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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. A couple of years ago, I was not able to connect to my company's intranet via the K5 VPN that we had to use. This was most likely due to the lag (ping) time which at that time was over a 1 second delay.
  2. Will that $50 OBC cover the internet pkg that some may have cancelled and now have to repurchase at a higher price?
  3. Cruise line insurance Good - Includes CFAR with cancellation up to scheduled sailing time. Price is not based on age. Bad - Medical coverage is too low for my liking. Medical coverage is considered secondary. No pre-existing medical condition waiver for you or for non-traveling family members. The cruise line sells the insurance (and makes a nice commission on it) but will offer no assistance when it comes to filing a claim. I personally recommend using a broker that offers various policies that will fit various needs. I use Steve at https://www.TripInsuranceStore.com. You can either apply for 1 oh his policies on line, or you are welcome to call and ask all sorts of questions.
  4. 1. Define "Worth It". What I put as a value on something may be totally different than what you may determine. 2. Steaks. Thus "Steakhouse" 3. Yes. A free bottle of the cheapest they have.
  5. Thanks for the link. Wendover Productions does a very good job.
  6. You can't do this as a B2B. What you could do is take the LA to Vancouver, board a different ship, then continue on your trip. Just can't do this on the same ship.
  7. 1 guest with 4 devices can all be logged in at the same time with the same login and password?
  8. Is it 4 guests, 1 device each = 4 separate logins and passwords? vs. 1 guest with 4 devices = 1 login and 1 password on all 4 devices?
  9. Voom & Stream package The offer we have is $17.99 per guest per day There are 4 guests in the cabin. If we select all 4 guests with 1 device each, the price total comes out to $503.72. If we select 1 guest with 4 devices, the price comes to $370.93. What are the differences here (other than the $133)?
  10. Don’t even be concerned about whether the excursion is a private company or an excursion offered by the cruise line. Especially one such as a beginner scuba dive. Dive shops tend to go out of business very fast if they lose a customer due to drowning. Dive shops must follow extreme safety guidelines and word of mouth would kill them in the diving community. I actually did one of these beginner dives in Aruba. Felt very safe and enjoyed the experience. I did decide that diving was not compatible with my old out of shape fat self. I also decided that me and marine life get along much better if we both stay in our own environment.
  11. B) Yes, No, Maybe Some of the issues when it comes to evacuation to a hospital. 1) Under an emergency situation, you are going to be evacuated to the nearest hospital that can treat your ailment. No if's, and's or but's. 2) The MedJet has some limitations. You must be more than 150 miles from home. You MUST be an "Inpatient" at a hospital. There must be an airfield/airport nearby. (a patient receiving treatment at an urgent care clinic and only reachable by helicopter does not meet these conditions) 3) If after you have been stabilized and the current physician and the receiving physician have agreed that you can safely be moved, THEN, some policies will allow you to make the decision that you can be evacuated to the hospital of your choice. C) CSR medical is "secondary". GeoBlue is "secondary". Both require a "Primary". Do you have a Primary?
  12. Normal? As in the 60's? the 70's?, the 90's? If you've noticed, air travel has been evolving since the beginning of air travel. It's still evolving. I don't know what your definition of normal is but the answer your question, No, it will never return to what you consider back in the good ole days.
  13. When you ask "would it be covered?" What is it you're looking for? You miss the bus, you catch another transportation option. You miss the flight, the airline books you on a later flight. What are your losses and what kind of monetary reimbursement are you looking for? In this scenario, I could see maybe filing a Trip Delay and maybe being reimbursed for an extra hotel night and meals (up to max policy allowable). Then again, if the insurance company determined that you missed everything only due to bad planning on your part, then it may be denied.
  14. Can you provide a link please? This information would be helpful on the insurance board.
  15. CFAR (Cancel For Any Reason) is not allowed as a coverage in an insurance policy for residents of New York.
  16. See, that’s the thing. I would be more than happy to help but the OP provides NO information that could help with an answer. What day of the week, what airline, coach or FC, pre-check or no Pre-check, Clear or no Clear, checking luggage or not. All if this information could provide a better answer.
  17. First of all there is zero chance that an individual would be billed to be evacuated off a cruise ship. By international treaty, these evacuations are handled by well trained military or coast guard type entities. Evacuation from a land facility to a hospital better suited to handle your medical condition is treated just as if you had an ambulance come to your house and take you to your local hospital. Further evacuation for continuation of treatment after you have been stabilized is a complete different story and most likely will not be covered by your Medicare advantage plans. You need to be very very specific when asking your insurance provider these questions. Even more specific, I asked if they paid to bring my dead body home. The answer was no.
  18. I'm not sure if the mods will allow this to stay up, but, I'm very disappointed. I was interested to see and hear how IMT would reach out and help people understand the very complicated nuances of travel insurance and to earn their business. I purposely stayed away from some of the threads to give IMT their opportunity to show their interest and bring their own additional perspective. They failed miserably in my opinion. I thought they were going to be here for a month at least. It appears that their understanding was that the forum was to fill up with questions, and they were only required to answer each question once and move on after only a day. Maybe that was just a miscommunication between CC and IMT. Maybe they just don't feel that this community was that important. I don't know. Now I see a broker competitor is stepping in to help answer some of the follow-up questions that IMT failed to follow-up on. As a supporter of that broker, I want to say thanks for stepping up and trying to help those who have been left wondering what the heck is going on. As a person who enjoys competition and the free market, maybe the fine people of CC could reach back out to IMT and help them understand that they missed an opportunity and maybe didn't understand the spirit or intent of providing them with their own sub-forum.
  19. This is just my opinion. Safety is the #1 priority on this type of excursion. It doesn't look good for the operator to lose a customer to drowning more than a couple of times. Since your son is PADI qualified, there will most likely be no problem. Just make sure he's not setting YOU up! 😁 You might want to be good to him until then. I have done 1 of these one time.... I decided that I'm too old for that crap and that me and sea creatures are to avoid each other at all costs.
  20. 2 things 1) Southwest has a very generous cancellation policy. If you buy Business or Anytime tickets, they are fully refundable. If you buy WannaGetAway, you get a future travel voucher. So, why would you even insure these? Flight Refund Policy | Southwest Airlines 2) If the airline offers a future travel voucher, most insurance companies will consider this as paid in full and not reimburse you.
  21. If you take into consideration that the coverage dates you select would be the day you lock the front door until the moment you walk back into the house, this would be 1 trip. If you break it up into 2 cruises, when does 1 trip end and the next begin?
  22. Better??? I would ask you to define what you mean by better? Since neither Southwest nor Allegient flies into MLB, we'll look at the majors. And, assuming you want to depart from SYR. Cheapest? - MCO Quickest? MCO More flights? - MCO
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