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Everything posted by reallyitsmema

  1. Royal Swedes was the house band though. I think they are looking for the tribute band for their sailing.
  2. We enjoy sailing sky class as we like Coastal Kitchen for breakfast and sometimes lunch. We also have found that the suite concierge can be an unbelievable source of assistance if you have any issues on the ship. We really want to try out the suite neighborhood on Icon but we weren't willing to pay the price difference for a sky junior suite. We are going to keep an eye on pricing and wait and see. Look at the sea class vs sky class amenities and see if you think they are worth $3K for a similar cabin. We have decided no as of now. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/cruise-rooms/royal-suite-class
  3. I got Covid on Quantum in May and received a prorated refund of my cruise fare and also a refund of the expenses I incurred while I had to finish my quarantine in a hotel in Seattle. I made sure I had a letter from the ship before I left, stating what I would be receiving. The letter stated it would take at least four weeks to hear from anyone. I received an automated email concerning my cruise fare refund within a week, with the name of the person who would be taking care of my refund. I received that refund within about four weeks and it was for the amount I had expected. I was a little slow submitting my receipts for refund but received an automated email for that claim and the name of someone who would be handling my refund. Email again stated it would take around four weeks. It was a little longer than that when I received a phone call from the representative handling my claim. She was wonderful! She had a few questions about how I wanted my refund returned as she could see we had charged it to multiple credit cards and could have refunded each amount individually if I preferred. She said I would receive my refund within 7 to 10 days from the call and it came in about 5 days. Did you receive anything in writing prior to leaving the ship? Did you get some kind of automated email when you did request your refund? I know they were very apologetic about timing because they were so backlogged at the time I was getting my refund. I was just also on a cruise earlier this month and ended up in isolation again. I did get a letter from Guest Services and it again says it should be about four weeks before I see any refund. I only got off the ship on October 16th, so I am not planning on contacting anyone yet. I would reach out for a status update if I were you. Good luck.
  4. Yup. You should have seen the upped security when we sailed from Port Everglades during the air show on the beach. It also coincided with fleet week, so there were lots of Navy ships in port. Multiple boats creating a perimeter. If a pleasure boat strayed a little too close, they had friends beside them very quickly! 😄 It was awesome watching the airshow from the ship before we sailed.
  5. The other post changed their answer to N/M because they answered incorrectly after misreading the title and the post. Seems like a valid question from someone who doesn't cruise often.
  6. You were in Boston on a beautiful day! It was very breezy but I love fall days like that. We had lots of rain and fog earlier this week, glad it cleared for your visit! Boston is a great city to tour but the cobblestone, brick, wooden or crumbled surfaces can be a challenge for all. I can't imagine navigating them as you do. It is very easy to get a little lost since so much of the city isn't laid out in grids, it was designed by horse drawn carriages and cows many years ago. 😄 I worked in downtown Boston for almost 15 years and can still get a little turned around trying to find my way. 🙂
  7. The same poster that brought their D+ friends in the pinnacle line has also posted for years about bringing a friend into the lounge that doesn't have access. Rules are only for some, not all. 🙄
  8. We have had no issues getting a coffee and a fresh squeezed OJ or coffee and a water at the same time but have never asked for two coffees each. One of us typically goes with both cards and gets the drinks, that isn't a problem at all. Just ask about getting two coffee each, doesn't hurt to ask.
  9. There is a kids menu with pasta and pizza, so he will be okay. The waitstaff will do their best to get your son exactly what he wants every night. Don't be afraid to request something off menu either, they will take care of him.
  10. You get a FCC if you use the cancel for any reason feature of the cruise line travel insurance. If you cancel for a covered reason, you get a refund. You also get a refund if you file for medical expenses, not a FCC.
  11. No, I wished they did! The ship only did an antigen test because I had no fever. Quantum back in May did the PCR test that test for Covid, info and RSV. The PCP only did the PCR that’s for Covid and influenza A and B. All you hear in the news right now is RSV though.
