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Everything posted by excitedofharpenden

  1. I never understood the fuss surrounding the harpist. Saw her and very nice, but insignificant to me. I've always found plenty of live music to listen to around the ship. Phil
  2. I've learned that a "best" table in the Specialties isn't necessarily so. Being at the aft is nice for the views, but I find it can get noisy and warm too when the sun is shining on the windows. I now much prefer a table down the side or toward the front of the restaurant which is cooler, quieter and gives the opportunity to people watch. Phil
  3. I don't think it's fair to say that. If you have paid for a suite and are able to dine every night in the Specialty Restaurants why wouldn't you? I also think in reality it doesn't happen very often that suite guests are in Aqualina or Prime C every night what with White Night, Azamazing Evenings and themed buffets, not to mention more casual dining in Windows and The Patio. And I've never had an issue getting seated in the Specialties whether in a suite or not. If I'm in a suite I definitely don't dine in them every night "to get my monies worth" as you put it. Phil
  4. Good stuff. Well done. That's a nice upgrade/price. Phil
  5. Hey Marilyn. Don't expect to get one and you won't be disappointed! If you ring Azamara they won't give you one for free, but I'm sure they'll sell you one. I've never had a free upgrade. Phil
  6. You on Quest? I know she missed Cartagena today because of wind and rough seas. Stay comfy! Phil
  7. Just a couple of points. Not sure if you've seen the computer area on the Azamara ships? Good luck spreading out to do your work there. And I think it will take a lot more than this program to attract a younger demographic. Azamara has always been marketed as a destination immersion cruiseline. In general I've always found the guests to be older, but more active and well travelled. This program just doesn't seem to fit. Nice idea and I like it that faster wifi is available, but disappointed that it is now a two tier service. And this wander thing just seems to be a marketing ploy. Real world Azamara ship is different. Well that's my view at least. Phil
  8. I have to agree and would not follow Dr H's advice to avoid it. I've been to probably half a dozen and really enjoy them to the extent I've sought them out because they aren't always well advertised (nor held on every cruise). Not to be done too often, they are set up in different venues and food is served family style (ie they don't do courses, just bring food to the table). I've always enjoyed them and learned to pace myself because the food just keeps coming! Phil
  9. They have to keep thinking of new ideas to keep the minds of the marketing department awake. Probably a university graduate has been at that one! I don't think it will ever come to much because the demographic of Azamara is wrong. Phil
  10. That's why I was careful to say "all of the time" because you can't guarantee they'll be kept separate. Certainly Journey and Quest were not like Onward and that isn't enough reason for me to stick to a particular ship. Lol Phil
  11. We have hard water where I live too and I'm very choosy about the taste so have to have a Brita water filter at home which improves the tea no end for me. I do not like the taste of ship water particularly, but seem to get on ok with the Bunn machine in Windows (which has to be the same water from elsewhere). Don't even get me on the carafs of hot water they bring to your cabin. It all smells of stale coffee that has been in the jug before. Why they don't keep separate jugs marked "water" all of the time I don't know 🤷‍♂️ Phil
  12. The venue is amazing in itself, but it does depend on the entertainment to add to it as well. Last time we were there in July it was a group who had been heavily affected by the Turkish earthquake. Whilst my heart goes out to them and what they have achieved I thought the evening was a bit sombre. The previous couple of times it was classical orchestral and that was magical. Phil
  13. Even better (for me at least) is the tea and coffee area at the end of Windows that's open 24hrs and has a Bunn hot water dispenser and a large selection of teas/lemon slices/honey. I've been up there in the middle of the night quite a few times to make myself a cuppa. They always leave the lights on over that area. Phil
  14. Quest in July was a super experience. The crew were amazing and we all had a first class time. Hopefully you will too. Phil
  15. The issue here and why they shouldn't be opened for guests is that once they do this there is an onus on someone to come and close them again before the ship sails. You were lucky someone agreed to do it, but it's not something that is generally done. Phil
  16. Unlike say Celebrity which has a locking mechanism to hold them firmly open, Azamara's ships don't have any way to secure them open, so as uktog unfortunately you can't have adjoining balconies. Phil
  17. My overall feeling is that the Azamazing Evenings will continue. I think Azamara have made such a name for themselves with them they'd be crazy to drop them. We have already been advised of one for our Japan cruise next year. This isn't to say that maybe some will evolve into onboard experiences as needs dictate. They must take an awful lot of organisation to run smoothly. I've been to a lot of Azamazing Evenings. Some are more memorable than others, but from my own perspective I'd be sorry to see them go. I always enjoy them. Phil
  18. You aren't going to get an accurate or consistent answer from that source. Phil
  19. Me too! Don't stress. I've sailed from Piraeus maybe a dozen times on Azamara and it's always been very easy to find the ship. Phil
  20. This. A copy of the relevant part of my cruise documents from July. I do as Beatnix does on the morning I get the taxi. Piraeus is a big port, but the cruises go from the same area close to the port entrance. Phil
  21. I can see why they are doing it, but to me it's a bit askew. Part of it is that they are trying to limit the 'plague of locusts' that decend on Barcelona, but they are closing off the docks where the small 'non-locust type' ships dock and sending them up to where the large ships are. And limiting that daily capacity (no people numbers I can see, just number of ships). If it were me my focus would be away from the WTC pier where passenger numbers are lower and concentrate on Adossat. Seems to me that the smaller ships will be at a disadvantage when competing directly with the larger ones with fewer ships able to dock in Barcelona. And overnights will no longer be as fun or convenient stuck out at Adossat. A double whammy. Glad I've had a chance to experience the World Trade Centre pier. Phil
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