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Everything posted by mchell810

  1. @Host Jazzbeau Thanks for explaining my use of the term “wino”. The New Plymouth area isn’t known for wine, however, I like to try local wineries whenever I can. My cruise will hit most of New Zealand’s wine regions so I’m well covered. Yes, I’d definitely do a private tour to get to a special winery (like Penfolds outside Adelaide). @mysty I look forward to reading about your adventures in Australia (and beyond). Your tales keep me busy until I get there myself.
  2. Thanks for the warning; I can adjust my expectations. I am signed up for the Napier winery visits as well -- and I admit a couple others. Yes, I am a bit of a wino 😜
  3. Wow! That was a quick reply. Thanks for the information. I suppose SS will move the "Panoramas" to an included tour -- it's currently listed as a pay tour. No matter I plan to hit the winery. 🥂
  4. @mysty I continue to enjoy following along with your travels. A question about your tour since I am scheduled to for a stop at New Plymouth in December: As I recall, when the stop at New Plymouth was added, only extra cost tours were offered. (My cruise still has only pay tours.) Did SS offer included tours? Are they billing you for this tour when there weren't included tours? I've signed up for the winery tour (it looks great!) and will choose it anyway; I just would like to know what SS has in planned. Thanks.
  5. You needed it after that boarding juggernaut. 😜 🥂
  6. Azamazing Evenings was one of the things that made Azamara feel special, stand out from other lines. Clearly these events are being cut -- be it to save funds or the COVID excuse or any other reason -- so Azamara leadership has to be honest about it. Stop advertising something that isn't going to happen. For me, it feels like a "bait and switch" and is just one more reason I have no bookings with Azamara (and honestly I barely even consider them these days.)
  7. Most of the pay excursions should fall in the range of $200-$400 p/p; however, more elaborate tours will cost more. Silversea will let you reserve the tour once you've booked. You won't be billed immediately; instead the cost will be added to your onboard account.
  8. Yes, I've gone to about 5 or 6 of their classes (pre-covid). Like you I didn't expect much at first but found the presenters to be really strong. You have reminded me to check their calendar for classes.
  9. @Dolcevita Diva My first taste of Tsarine was at a Total Wine champagne class as well! And I agree the Tsarine is lovely.
  10. The date below your name (Jan. 18, 2020) is the date you joined CruiseCritic. The date the post is made, is listed above the post. The original post on this thread was made January 7th (2024). I hope this helps.
  11. Thanks for the info on Fifth Flights. And, not to overstep, but maybe choose a different movie 😜
  12. Whisper has a cruise ending in Athens on April 6th; her next cruise shows leaving Civitavecchia on May 10th. So it's a month for the the renovation/dry dock. There is a little information on intended changes on the thread mentioned above.
  13. Assuming I could face the cold, the thought of the rope coming adrift definitely guarantees I'd never do a polar plunge 🤪 @twangster I agree your photos are fabulous!
  14. Just catching up with the last couple of days. The Paradise Grand looks lovely! I agree those "banquet" tables would awkward. I am glad your cruise went well; I hope you will post a bit about your time in Hong Kong.
  15. Like you I am a planner. Just a couple hours ago I was discussing a cruise for early 2026 with a friend I have recently gotten interest in cruising. Her philosophy is: "Just tell me when to be ready;" thus, the details are all mine. I often sail solo so I am leaning into Silversea more and more bc they are all inclusive, including tours, which keeps me from worrying about those who might ghost on group tours (even if I didn't actually arrange it). In places were I feel comfortable I can just DIY and not deal with group dynamics. It's brave for you to build up groups.
  16. I would have reacted the same way -- I have reacted the same way! If it's just me then I can sit back, but when responsible for others the formula changes and I feel like I "have to do something." I am impressed by your willingness (and skill) in creating tours with strangers. I have only do so with friends; I don't know that I would take it on with strangers.
  17. I am sorry you had such an ordeal getting off the ship, but glad you were still able to enjoy the day. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.
  18. Please don't apologize for your photos: scenes of everyday life are always interesting; especially when taken with your great eye. I hope you make it into Nha Trang 🤞
  19. Thanks for the quick reply. I can just imagine how much easier it makes life, so taking notes for the any future WC 🤞
  20. @mysty Thanks for the photos. Regarding the extra storage over the tub: I'm guessing you requested that in advance, or did you wait until you were onboard?
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