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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Good morning. Lower back muscles are better this morning but still will be treating with rest and heat. House and moi smells like a gym but the Icy Hot soothes. After my post I believe I will remain in bed for a bit longer. Need to get this back issue treated and get on with life. Many things on To Do List. Thanks for the Reports and post. Bruce
  2. Good morning. @seagarsmoker Best thoughts on upcoming job interview. Well, my body keeps me challenged for going on our cruise. Yesterday, my lower back muscles decided to act up so I’m pretty slow on the move. Give it a few days and I’ll mend. Best to get it out of the way. It has been quite awhile since it has flared up. We watched the latest Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movie last night.Always a challenge to keep up with plot. We have two large bags filled to the brim ready to ship in advance. Reality is starting to set in. We are trying to go on a long cruise. Have been to Aruba enough times that we would consider just staying on the ship. Thanks Rich and here’s wishing you all a great week. Bruce
  3. Back from church and now have the time to give a sincere Bon Voyage to our favorite Red Neck Bob and his bride. Enjoy every minute🛳🍾
  4. Good morning. Our rain gauge is overflowing so unofficially we have received over 5” of rain and there may be more to come. Our manicotti dinner last night was very good. We’ll be going to church services this morning and then no big plans for the rest of the day. Not much else to talk about. Still Iin wake up mode awaiting coffee to do its job. Roy glad your home and hope you can quickly get some follow-up appointments. Thank for the reports and enjoy the day. Bruce
  5. Good morning. Massive rain and storm event this morning. Occasional thunderstorms but mainly rain. Me thinks it’s going to be a very wet day. We watched Candy Lane starring Eddie Murphy last night. Let’s just say it prepared us for bedtime. Some good messages for young one’s. The big decision this morning is do I finish the coffee and go back to bed? We are having a husband from our small group over for dinner as his wife is visiting her dear friend in Texas for a few days. I believe we are having manicotti for dinner. Do hope Roy is doing OK on his trip home. Thanks for the reports. Have a great day. Bruce
  6. Drove past our local Clark Griswald’s house last night! Guess CC does not want to post pictures right now!😩
  7. Good morning. It was a good morning to sleep in. Dreary overcast day with lots of rain on its way. Currently 66 degrees. Our small group dinner was wonderful and was enjoyed very much. It will be the only holiday gathering this year. We laugh at that because when I was in the military I had to make appearance's at different units Christmas events. Sometimes more than three a night. Do not miss that. Graham sorry to hear about the water break. Glad you got by with no internal damage. Thanks for the reports. Bruce l
  8. In the past he usually was an active poster when he was close to going on a cruise. Where’s Bruno? Do hope he is OK.
  9. Many; in fact most of the time if there is a poor embarkation experience it’s usually the ports staff and not the ship crew that is at fault. At least in our experience.
  10. Good morning everyone. Finishing my cup of coffee then headed to local lab for a non fasting lab procedure. So many last minute appointments which are mainly one year follow ups. Like to get them out of the way as I don’t need anymore “surprises.” We have been to today’s port of call. Just a beautiful place to visit. Tonight is our church small group annual gathering and pot luck dinner. Always a nice evening of camaraderie and great food. A little warmer this morning at 40 and will top off at 52 F. Just saw that Henry Kissinger has died. He was a 100 years old. So many of our Daily subscribers are having significant health issues. I continue to include you in my daily devotionals. Thanks for the reports. Bruce
  11. @rafinmd Roy happy to hear you have been discharged. Get some much needed rest and take it slow. B.
  12. @JazzyV Oh my you have enough on your plate without this. Hopefully the plumber can fix the issue. B.
  13. …..and just like that when we all thought we were going to get a break!🤔
  14. Good morning. It’s 33 degrees this morning in Northwest, Florida. Going to be a clear and sunny but will only climb to 59 degrees. For us Brrr! The house cleaning mother and daughter team should be arriving soon so there will be a lot of activity around here. Did some square dancing back in eight grade and we actually got to dance to live dancing on Vermont’s only TV station WCAX Burlington. We got through it without a major misstep. Have not tried since. Still watching my weight and sort of in a stall at the loss of 20lbs. Would like to shed another five to ten before the cruise. Mission of the day is to find two large suitcases at a thrift store so we can forward ship some goods to Fort Lauderdale for the cruise. Bags you can trash after use. We leave to Fort Lauderdale January 3 so a 156 days of cruising is becoming more of a reality. Roy. Happy to hear that you will soon be back on your feet. You need to get a water bottle to carry around with you so you can keep hydrated. Get one with built in filter so the taste will be better. Dehydration is a self inflicted wound. Enough rambling. Have a great day everyone and thanks to all our Daily contributors. Bruce
  15. @smitty34877 Back in June after the fall there was some pain but more related to just a bruise. Leg after prolonged walking felt some strain but the main reason I sought medical was I just had the feeling the knee was out of alignment. Tear yes but would have never guessed fractured tibia. Thanks for asking.
  16. I cannot agree with you more. Why anyone would spend the money to promote a product with such a terrible commercial. I cannot hit the mute button fast enough. Then it’s usually followed by the My Pillow guy. We won’t go there.
  17. I know. With so many Me Me’s being posted it’s getting harder to find new material and harder not to post repeats. Oh life’s calamities.😁
  18. Now that is a classic. 😁 We shall be waiting with bated breath for your grand reentry to the hallowed halls of the Daily. Will you be missed? Absolutely! Have a grand cruise. Bon Voyage!
  19. Good morning. My attitude and optimism are better today. If you didn’t check yesterday’s Daily afternoon I have been walking around since June with about an 1-1.5 inch fracture around the head of my tibia. It is healing no further treatment other then being careful. Meal of the day more of that feathered meat. Last night we had some fall off the bone beef ribs that had been slowly cooking in red wine sauce all day. So good. Another Doctors appointment today seeing my regular and to bring him up to date and review some test results. It’s 42 degrees outside and the temperature will only rise to 58. Wish I could be of any assistance to Roy but he is a 12 drive away. I can still offer prayers for a sound diagnosis and treatment. Graham it’s good to have you back. Understand your need not to advertise travels plans on social media in Europe but feel your pretty well covered here on CC. I’m also hesitant using other social media when I’m divulging travels and they have more info like last name and hometown’s. No one would want to deal with our Special OPs house sitter. Thanks Rich and to all who make the Daily possible.Bruce
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