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Everything posted by rafinmd

  1. Today's sunrise is from my 2013 Crystal Symphony cruise from Kobe to Vancouver. April 22 was a stormy sea day from Dutch Harbor to Kodiak: Somehow, we must have had the right heading vs the wind as we still managed to hold afternoon tea in Palm Court which I think didn't happen often of the 2010 transpacific or 2012 transatlantic. Roy
  2. Today's sunrise is from my 2013 Crystal Symphony cruise from Kobe to Vancouver. April 22 was a stormy sea day from Dutch Harbor to Kodiak: Roy
  3. Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. Happy Birthday Sue. Happy Passover to those who celebrate including Paul @kochleffel. Bon Voyage Dixie.. Special prayers for Vanessa as she heads for surgery. Three great days to celebrate. An uplifting quote by Dr. Seuss. I have not been to Mkonos. Barbara Walters was both a legend and a pioneer. I’ll pass on the meal. My alternative is Insalata Canaletto, Spaghetti with Meatballs, and Pistachio Gelato as served in MS Amsterdam’s Canaletto April 22, 2014, A chilly to cold day here and the main thing on my agenda is my routine visit with my Oncologist this afternoon. Roy
  4. A great tootfest from Volendam. Thanks Dave, Leanne, and fellow addicts. Roy
  5. You sure did. There was never a time to get both them and the PEV copyright bug. Roy
  6. I thought I got a glimpse of the stack moving briefly but she isn't as tall as the other ships, a good thing since she's going to Montreal. Roy
  7. Nice toots from Reflection and Volendam right behind. Roy
  8. Nice that both ships are pointed towards the exit. Roy
  9. Just hope it's Odyssey; otherwise sailaway could be delayed. Roy
  10. @JazzyV prayers for as easy and successful procedure as possible and a quick recovery. Roy
  11. Today's sunrise is from my 2012 Celebrity Solstice transatlantic Fort Lauderdale to Barcelona. We were at sea April 21 Fort Lauderdale to Tenerife: Roy
  12. Today's sunrise is from my 2012 Celebrity Solstice transatlantic Fort Lauderdale to Barcelona. We were at sea April 21 Fort Lauderdale to Tenerife: Roy
  13. Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, Dixie, and Graham/Father David. Bon Voyage Jacqui, Colin, and Emily and Happy Birthday Tony. Ann and Pat, enjoy your time in Rotterdam. Welcome home Lisa and Tom. Wow on 50 years Brenda. I’ll celebrate Hemp day and very thankful for Kindergarten. I think I was in the first group of kids to get Kindergarten in my school district many years ago. My brother was 2 years older than me but graduated 3 years earlier because he did not get Kindergarten. I prefer to keep my chocloate and cashews separate and have chocolate every day and will have cashews as part of a helping of mixed nuts. The Adams quote is interesting. I visited Scarbourgh in 2015 on the Maasdam. Elvis certainly revolutionized music. I’ll pass on the meal. My alternative is Lido Grilled cheese, green beans @ ice cream, and MDR lemon torte as served on Nieuw Statendam April 21, 2019: Chilly day but I had a morning walk and then A/V service at my church but now home for the day. Roy
  14. Bon Voyage. While a strike is understandable, it's hard to believe you couldn't have been warned so you could have gotten some snacks during your extended time in Pearson. Roy
  15. Today's sunrise is from my 2018 Crystal World Cruise. On April 20 Crystal Symphony was in Colon, Panama: Roy
  16. Today's sunrise is from my 2018 Crystal World Cruise. On April 20 Crystal Symphony was in Colon, Panama: Roy
  17. Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. Happy that Jacqui is finally in Fort Lauderdale but what a lousy way to welcome visitors to the US. I would not dare to try to learn Chinese Language, and will pass on the cheddar on my fries, Not sure about Cli-Fi but if it helps us recognize Climate reality it’s a good thing. My most memorable of recognition of the reality were passing through the Northwest Passage on a cruise ship in 2016 and the frequent floods in downtown Annapolis. I have not been to today’s port. An interesting quote by Adams and a great day in racing history.. I’ll pass on the meal. My alternative is Papaya with a Rainbow of Fruit, Apple, Pear, and Cucumber Salad, Filet from Sirf amd Turf, and Tiramisu as served on MS Zaandam April 20, 2017. A chilly morning for my walk but it should be warmer about lunch time when I head out to the fire house. Roy
  18. If they're near the phone and start to leave a message I can pick them up as they start. Roy
  19. I'll bet the only chance she had to fill out the survey was the one where she started and it crashed on her. Roy
  20. Here's our Destination of the day on Google Maps, showing the relationship to Westerdam's current destination Kanazawa. Next time a BHB will be there is Noordam on October 18. Roy
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