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Everything posted by Essiesmom

  1. Celebrity S class ships (except Reflection) have adjoining cabins that can form connecting cabins by creating an outer vestibule or foyer by closing outer doors. The two cabins can leave their own cabin doors open and go back and forth through the vestibule. They can also open the connecting piece on the balcony. EM
  2. Most cruise lines allow you to book the day before. With Carnival you can call on the morning and sail in the afternoon. Whether the fare is a bargain or not is a matter of opinion. Also if you are planning to sail solo the availability disappears. EM
  3. You are not supposed to be able to finish checkin until 20 days out but on my emails today I have an invitation to checkin and print boarding pass, and I am 30 days out. But I can’t do it until tomorrow because right now I am on another ship and I don’t think the Bluetooth will reach my printer in GA.
  4. Our last full day, at sea. Up early to shower and wash hair. Wayan, my steward comes on at 0800 and I told him I’m an early riser, so he does my cabin first. He will get a nice tip because I pulled the only seat, a stool over by the bed to act as nightstand and asked if I could have a chair. He brought one right away, I think a reject from Inspiration dining room. Got my last towel animal and posed them all on the bed. Now they are at the desk Went to breakfast hoping to miss the rush and it was not bad. Another bacation day so it was cottage cheese and fruit for me. Wandered around and checked the shops. Haven’t spent any money onboard except for two pictures. I still have one to locate. Went to late lunch of protein and salad. A mixture of salads with fried broccoli, a little fish and chicken Marsala. I came back to the cabin to take some pills and decided I might as well pack. So that is done and what I am wearing can go in later. I have only one roll aboard and a backpack so will do carry off. Leaving, the ramp is all downhill.
  5. I’ll make another stab at some correlation and hope that @BillB48 will come along and correct my errors. There is a drought, not enough rain for the Chagres river to keep the level of the lakes and canal deep enough for the largest ships. Every time a ship leaves the last lock and sails out, a locks worth of canal water goes out to sea. The new locks were built with collection reservoirs to conserve water so it can be reused. I’m the old locks they don’t have that option, but at times have used another. If you watch the ships on the Panama Canal cams you can sometimes see on the old locks that tha neighboring lock is empty. As the ship rises, the water in the neighboring lock falls, because they are shifting the water sideways. I have been told this saves the water for up to five transits. I realize that might be clear as mud. EM
  6. The amount you bid is in addition to what you have already paid, or will pay if you have not made final payment. You are bidding per person. If accepted it will be on your credit card by the time you are notified that you won. EM
  7. Just like to point out that those of us reading on iPhones and other mobile devices cannot read this script. It appears as a pale fine cursive script. Please revert to the default font.
  8. Java blue will open 0630 in the morning sea day. After 24 years cruising Carnival I finally got a solid gold plastic ship on a stick! Well, I didn’t actually win it. I was sitting next to a pair of ladies at trivia. I wasn’t playing but I fed them enough right answers they won after three tie break questions. They gave my the prize. Today was Princess Cays and I ended up not going ashore. Actually I don’t remember much what I did other than wander around taking pictures. I had salad for lunch and then later some fries. And some chocolate chip cookies. I skipped the mdr tonight and ate in the buffet after the show. I hadn’t intended to go to the show as it was Epic Rock and I have already seen it a couple of times. But I decided to go. I noted that in the show two nights ago there were four ladies but only three men. I suspected one might be missing. Well, tonight they did a concert version of the show because two of the crew have the flu and are in isolation. So there were six stools on stage for four ladies and two men. So the two missing were both male. Although all of the performers sing, the majority is done by two of the males and two of the ladies. But one of the main males was missing, so one performer did all but one of the songs. He is dark skinned and heavier than the usual dancer singer, but he is excellent. After the show I went up to the buffet to eat, and while I was in line the team came up to eat. I had salad, ham, and chicken plus stuffed fried mushrooms. After that I wandered about some more, listened to some music and finally came back to the cabin. Another picture dump of ship and food
  9. You must wear closed toe shoes and no skirts. There is a lot of standing and stairs. We did the tour on Glory. EM
  10. Essiesmom


    We were not able to get magnets to stick on th door on Seaside
  11. On Splendor they were 6,7,9, not sure about 10. Probably on all the Conquest class too EM
  12. This being a port day the app says 3pm - 11pm. Don’t know about sea days but can check tomorrow.
  13. That’s odd…it’s not even listed as a food venue.. I’ll pass by there in a little while… Meanwhile, today was not a bacation day so I got my fix. We are at Princess Cays and tendering appears to be going smoothly. Excuse me…water shuttling. There are at least three island based shuttles and at least one takes scooters, we, etc. Some shuttle pics and random buffet pics at a busy time. I will be wandering again shortly and taking less populated pics.
  14. It sounds like a super loyalty entitlement issue. At one time the most traveled guest on Celebrity was invited to take a year off from cruising because of the same attitude. EM
  15. Up early watching the bridge cam. Crew member just came out and raised the Carnival ensign. Seas calm, no whitecaps. Last night when I went to the buffet there was some motion. Not enough to put my sea bands back on. EM
  16. Since dinner I have wandered and taken more pics. Spent some time in the theater with Guess the Groove. Rather odd musical game with two teams. Then I wandered back to the Drama Bar where the solo guitar was performing. I liked him last night in the atrium…his name is Loy. I had passed through earlier when he was doing an Elvis set and it sounded awful. But then, I never liked Elvis. Anyway he was good again and when he did The Twist we silver haired in the crowd got up and did the twist. He finished with Unchained Melody and again the silver hairs were dancing. One couple was even doing dirty dancing. That’s what people watching is about. I’m back in my cabin but shortly will go up to the buffet to refill my mobile bar with iced tea. Tomorrow is Princess Cays, will probably go ashore to explore. Was there once before but over ten years ago. More ship pics from deck 9
  17. Menus for tonight. I had the spring rolls and street salad. Sorry, forgot pics. Had the lamb which tasted great but was too tough to eat much. I did eat all my veggies. Chocolate melting cake for dessert. Y’all know what that looks like. After all the years I’ve sailed Carnival this is the first time I’ve had it. Don’t need to again Some other ship pics. Not much going on but the duo in the atrium. Walked thru promenade and it was warm. Felt good to me but people were fanning themselves. Picture venues at work. One family group were all dressed as characters from Alice in Wonderland. Walking past the casino is not near as smoky as once was. Chef’s Table in library two nights in a row.
  18. Time to go, they’ve just pulled in the now lines. They did page one person twice. I’m watching the now cam and didn’t see any runners.
  19. In Nassau today. I napped and went ashore after noon. Did a little jewelry shopping and walked a lot. Had a rainbow coming back. EM
  20. Assuming she has a separate booking number there should not be a problem You will have to debark to zero the ship and do not need a boarding time, just the transit pass they will give you in case you want to stay ashore and wait for her. I gather you and hubby are sharing a cabin on the first leg, and split for booking perks on the Journey part. This might be a bit confusing to guest services, but it can be done…EM
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