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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. Thanks all for your help. Finally able to contact my CVP and booked the cruise without having to place a hold for a specific cabin. Wish they'd fix the glitch if that's what it is and not their intention to block some of us from holding a cabin.
  2. Thanks for that....but no button. I've seen it in the past, but here in Canada (I've tried 3 different browsers) there's no 'button'...or way around placing a hold.
  3. I've tried every which way to place a hold with no success. Found an old thread here but advice doesn't work; I suspect the 'trick' has been programmed out. Or is this only a glitch when booking from Canada?
  4. Not sure if this is doable, but a poster mentioned they called Captains Club to make their reservations and received the discount on Specialty dining and excursions. I'm about to test it on our upcoming cruise.
  5. When I'm choosing excursions, I book in the 'cart' and along with payment there's also an option to continue shopping. I may go back and cancel said excursion or continue on to payment at some date in the near future at perhaps an increase in price or if sold out at that time, just move on to another. No payment/no refund.
  6. Limited access to Luminae....does that mean breakfast only? 😉
  7. You may save in your cart until payment, but in the interim the excursion may go up in price which you'll pay unless you cancel....at least in my experience when I forgot I had held it.
  8. You should be able to change bids using the sliding indicator. There's an option to do so, but if you can't do anything at all, it may be locked as they're considering your bids. Do your bids say 'pending'? Message from X website on move up... Can I modify or cancel my offer after I submit it? You may modify or cancel your offer up until 2 days prior to departure, provided that your offer has not already been accepted by Celebrity Cruises and provided your credit card has not been charged.
  9. Guess my 😉didn't register....Subway sandwiches are known to be longgggg ones...ergo a 'stretch'. Too subtle.
  10. Our next booking includes prepaid grats, bev. pkg. and wifi. Last Nov. cruise the price limit for a glass of wine in classic pkg was $12....not many Cab choices available. Upcharge for Decoy. Flyer now indicates classic limit is $10...so there will be an upcharge on most wines if we don't have premium. Asking for one's credit card to pay for drinks defeats the purpose of having an inclusive drinks pkg. We're back to the 'old days' which AI was supposed to prevent. I made my feelings known for whatever good it did....LOL. Next Apex cruise the Classic limit is $12.00 Premium Pricing: Includes all drinks up to $17 price on menu ($20 for sailings from UK and AUS ports). Vodkas: Belvedere, Cîroc Snap Frost & Flavors, to Grey Goose
  11. What is the rumour re drink pkgs? Grats no longer included...are they considering removing bev. pkgs. and wifi?
  12. Checked back through X spreadsheets for Incentives from 2011. You're right, AI plus OBC was offered in 2019. I didn't sail in pandemic years so have no data. AI perhaps started in 2015. OBC seemed to be offered as a promotion in prior years if booked at the right time...same with Bev/Grats/WiFi. Not sure as I didn't break these costs down over the years...just paid them...LOL. I'm not booked with X in 2024, so 2025 will be the first year without OBC in some time but I booked very early so price is quite less than current.
  13. This loss of OBC and tips included I think would be the need for 'pandemic pricing' being over and the real cost of cruising has kicked in (and their need to recover losses and show profit). I for one have been spoiled by incentives. In researching other cruise lines and land vacations, there seems to be the same comments...some never gave OBC, or food quality is diminished, or an unwanted excursion allowance and pricing higher. It's the consumer's decision...to do or not to do (sorry Shakespeare...) that is the question.
  14. The lawyers among us are having a great time with 'thrust and parry'! Maybe the OP engaged himself in that one day? Does he/she have a fool for a client?😉
  15. Our last cruise we were in a concierge cabin on the hump. Our attendant left a personal card in the room with his name and title of 'Retreat Host'. We weren't in a Retreat cabin so during the cruise I asked him how many cabins he had...answer....10 which included the suite cabins on the flat side of the 'hump'. He was taking care of all the other cabins not Retreat so that explained the 'card' title. Wouldn't surprise me if he was unable to respond as butlers did in the past to suite passenger requests. Have to say....this was the best steward we ever had in many X cruises (Elite+), which included suite cabins....we were very happy with him and hopefully he was very happy with the extra gratuity from us at the end of our cruise. He very much deserved the title Retreat Host, and I hope he was paid accordingly. Yes, I'm sure they're overworked.
  16. We tip our Retreat Butler VERY well at the end of our cruise...which is a reward for unsolicited good service. In fact, we ask very little, if anything, from our butler but if the small simple things are attended to each day (like ice morning and evening) and other services he/she do pleasantly without being asked, they are definitely natural aces and deserving....JMHO. We tip no one in advance of their service at home or on vacation.
  17. but....but....but....you know it's safe, I know it's safe....is it really that important to keep stressing this 'glitch'? Would be impossible to personalize each port and it's inherent possible safety issue(s). They just tried to generalize. OP found the humour in the 'warning' and some 'oh so smart' posters picked up on it (maybe) to keep their posting count moving upward?
  18. Price for my next cruise is higher.
  19. Our opinion of the Marina as well and always recommended it.. Stayed many years pre cruise in a high floor room, overlooking ships (which room were you in, same view but lower down; we were on mid 14th and I think the lower view is better from your photos) and enjoyed the patio dining in the pool area. Now it's gone with no replacement except a small booth with umbrella serving drinks and loungers in very poor condition (last month, maybe not there now?). Dining is in a super expensive, small mostly fish menu, very nice attached restaurant but not what most cruisers are looking for. Room charge in Canadian $$s is quite high, but I booked early so doable for a renovated property. The $30 service charge came off at check out, I suppose because we dined at their restaurant for dinner and breakfast (had a very good buffet but also pricey). Reno isn't what we expected so will now be looking elsewhere. Never use room service but if we did, that would be a turn off. The Riverside doesn't seem very nice. Maybe the Hilton Conrad next time.
  20. This was in summer 2023. Cruise was this Nov. Your posts are very positive towards Porter (?)......guess it works much better for you in Ottawa. As I said, I'll keep checking and may try it if it seems better for us than AC.
  21. If the excursion is cancelled onboard in the 48 hr period, there seems to be many people who don't book until they sail and have a look at what's available. As I said in prior post, I had to cancel 3 excursions in one day due to illness; they were almost immediately booked when I checked availability on X internet. I don't see them making money on these...the pricing was almost the same. I think it's more of a scheduling problem for the tour operator with the ship having to cancel and hopefully rebook passengers.
  22. That was today. When I was booking months before the Nov. schedule came out, the flight departure time was ok but connecting in Montreal with, I think, a long interval between. We don't like connecting flights especially on such a short route. Coming home, the flight available after our cruise was 2 days away so not workable for us. BTW, we never fly in on embarkation day. AC works quite well for us and they have more flights throughout the day. Porter just seems iffy to me right now. Will keep checking for next holiday. You do seem pretty positive complimenting Porter.
  23. I considered Porter last cruise but flights from YYZ to FLL aren't workable...flight days/times don't correspond to need. It'll be a while before they have a good range of flying times...IMO.
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