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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. So cruel to do that right before the holidays. Hope you can quickly find some other employment.
  2. I know what you mean about strange not decorating this year and being the “Crank”! Just too much going on. Have a great cruise. All I want for Christmas is a phone that charges. Have a grand cruise. Maybe the Volendam and Azamara Onward will cross wakes at sea. Bruce
  3. Good morning. Another overcast day and forecast calls for more rain today. We’ll take all we can get. Fort Lauderdale has had enough with over 100 inches this year! Some frustrations yesterday. My one week old I-Phone 15 charging port will not take a charge. Back to T-Mobile who agreed it doesn’t work. Swap out for new one? Nope it’s under warranty need to take to repair shop to look at it. If they can’t fix it then it will be replaced. First appointment available was at 3:20 today at Best Buy. I took some deep breaths and bit my tongue a couple of times but I’m still counting my Blessings! Seeing my appointment is at 3:20 I’m taking Sue with me and we will have an early dinner out. Drove through the neighborhood last night and several homes have Christmas decorations up. Not sure why they can’t wait til after Thanksgiving but to each his own. For first time we are not doing any decorations this year due to all our preparations for the World Cruise. There will be no Clark Griswald competition here this year. Got a late start this morning so I have some chores I need to get done. Thanks for the report and featured post. Bruce
  4. So glad you’re cruising Roy. Thanks for taking us along. B.
  5. Maybe not a good day to visit Iceland. They are experiencing hundreds of earthquakes and a volcanic eruption is imminent. A small fishing village has been evacuated.
  6. Yes I can relate. We had placed our tv antenna on a small rise behind our house. Dad had me turning and moving the antenna around and would yell through the open window stop when the reception was at its best. We got three channels and one Canadian station. Saturday night was Lawrence Welk, Have Gun Will Travel and Gunsmoke. A simple but great era to grow up in.
  7. Good morning. In the mid fifties here this morning. On and off rain and occasional strong gust of wind. Every time we get a strong gust of wind the deck is pelleted with falling acorns. These are some prolific oaks. @RedneckBobI’ll try another age discovery test later. Me thinks you’re right. House cleaners will be arriving soon. We really lucked out when we got to hire them. Just hope they will still come back after our long absence from cruise. Okay a big thanks to all who make the Daily happen. Enjoy your hump day. @RMLincoln I do hope you have a smooth transition into your new home. Bruce
  8. Cruise Critic has been very gracious allowing us to use the Daily for many topics of cruising and social topics. I appreciate that and fully support closing the Daily reports after its daily post. We don’t need two or more Daily Reports on the front page. We use up a lot of bandwidth with our pics and Me Me postings. One has to remember CC is the Bible Of Cruising site owned by Trip Advisor. Not just a social media site. In their favor hits our views help and entice advertisers. Number of viewers is the game. I fully support and I’m so thankful for the CC host for accepting our Daily. If not for Cruise Critic we would still be pretty uniformed cruisers. Being up to date and informed equals great cruises. Thanks Cruise Critic. Bruce
  9. Interesting morning. For two to three days I have had slightly increasing soreness in my lower left abdomen. Nothing really bad but it had been more noticeable. Thinking it could possibly a bladder infection or diverticulitis I went to a Family Care Clinic. They tested a urine sample which was completely normal. They gave me two options. Wait a couple of days or go to ER for further testing. Knowing our upcoming cruise plans I decided to head to the ER. If something is truly wrong there are not that many days between now and cruise to treat a problem. Very efficient and pleasant ER staff ordered more lab test and a Cat Scan. All test were normal and I have been released. So will observe for a few days and hope the mild symptoms decrease and go away. So that’s my morning. While awaiting test results I took a very expensive nap on the treatment table! A overcast cool dreary day of rain and gray skies.
  10. Good morning! @richwmn Thanks Rich for the Jeopardy stream. We regained power to watch the last half of Wheel Of Fortune. Rain is in the forecast and radar backs that up and it’s a cooler 55 degrees. We did get some light rain yesterday. So it appears this will be a hang around the house day and that may be the case tomorrow. No problem as we really need more rain. Not much else on my mind right now. The coffee has not kicked in. Thanks for the Fleet and Care Reports and featured post. Bruce PS. The pizza MeMe was supposed to be titled. My first day at Dominos.
  11. If one enjoys formal then they should cruise Cunard’s ships. Just not us. We dress well just done with formal wear.
  12. Of course power came back on just as we finished eating with the scent of pine, poinsettia, candy cane, balsam fir, piñon, pumpkin spice all fumigating the house at the same time. Somehow the salmon Caesar Salad took on a new flavour!😝 Always amuses me when there is a power outage and I walk around turning on light switches. Creator of habit. Now who won Jeopardy? Goodnight my friends. B.
  13. Just sitting down to dinner and bam a major power outage. A romantic dinner by candlelight with many fragrances of Christmas candles aglow.
  14. Seven days ago we disembarked Quest. Though we have extensive cruising on other lines this was our first Seabourn cruise. Did we enjoy it? I would say so as we booked the 2026 Sojourn World cruise.
  15. We ran into this issue on another line about zodiacs. Really thought the bottom line issue was don’t interfere with our local zodiac and kayak related tours and rentals.
  16. The name Formal is rather miss leading these days when a sports coat and open collar will get one into Restaurant. On another line they went from Formal Night to Gala Night to now Dressy Night!
  17. Good morning. In the mid sixties and may not get into the seventies today. Our drought might get some relief. High chance of rain starting tomorrow with a possibility of 3-5” of rain. I BBQ chicken for four hours yesterday afternoon. Enjoyed dinner watched a movie and off to bed. So we will both get a walk in this morning as that might not happen with upcoming weather. Haven’t heard from Graham so he and Pauline must be traveling again. Thanks Rich and contributors and healing concerns for those on Care List. Have a great week everyone. Bruce
  18. Maureen, It’s been a lot of work and frustration but your hard work will soon reap benefits.🙏 Bruce
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