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Everything posted by zap99

  1. I think that is the gastric band thing.🤣
  2. You order the extra priced dish and the waiter adds it to your account. Same as a drink.
  3. If you use binoculars you can see the island receding for a bit longer.
  4. When you are on your adventure, sailing around South America and experiencing exciting new destinations, I would bet that what time you eat will become less important. You seem a resourceful chap, so when in future years you look back, I doubt what time you and Mrs S ate will figure high in your memories Jealous?, Me....you bet.
  5. It's really nice to see you getting excited about your cruising again. This one looks special, so a live report with lots of pictures would be much appreciate. Enjoy and I look forward to you sharing it with us.
  6. That'll do the trick, or fill up the Thames estuary to stop all that loverly fresh water going out to sea.
  7. Use them to make big levies like the mississippi. River Severn steamboat holidays.🤣
  8. When we flew in a few years ago, £10 Egyptian ( it may have been $10 US )was paid in cash, where it went, who can say.🤣
  9. Have you seen my cavity?...thought it was about dentists.🤣
  10. We were unloading the car in the hotel car park in the dark. We go away for new year. DW said " I wonder what entertainment they will have new years day ? " I hope it's not that bloke who sings all the stuff from the westend shows said big mouth. From behind the next car, I'll try and sing a few different songs this year....gulp..only joking, I knew you were there. Note. Anybody else getting fed up with predictive??.
  11. Basingstoke, Swansea, Italy !!. Sounds like the worldwide locations on Dellboys van.🤣
  12. We had no choice but to go out this morning. Flu jabs and.....
  13. I have got, probably all the Agatha Christy books. DW said ' All these old books, you have probably read them all a good few times. Can they go down the charity shop?. '....Nooooo.
  14. We don't eat Lidl cakes, or Christmas pud....big cakes and puds fo us.🤣
  15. I love the crinkly, frozen variety. Then again the triple fried variety !!... why couldn't they get it right first time.,?.
  16. Beef Wellington for me, but the pie runs it a close second. Green beans , or Chinese Brockory to go with it.
  17. I'm sure many folk enjoy. We go to the cinema at home a couple if times a year, so not something we miss. We did watch a new star wars release in America, but generally no cinema trips on holiday.
  18. They seem to have adopted a policy of dropping prices after I have paid a deposit. Obviously aimed at getting my booking early. We won't be falling for that trick a third Time. Late booking for us.
  19. In all the cruises we have been on, I can't recall ever going into an onboard cinema, so not an issue for us.
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