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Everything posted by zap99

  1. Put all your appointments in your calendar and set notifications. Sorted.🤣
  2. Going with the flow works for us. So far since lockdown ended we have been on 8 cruises. We haven't gone hungry.
  3. No advances booking for the Glass House in Azura in April. We asked the MD how to book for about 7.00. He told us. We popped down at 6.00 he said I can seat you straight away, get you a drink and take your food order about 6.45. Worked out fine. Booking procedures have changed. The choices are to work with and around them, or stress yourself out..Dining times are, after all, fairly minor issues.
  4. Knowing how the system works helps a bit. If you shower, dress, pop down for a drink and think at 7.00 ' time for dinner ,I'll join a virtual queue ', you may be in for a long wait. About 15 mins,or so before we were finished in the cabin we would join the queue. A bit earlier if the queue was getting a bit big. We rarely needed to wait very long, sometimes being notified before we had even finished in the cabin, but we had 15minutes.
  5. I would guess that many folk are " on a budget ". That budget may include treating the kids to a few posh meals and staying up late on holiday. We are on a budget too. 6, or 7 holidays a year. A quick look at the range of cars dropping the kids off at school may indicate the budget is larger than you think🤣
  6. I have one passport, I have always had one passport, I have never had need for more than I. I have a friend who has several driving licences in different names. I understand why.🤣
  7. Many years ago our friends tried to convince us that cruising was a good holiday option. Dressing for dinner, same table, same dinner conpanions with interesting topical conversation, predinner gin and IT, before, if you were lucky, meeting the captain, or a lessor officer if your status didn't warrant meeting his nibs. We started in 2000 when Island cruises started. Now on P&O and other lines, we decide when and where we eat, what entertainment to see and if we want a quick dinner, we can. Sometimes we need to wait a bit, but with a bit of give and take it can all work out fine. Spontaneously being told I will be eating at 6.30, or 8.30 every night. No thanks.
  8. When we saw our first bears in Canada, a mother and 2 youngsters some folk got out of their car to take photos. Our coach driver said we will stop a bit longer so you can take photograph's of wild bears eating tourists.
  9. Our manual dishwasher broke a couple of plates. DW uses the electric one now.
  10. My first company car was a 1971 Ford escort. We had a company fuel pump, but we're asked to fill up during the 3 day week when we were out and about to save stocks and get the money back from accounts. I had a new boss who was a bit thick. Can you sign this petty cash form please...OK but what's a hoysick. Sorry don't know, I'll find out, but if you could just sign the form...you must know, you just purchased petrol for one.......That's my registration....petrol for HOY151K.🤣
  11. Walking around in speedo's with that logo.......no thanks.🤔
  12. Don't fully agree. Some folk jump on any negative comment and turn it into a major crisis. Some just ignore them. Glad you enjoyed Arcadia. The number of folk booking her suggest more happy cruisers.
  13. When I first realised I had AEB, my first thought was...what the......was that?. My second thought was....how do I turn it off.?.
  14. Why do the old, frail folks need to go to a place called ' the terminal '..? I could drop my bags off and me and DW spend a couple of hours in Southampton busking.🤣
  15. I think we could get by on that ' light lunch ' I think I had a tagine. You would think that Olive Grove would be Italian, but I suppose Olives grow in lots of places. Yorkshire...perhaps ?.🤣
  16. zap99


    You could have a look at goodtogo. When DW was on a waiting list they were happy to cover her ,just not for cancellation. A call may be better than online.
  17. We don't really enjoy holidays. 3 cruises this year. Been to Majorca, will squeeze something in late September. Devon next month, Dorset last, South of France in September and Caribbean in December. Of coarse we love all holidays. I was just being Ironic.🤣
  18. Thanks Graham. The pleasure was ours. At the moment I am sitting on the balcony, trying to figure out if that is a Virgin ship, or a ferry. We enjoy every holiday and just let any minor hiccups pass by. I suspect Pauline and yourself are the same. Ps. Valiant Lady. Arrival time was 18.00 local time, so on topic🤣
  19. That's on long haul, She can put up with me for a couple of hours, but not 10. On the way out here she was next to a young lad in his 20's...I got to look out of the window the whole way. Her first words were...are we nearly.....Oh, we are !.🤣
  20. We need to look into things a bit more. Perhaps a binge year and book them all, or is that being a bit to selfish?.🤣
  21. One seat in row 12 and another in row 26 doesn't appeal.
  22. We need 12 more nights to get to D on RCL.I hope they have a double points promotion soon. We need 6 more on NCL and 5 more on P&O. Selfishly loyal to everybody we are. We are Platinum on Warners.🤣
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