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Everything posted by foodsvcmgr

  1. While fares are protected after the initial booking, increases in taxes are typically charged regardless of payment status.
  2. Clearly the focus currently is on loosening Covid pre-boarding testing, but I had expected more details to have been released by now on the Costa by Carnival concept. Has anyone heard anything aboard ship (admittedly a shaky source) or elsewhere about itineraries or anything at all pertaining to this new venture little more than a year from launching in New York? Hopefully official updates are pending.
  3. Hopefully this is the end of mandatory tests to board. And I sincerely hoping masking for crew becomes an optional choice for them.
  4. Please let us know if you learn any new details of when this ship and Venezia join the new Costa By Carnival operation next year. Very curious about what Costa features will remain. Thanks.
  5. For many years have owned between 100-350 CCL shares. Have never been denied on any Carnival owned line regardless of other promos. I have never had a casino fare however.
  6. They can and will recover once testing and quarantine are eliminated. I think the wide divergence of opinions here, not dissimilar to the smoking debate, may open the possibility of different cruise lines opting to pursue different Covid policies. In essence, something for everyone. I will wait to sail until restrictions are gone, at least on some cruise line somewhere in the world, whereas cowmilker wants a highly regulated mask wearing environment. Why can’t both of us have options that suit our comfort levels, if not immediately but in the reasonable future?
  7. Yes Kmom this was the initial concept offering a blend of the two companies, not sure if the latest story indicates a further level of Carnivalisation and less Costa influence?
  8. Thanks, very interesting and somewhat disappointing if true because the Costa by Carnival was supposed to be a unique hybrid experience. Will have to see how the official details compare once released.
  9. My request to refare and add gratuities and more OBC was immediately and cheerfully accommodated yesterday for an October 2023 booking.
  10. Could you elaborate on that please and if permitted direct us to the source? Thanks.
  11. I understand the latest replies, I have “visited” the Eiffel Tower speeding past on a tour bus and clearly less than ideal. My only real argument for the drive by is the cost comparison vs expedition ship. And I’m not willing to forgo 4-5 other trips to save up toward an expedition. JMO, clearly many rightfully disagree.
  12. Chengkp - thanks as always for the technical explanation. To respond to some opinions here that not adding a Carnival-esque whale tail equates to cheapness, would you say that for this ship it would represent a technical improvement or merely cosmetic? Thanks.
  13. As far as I know, a whale tail or stern sponson is added to a ship when needed for stability. It is not a decorative element for brand recognition.
  14. I would think RCCL and Celebrity would follow suit shortly as they shared the Covid safety panel with NCL chaired by Scott Gottlieb. Hopefully the results will show minimal increase from pretested sailings leading the US and other holdouts to drop the requirements.
  15. The reference to being staffed by Carnival crew interesting. Not sure how they are really different. Costa has not had an Italian service staff for decades, the same international, heavily Filipino crew as Carnival has. Both lines have Italian captains. The most notable change they could make would be a front office staff in tune with American cruisers needs and preferences. And entertainment adjusted for the American market, a frequent complaint with MSC. Will be very interesting to see how this hybrid experience is positioned and how it actually operates in practice.
  16. A victim of age and lack of veranda cabins, the last link to the great Home Lines.
  17. Seems like a smart idea for so many reasons, chief among them: Offer an Italian themed product head to head against MSC in the huge greater New York market, but with Carnival’s greater brand recognition. The Carnival “management” addresses the frequent complaint that MSC doesn’t always cater to American tastes. This product can be Italian but not “too” Italian……. Great opportunity to reintroduce Costa to the US market and create momentum to build the brand elsewhere with more American passengers. Not re-theming nearly new ships saves money up front at a time where every dollar counts. If the concept succeeds they have created a new niche market. If it fails (anyone remember using the old Carnivale for the short lived Fiesta Marina Cruises?) the ships can simply revert to European sailings for Costa without additional expense. I’d be interested in trying a Bermuda cruise which hopefully will be part of the program.
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