  12. The 5 day CDC quarantine guideline isn't new at all, that was the policy when I had Covid on Quantum in May. I didn't have Covid anyway. I got sick on the October 9th sailing of Oasis and had to go to medical. I had tested myself for Covid and they tested me too but I had to isolate in my cabin for 24 hours until I had two negative Covid tests. I have been home since the cruise because I didn't respond to the meds they gave me on the ship and wasn't getting better. My PCP tested me for Covid and influenza, negative for both. Stronger meds from my PCP have me breathing better and sounding less like a seal. I had to stay away from my Mom to protect her, plus I just haven't felt well enough to go up to NH anyways. She was happy to see me and I was able to get her settled. My sister did go up a few times, we just do different things when we go there and I know my Mom gets anxious if certain things aren't done.
  13. Exactly, how many times have you been on a ship that has been escorted by a zodiac with a machine gun mounted on the front as it leaves the dock?
  14. No, but I think they are for 65 and over. I haven't had my flu or next covid booster either because I react to them so bad. I was planning on getting them when I got back but have to wait until now until I am completely better. I did talk to the doctor about my reactions to Moderna and he suggest I switch to Pfizer for this one. Last booster I got the chills so bad it was almost like convulsions. I didn't want to mix but supposedly that is recommended for those who react poorly to one brand. Did you get pneumonia shot?
  15. She is hanging in there. My sister went up to see her a few times while I couldn't but really didn't check stuff out. I usually do my mom's meds with her and I checked her tray yesterday and it was all messed up! She was missing one pill, only a vitamin luckily, but had doubled up on her happy pill! No wonder she has sounded off to me the last few days! I am finally improving, though now done with my second round of antibiotics and my steroids. I have been negative for covid and influenza a and b, so that is good. I had bronchitis but not pneumonia plus seasonal allergy issues which have me wheezing badly. I think he wants another chest xray but hasn't put anything in my chart yet. I like being home too but have just not had the motivation or stamina to do anything! I need to make this place look decent before DH flies in tonight from the left coast 😄
  16. Did you take wifi calling all the way through the initial setup process of putting in an emergency address? You only have to do that once and the setting will always be there but it has to be done while you are connected to cellular. As long as you went into airplane mode, had wifi enabled and wifi calling on and were able to message and make a phone call, you should be good to go. If all has been working for you on the ship and then it just flakes out, go into your browser and do logout.com. Then turn your phone off and on again and reconnect to Voom. That will usually fix most issues and keep you from having to stand in a Voom help line.
  17. For some it is all about money and when they feel they have enough to live how they want, for others, it is more than that. You love what you do and aren't ready to give that up, nothing wrong with that either. The decision process is different for all of us. We have been looking at the big picture more lately but we have a good number of years to go before we qualify for Medicare, so DH will continue to work unless we hit Powerball tonight.😇
  18. The question was tv channels on Oasis. Not playing your games. That list is not accurate for Oasis.
  19. LOL SO, it is not a listing from Oasis as many have asked you and it is a generic, likely old listing that you found. I stand by what I said before, it does not match the channels or channel numbers that we had recently on Oasis. Guide was on 1, ship view was on 3. The two that were prime tv and prime movie or similar names were on 14 and 15. I watched way too much tv as I was on isolation in my cabin.
  20. Pretty sure the zipline excursions have to go out the gate to the top of the mountain.
  21. I was in daily contact with family that had flown in to watch my Mom while I was away. We have found that we need to reboot our phones a couple times during the week as sometimes after a port day, we have issues reconnecting to Voom, but otherwise, we have been fine. We always install latest updates before we leave too so phones are up to date.
  22. I have an iPhone 13 that was in airplane mode and connected to Voom with wifi calling on. Two family members off the ship have Samsungs, not sure what phones. I doubt either of them were in airplane mode but they were likely using wifi, not cellular at the time I was messaging with them. Had no issues while on Quantum in May or Oasis a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if they have had Samsung phones prior to those two sailings but have communicated with family for years from the ship with no need for Whatsapp at all.
  23. Yes, the cruise line does monitor the situation and has actually skipped the stop in the past when there were unauthorized boats in the area.
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