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Everything posted by 1985rz1

  1. Our drink of choice is gin on the rocks and our go to gins are Tanqueray and Bombay Sapphire. We each usually have a maximum of 2 doubles before dinner, so at $11/single x 1.2 (20% gratuity), our daily bar bill is typically $52.80, each. Even if we were to go with Henricks as a splurge ($14 x 1.2 = 16.80), our 2 doubles would be $67.20 per day. Neither would exceed the premium Package cost of $69.95 per day. Since we typically go to Happy Hour and enjoy the Captain's and Return Guests parties, we don't even come close and can enjoy a beer and a glass of wine with lunch/dinner without going into package territory. OK, we're cheap dates, but the point is that it depends on how much you drink and what the costs of your drinks are as to whether the premium package makes sense. And for us, no package makes sense. Other than not having a bar bill on you onboard account which is automatically charged to your account at the end of the cruise, I don't really see the convenience factor as particularly advantages, since you have to give them you card to sign or, if you have a package, to register your stateroom number (at least they are supposed to do that to get their gratuity credit).
  2. You need their booking number and there will be an option to add them. They don't have to do anything (maybe be paid in full), but your booking them with you will use one of their on online advance reservations.
  3. A bit more expensive: 20% gratuity ins the new norm.
  4. Yes. The OLife beverage package is the Select package. Here's the link to the packages: https://www.oceaniacruises.com/value#value-packages
  5. Later than the PHs and the upper suites, but earlier than standard veranda and below.
  6. @spryder On the topic of bath tubs, not all are going to be replaced with showers only. Here's the list of those staterooms retaining bathtubs if Marina's referb is like Riviera's:
  7. I would prefer the chaos of the muster drill rather than experience that chaos in a real emergency. Any little practice will help folks to know what to expect and how to react in a real emergency. An online demo doesn't provide that.
  8. Having tried both concierge and PH, we now go for the PH. We prefer the extra room of the PH. We don't have an affinity for staring at the wake, and enjoy watching the coastlines when arriving and departing from the port, and the water passing by from the side balconies.
  9. Good clarification, FF. But the subtly of "during the cruise on which you accrue your 20th cruise credit" as opposed to "after accruing 20 cruise credits" is sometimes lost in translation.
  10. Tuxes not required, though some posters say they wear them.. The rules suggest a dark suit, but jackets and slacks seem to be Ok with a tie.
  11. Both Seabourn and Silversea have formal nights.
  12. Just remember that if you make reservations for your friends to join you, it uses one of their on line guaranteed reservations.
  13. Guess we agree to disagree. It looked perfect to me. 🍕
  14. And if it's not listed as a GV, he would get 2 booking numbers and 2 credits, and not be able to treat it as A GV...right Lyn?
  15. Is that like liver and onions with red wine?
  16. Sorry. There was no previous quote posted in the response, so it seemed to be on an island unknown. But then, I don't remember all the posts back 20 or so. Old person's memory....🙄. Guess I should be in hospice and gum my food.
  17. Here is Oceania's policy: https://oceaniacruises.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005477653-How-many-dining-reservations-am-I-allowed-in-each-specialty-restaurant-
  18. You will need their booking number to add to the reservation. If you add them to your booking, it uses one of their advance, online reservations, and vice-versa.
  19. You might be interested in knowing Europe is mandating USB-C as a standard. https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/usb-c-universal-law-receives-final-approval-in-eu/#:~:text=USB-C will become the standard in the EU.&text=The law to make USB,charging cable across the EU.
  20. Yes, but not the itinerary or port names.
  21. You can take spirits onboard...to consume in your stateroom only.
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