad news today about Lou’s from PTZTV passing. Thanks to their very appreciated site we have witnessed many sail away’s from Port Everglades and other ports of call. Tuesday I’ll be watching PTZTV when our World Voyage ship Azamara Onward visits Port Everglades. Our day of embarkation Jan 5 is closing in fast. It’s becoming a reality but still hard to believe we will be cruising for a 156 days. Time for another coffee and getting the laundry started. Have a great week everyone. Bruce
  4. Sad news. Our condolences to Lou’s family and associates.
  5. Oh my that’s serious. Yes prayers for successful surgery and recovery.
  6. It has rained steadily most of the night with occasional thunderstorms. Pretty much what we can expect throughout the day followed by a cold front. Church will be on-line from home this morning. It is just pouring outside. Thanks for the Fleet Report. Bruce
  7. Good morning. It is supposed to be a rainy weekend. Lot of disappointed kids with the annual Christmas Parade being cancelled for the year. Got a lot of clothes shopping done and we enjoyed a great lunch accompanied with some fine wine. That led us to long afternoon naps upon our return home. Pizza delivery for dinner so it was a day off out of the kitchen. i believe a trip to the Commissary is on today’s schedule. We have been to today’s port several times. It’s so beautiful and always an enjoyable port of call. Thanks for the Fleet Report and featured post. Have a great weekend. Bruce
  8. Dang! That’s it. The same outfit you wore to our Meet & Greet! How could I have forgotten.
  9. It looks like Weather Bug was having issues this morning as it’s not in the thirties this morning but currently 53 F. I’ll forgive them as Jim Cantore did not come visit us during the Hurricane season. @RedneckBob Good hearing from you. We need a current picture of you as It’s been so long since we cruised together I’m not sure I would recognize. Glad to hear your having a great time.
  10. Good morning everyone. Slept late and it was wonderful. Saw cardiologist yesterday and got a thumbs up. Happy Hanukkah to those celebrating and Graham me hopes your pain will ease. Pretty sure many of us can relate to your arthritic pain. Like Jacqui I think I will store Robin’s quote for future use. Going to do some last minute shopping for a couple of clothes items for cruise and will take Sue to lunch. It’s a cool 39 and overcast and this coming weekend looks like a washout. Stay safe and relief from aches and pain. Bruce
  11. Good morning. It’s our coldest day this fall. Currently, 37 degrees F. Last minute dinner plans found us out with our neighbors enjoying a Mexican dinner. Today I have an annual check up with my Cardiologist which I-don’t expect any issues. We received our boarding passes, transfers so things are quickly falling into place. It appears there is 190 cruisers that are booked for entire cruise. The rest are on some of the ten different segments. Our annual local Christmas Parade has been cancelled for second week in a row due to forecasted weather. Time for more coffee. Thanks for the Reports and Post. Bruce
  12. Good morning. Love gazpacho and enjoyed visiting today’s port of call. We will have a return visit in Feb. The old back is better this morning but I’m being very gentle with it. It’s 43 degrees F outside so our cool weather is back. It’s coffee time. Thanks for the Reports and post. Enjoy the rest of the week. Bruce
  13. Congratulations from a fellow successful open heart aortic valve replacement recipient.
  14. So it was your fault! 😁 Good detective work.👏🏻👏🏻
  15. Good grief! Couldn’t find my Daily Post. I posted on Monday’s! 😩
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