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Everything posted by Essiesmom

  1. It is interesting that MSC does not have art auctions. Could it be because their mostly European clientele are too art savvy to fall for such drivel? I wonder if Costa, Mein Schiff, AIDA, Marella, Fred Olsen have Park West or similar? If you want real art from the artist, visit an arts festival…many are held around the country during spring and summer. EM
  2. What experience and cabin type did you book? Sometimes the first thing you get is an email telling you that you have been upgraded. EM
  3. Once I looked at the deck plans for deck 8 I realized that was a smaller cabin, should be labeled junior OV but not. No seating but at the desk. There are plenty pictures of other cabins in that class on that deck on cruisedeckplans. EM
  4. Remember that the canal transit is only one day of your cruise. If it’s where you want to be the rest of the time, if the price is satisfactory, go for it. If you are happy with a regular balcony the rest of the time, pass on it and move around the ship during the transit. Do you like to see where you are going, or where you have been? If the ship you chose is using the original locks, try to get a balcony on the port side for a westbound transit. For an eastbound transit, starboard side is best. If your ship will be using the new locks, it makes no difference. EM
  5. Mahogany Bay is a Carnival created port on Roatan. There is a nice shopping area, and a lovely beach. No need to go anywhere else. Costa Maya is another port created for cruises. Nice shopping area, pool and small beach area by the pool, but you have to buy something from the restaurant to use the loungers. Is it the Ports of Call boards here for more options. Cozumel offers the most opportunities. There are three pier areas, one used by the Carnival family and occasional others, one by Royal and her group of lines, and the downtown pier with NCL, MDC, Disney. It seems you will be on a Carnival line so you will dock at the Puerto Maya pier. Next door is the International pier. Each have their own extensive shopping areas. The third pier is Punta Langosta and is right downtown with more stores and restaurants. Again, suggest you visit the Ports of Call boards for more options in Cozumel. EM
  6. My suggestion is to go to a place that sells binoculars, such as an army/navy store, or one that caters to hunters. Try them out. Find what is comfortable for you to hold, or too heavy. My first pair, purchased in Hong Kong in 1988 was Bausch & Lomb 7x35, for a bird watching trip. The second I purchased much more recently in the PX, Nikon Aculon 8x42.5. They. Both accomplished what I needed and are not too heavy. Try, and decide what will suffice, then look for it on Amazon for price. EM
  7. Looking at cruisedeckplans, there are a lot of pictures of those cabins, none showing a rollaway, a number showing an upper bunk. My advice is to become a member of cruisedeckplans.com, a minor investment, and look at the pics of all the cabins with that symbol. Write down the ones that you can document have the upper bunk, and try to book one of those. EM
  8. I have the second ones and they are fine for all tags. Use for MSC and Carnival, Celebrity are narrower but fit also. EM
  9. When I am doing a test booking it often offers me the choice of booking type first, and when I add voyager number it goes down a tiny amount. Of course, when I then change from 2 guests to one guest, it says sold out. EM
  10. No, only on the newest? On Seaside we ate in a section of one MDR. On Seashore they have their own MDR. EM
  11. How old and fit is your friend? Could she do an upper bunk 1A cabin? Floor space in those cabins is amazing. If you could move the beds into an L shape, one across the back of the cabin and the other along one side, it would work. That works well on the Fantasy class, but I don’t know if anyone has ever tried on the newer ships. EM
  12. I believe there are clear pages for filing business cards, and I have seen them used for cruise cards (Sea pass). Does sailing all of Royals ships include sailing on former ships now retired to other cruise lines? I believe there are several floating around in Europe…. EM
  13. They didn’t say it was noisy. They were asking if the cabin across was noisy. EM
  14. The Diamond does have the IC, just not gelato. EM
  15. Welcome to Cruise Critic. I think you will find your best answers if you ask on the Alaska board under Ports of Call, further down on the main boards page. Lots of experts and locals there. EM
  16. Post #15. Top of menu says Gala Dinner. EM
  17. I don’t see any replies yet. Also, you embedded your question in an existing thread about a specific cruise, so many people won’t see it. If your query isnt pertinent to the topic of the thread, it’s best to start a new thread. EM
  18. Ive only had invites to two webinars, December for 5 and March for 4. EM Just went back to my points page and found the survey point. Didn’t realize that was a point exercise.
  19. I tried to sign in yesterday and couldn’t…today I followed advice and was able to change my password and get in. I see that my points arrived…4 of them. I was wondering why others were talking about 3…. EM
  20. An ignored user generally does not know about the ignore. Their reply on a thread will be seen by everyone but the person ignoring them. EM
  21. This morning it did accept my street name so was able to reset password in Safari on my iPad. Haven’t tried the app today, but I don’t have any cruises booked. EM
  22. I couldn’t log in last evening, and in trying to reset password it wouldn’t accept my secure question answer (what was the first street you lived on). EM
  23. Chances are there won’t be an outlet for it in the bathroom, only at the vanity. But I’ve never been in a YC bathroom…. EM
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