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Everything posted by PelicanLvr

  1. Sounds "odd" to me that the vendors are telling you they return before sunset time. Isn't being on the water at sunset the whole point of a sunset cruise? Has anyone ever been on a sunset cruise that returns before sunset? I agree with -Lew- above that you will probably dock from the sunset cruise AFTER sunset. You must find out the time of the last tender back to the ship. That's key. The "all aboard" is in reality the time that last tender leaves the island. Yes, if the sunset cruise docks at the same port as the X tenders, you can probably just walk along the port to the tender location. We were actually proud to be the 2 last passengers back to a Windstar cruise in Santorini after dinner in Ioa. We stepped on the tender and the port staff (with their tables umbrellas etc) got on with us. I suspect that Santorini sunset cruises are mostly used by folks staying on the island....not cruise passengers. Be careful. Your plan is risky. I agree with Susan above: With 17 people, did you think of chartering your own boat?
  2. We have also used Guided Tours Israel.....They are outstanding! Highly recommended.
  3. Asia is the "advanced class" of DIY excursions. So, it all depends on your experience with DIY and risk-tolerance for problems. Remember, unlike Europe, out on the streets, few, if any, speak English. You can't even understand posted signs (even numbers). I have quite a bit of DIY experience in the "western world". But in Asia, I'm not sure I would try.
  4. Can you do "walk off with your luggage" self disembarkation? If so, you would be first in line for authorities at the pier.
  5. Yes to both: 1. Don't bother with the concierge - The specialty restaurants handle their own reservations, so speak to them. You can speak to anyone "selling" specialty restaurant reservations (sometimes I have even seen them on the pier)-but that is likely a person only able to fill available spots. So, if that is unsuccessful, I do suggest you go to the restaurant you want to go to (Tuscan Grill) and speak to the Maitre d of that room. That person would be the final word on it. 2. Yes, book the 9pm just in case as long as you can "deal with" eating that late if you have to. As long as that is better than not being able to go at all.
  6. Jelyne above is correct. Go on embarkation day to Tuscan Grill and explain your needs. They will help you out if they can.
  7. Shop what matters to you! For us it's having an extended balcony...whatever stateroom class X calls it is not important. OP, what do you value? Book based on that.
  8. Please don't waste time on a big, slow-moving ship tour! You will see less & be in a crowd! OP, use Guided Tours Israel (GTI). You will have a much better experience in a land that is truly unforgettable. Like Ex-Airbalancer above, we used GTI about 10 years ago and it's still one of our best travel experiences ever.
  9. Couldn't have said it better myself. Just more cost-cutting and deterioration of product....."to serve you better"
  10. I believe all the aft extended balcony B3s are aft of the aft elevators...... all above the dining room. The casino seems quite a bit forward of that location on deck 5. Don't see the casino as a real issue for these cabins.
  11. Suggest a sunset dinner on the beach at "Passions of the Beach" located at the Amsterdam Manor Hotel on Eagle Beach. You can probably be back onboard for the 9pm show....but we didn't rush back.
  12. Livorno is the port for Florence. It's a bit over an hour each way on the road even without traffic.
  13. Tami, Thank you for really thinking about "my 2 cents" from post #28. You are on a much better itinerary for a first-time Europe visit...you are really visiting some of the great Europe highlights. Outstanding choice! A little more "food for thought": In Florence: You said you have an overnight there. Yes? If so, please think about packing an overnight bag and staying in Florence that night. You will see so much more that way. A book like Rick Steves has lots of good-value options. That way you: --- save the travel time to and from the ship --- have an evening to stroll the beautifully lit magical city --- have dinner in an atmospheric cafe or restaurant --- See sunset on a bridge over the Arno In Rome: Wow, so much to see.....Since you will be there post cruise, look into tour companies that provide special access like "Walks of Italy" to get into Colosseum areas that are not open to the general public or into the Vatican Museum (Sistine Chapel) before it opens to the public. Also know most museums in Europe (there are exceptions) are closed on Mondays and the Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel are closed on Sunday. Happy Planning. PL
  14. Sorry for the dumb question....but how many days out is final payment these days?
  15. In pre-covid times, I knew to look on Tuesdays for the "Exciting Deals" posted each week by X for great last minute prices. That page still lists the deals posted on April 14, 2020...the last day they were released before shutdown. How and where do you find last minute deals now? Do they still exist?
  16. Yes cash. As a contractor once said to me: "cash is always in good taste"! Before cruises, especially to a ports where USD is accepted (ie Caribbean etc.), I go to the bank and break up $350 like this: 20 x $10 bills 20 x $5 bills 50 x $1 bills It's a manageable "wad" of small cash to put in your room safe and gradually use for on-board tipping (like in a specialty restaurant for great service), port taxis, souvenirs and other small costs. In ports I keep a small assortment of these smaller bills in a separate pouch and usually never take out my real wallet ashore. It's nice to have "small bills" available both on and off the ship.
  17. Tami, When you say "I have never been there..." do you mean you haven't been to the Greek Islands / Adriatic ports or all of Europe? IMHO, while this is a wonderful itinerary, it is an itinerary for someone who has already been to the cruise-highlights of Europe like: Rome, Florence, & Barcelona. Just my 2 cents....food for thought. Enjoy your planning and the trip!! P.L. PS: Please spend at least one night in Venice (on the island) to soak it in. Go to St, Mark's Square at night to hear the orchestras play in the outdoor cafes. Unforgettable experience!
  18. StockJock, Have been to all the ports on your itinerary and as usual the CC faithful are giving "spot-on" advice. I have 2 things to say: 1. Santorini: You are absolutely doing the right thing. Take a ship tour to get you off early by tender. You are there until 10PM. Don't miss the opportunity to have dinner in this spectacular setting at sunset either overlooking the caldera or at the Amoudi waterside restaurants, just below Oia (the restaurants will call for a taxi back to the ship). 2. Don't miss Ephesus. There are ruins, and there are ruins. This is right up there with the best. Book a private tour or put up with the carpet "show"....Ephesus is worth it. Have a great trip!
  19. Amcco above is correct. It's usually several months out (not weeks) that suddenly the FVs are available if they are not booked by larger groups. Just keep checking. Also suggest a call to X to ask if they might keep a waiting list for that availability. But I would still keep checking yourself.
  20. Looking at the sale brochure, at the top of the list of included cruises is the title "CATEGORY*" -- Note the * At the bottom of the list is: * available on all stateroom categories Holding out hope it indeed applies to all categories!!
  21. Another vote for Guided Tours Israel. We got their name from these boards 10 years ago and used them. Outstanding. They are still recommended as a top tour provider there. Highly recommended.
  22. OP - First welcome to Cruise Critic. I see you're new around here. Enjoy! Generally, the more info you give when you post a question, the better the info you get back. So, What city are you flying into? Advice is different for Miami vs. Rio!
  23. Agree that Santorini is a DO NOT MISS port. As suggested above, get to Oia. Getting there by boat sounds good...also by taxi or bus. Most beautiful town on the island. Just soak it in and have lunch there.
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