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Everything posted by Essiesmom

  1. On Seaside the video was on a loop. But only the loop at 4pm ended with the number to dial to get credit for watching it. I watched so many times, then asked someone for the code. I went back to my cabin and dialed it, and the recording said I was credited, but I still got a naughty letter the next day saying I hadn’t completed that requirement. I tried to check into the muster station early but there was no one there. EM
  2. You expect you have two of them. My niece (age 51) recently had a cat scan for something else and discovered she has only one kidney. EM
  3. Scrutinizing the deck plans on cruisedeckplans it looks like there are tables and chairs around the periphery of the atrium. Based on the Seaside, the lounge across from the sports bar was not well used during the day. It looks like there are tables/ chairs around the periphery of the jungle pool area. I will be sailing her Dec. 7. EM
  4. There was a long topic about this recently. It may be a few pages back. It’s on page four, last post on Tuesday. EM
  5. She hasn’t sailed from the US yet this season, still on her TA. EM
  6. I was pretty far forward deck 9 on Seaside and had excellent coverage with the browse package. I don’t stream so can’t speak for that. EM
  7. Apparently you chose the Best rate, not Best Value
  8. Off Elation Thursday, survey in email Friday pm. EM
  9. I’m sure there were program directors, they just weren’t personalities. I don’t remember seeing them in 1972-73, but someone had to be programming the musical groups, the horse racing, skeet shooting…EM
  10. You cannot have reached 24 weeks by the time you debark. Even if your due date is June 30 you will have completed 23 weeks by March 3. Choose an earlier cruise.
  11. I think most of the head chef’s on cruise lines are Indian. That could be one reason there is always an Indian item on the menu. And as an interesting point, at the Diamond reception on MSC Seaside in August I had a chat with the financial officer and he said until recently MSC hired all of their below deck crew from Samoa. That must be an interesting crew mess. EM
  12. I was pulled out for luggage search once in, I think Atlanta airport. We were already through security and checkin. At the gate waiting, I think. Not too much after 9/11. I was on my way to an international destination. As a middle aged white female with a very American name, I realized I was included to make the group seem diverse. They were really seeking out the middle eastern travelers. EM
  13. They status match with just about everyone. I believe they have their own casino program, someone here will know. I only go into the casino to get somewhere else…. EM
  14. On turnaround days breakfast hours are only for those leaving (or on B2B) so MDR will close by 0800 and buffet by 0900. (Hours from Seaside). Buffet will open for lunch around 1130-1200. EM
  15. Until I read the article I was thinking it might be some billionaire’s mega yacht. EM
  16. No, you have it backward. The roll call is where members on the same cruise ‘meet’ and discuss activities. This includes organizing tours within the roll call. In fact, the roll call is the only place where you can seek members to join excursions. You don’t start a new thread asking about an excursion. You reply within the roll call thread. It doesn’t matter if no one has yet asked about activities in a port. Someone has to be the first to ask, and it can be you. If you are asking what there is to do there, you can also visit the Ports of Call board for ideas. EM
  17. If using the Find your roll call feature is t working for you, try doing it the old fashioned way. Go to Roll Calls, click on your cruise line, then your ship, and look for a thread with your dates. EM
  18. Are you on the Dec 7 cruise? There are a number of us boarding on the 7th for the ten day cruise, posting on the roll call for Dec. 10. There is also a minimal roll call for the 7th cruise. EM
  19. Just to wrap this up, ow that I am home and had a nap. I did t sleep well, watched us co e down the river and dock via the bridgecam. Up in the buffet about 0630 for cottage cheese and melon. It appeared to be another bacation day. I cleared the cabin a little after 0700 and made my way finally to deck 7 for them to announce debark had begun. Going from one floor to another was a pain with the elevators. I knew platinums were to gather in the theater, it also if I went to deck 8, when they started debark it would be a pain to get the elevator down to 7. So I just went to 7, and as luck would have it, they had started. And just as last time there was an empty hall for passport holders. Don’t even need to show the book. Step on the footprints, look at the camera, and off you go. I had googled the Subaru dealership and knew the area, so off I went, across Dames Point bridge on the bypass, off to Atlantic Ave., found the dealer and went around to service area. He pulled my car back and checked the tires, filled with air, and before I could hardly use the free Wi-Fi he was back to say all done. I got back on Atlantic, made a U turn at the light to get back westbound, got back on the bypass…not sure I would do that again. With the ongoing construction from Main Street exit on I think I would do better to get back on Heckscher Blvd, and go back past the zoo, the way I like to come. Made it back into town again using my back roads route getting home just at the time my car told me ‘two hours since ignition’. It’s 120 miles. Need to fill the gas tank tomorrow before prices potentially go up again. our Governor has suspended out state gas taxes the last two months which saves us about $.31/gal. Lowest in town now is $2.69. Prices should go back up on the 12th unless he suspends again. State budget has a $4.8 billion surplus so he decided to give taxpayers a break rather than adding to the surplus. I can think of a lot of things he could have done with that money, including fixing some roads… Enough politics. I am home, have had a nap, printed out my eTicket for my next cruise, now time to start mentally packing and make a hotel reservation for Dec. 6. EM
  20. A few more from my phone, including the famous bacon donut
  21. In my Carnival bed for the last time. All packed and ready for tomorrow. went to the platinum/diamond reception and I was happy to not receive the award for being the oldest one there. The winner was sitting next to me and has 7 years more. I had my only ‘drink’ of the cruise, a glass of white wine. My favorite solo guitar was playing and after the movie and awards his last number had people up dancing. Senior officers were there, including the captain. The youngest platinum cruiser was 18. I wandered a bit and took some pics of the goodies at Java Blue. Unfortunately they haven’t all populated over from my phone to this iPad mini. In fact I’m surprised any did. It’s a frustration I have. I went to the final show, where they do a number with the kids group, introduce many crew with their country flags, and the Playlist group sang a few numbers about love. All 8 were there tonight. Filling that I went to the buffet for a snack. Not hungry but morning is a long time away. I wanted to try their fried (green) tomatoes. They need more cornmeal and less flour in the breading. And I had to dip with ranch because the remoulade sauce had shrimp. Not a rousing success. Also had a black bean enchilada. Came back to the cabin to grab my mobile bar to top off the iced tea, as there won’t be any in the morning, just juice.
  22. Celebrity S class ships (except Reflection) have adjoining cabins that can form connecting cabins by creating an outer vestibule or foyer by closing outer doors. The two cabins can leave their own cabin doors open and go back and forth through the vestibule. They can also open the connecting piece on the balcony. EM
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