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Everything posted by markeb

  1. ???? Those are the actual terms used in the food industry. Nothing pretentious about it.
  2. They're taking out the tips so they're not locked into that rate on a cruise booked two years out. Their labor charges appear to be fairly unstable. If they don't include the tips in AI, they can raise the tips to offset labor (which is what the tips do anyway). Now if they're stupid and allow you to pre-pay tips at the time of booking, they've defeated that benefit to the company. They should hold off until final payment when their cost are fairly well locked. We'll see. The whole notion of opening bookings 2-3 years out only worked with inflation hovering around 2% and stable labor costs. They need to seriously look at shutting down long range bookings until inflation comes down.
  3. That’s kind of surprising. One of the complaints about the dis was that it was overcooked and dry, but one of the benefits of sous vide is that food isn’t overcooked or dry!
  4. Curious why not? We have friends who recently did Windstar and absolutely loved it. Partially because it was small.
  5. They match status up to Diamond (Elite, Elite +, and Zenith match to Diamond). They do NOT honor points as such. Same in reverse from RCL to Celebrity.
  6. I don't disagree. They could be losing their differentiating features in the market to try to "out Walmart Walmart". I don't know what their strategy is. Apple is an interesting example. They've likewise not truly had an original idea since Jobs died. Incremental improvements of the iPhone and iPad, but a product that's viewed as perishable. Those discussions are beyond this board!
  7. How about it's the Chairman, Board, and CEO saying the shareholders want an ROE. And the President is executing their instructions. That's the only thing that's plain and simple. If Royal's making money, be like Royal. And no, I'm not on their board and they don't release numbers on their subsidiaries. Probably would be an SEC violation since the subsidiaries don't trade. I don't like the changes either, but as was stated a couple of posts up, they're not a charity. And LHB mostly comes from an operational background, i.e., efficiency. Her only real strategy experience is Perfect Day at Cocoa Cay, and that may well have been the operations side as well for someone else's idea. Honestly, when was the last time RCG really had an original idea? Oasis Class at Royal and Edge Class at Celebrity? Those are both a lifetime ago.
  8. I think people are missing the obvious. Be more like Royal means make money…
  9. I seriously think she’s just the executor of policy. And she’s NOT a CEO. I think that change in terminology was intentional…
  10. I’m pretty sure anyone who could photoshop the Ion pic above could photoshop that $2 cookie sign. If they’re really going to do it, sell them for enough that it actually looks like a premium product! $2 is just insulting. Like 2 Buck Chuck!
  11. We’ve only sailed in Sky Suites twice, but both times the signs in the cabin specifically stated the minibar was NOT included in any drink package. The first time there was no suggestion that the minibar could be used as a suite perk, and we didn’t. The most recent sailing our butler said don’t worry and constantly restocked water and Diet Coke. I’m pretty sure the official policy NEVER included the minibar. I guess I view this as a return to official policy, not elimination of a perk (that never officially existed).
  12. I recall the poster saying there were no cookies. I don’t recall them confirming there were cookies for a fee.
  13. This would be one of the most boneheaded ideas in the history of boneheaded ideas, but… The original post is a repost from an unnamed (and probably unnameable) other site. Does anyone on this thread have independent confirmation? Are we sure we’re not spinning out of control on a bad piece of photoshop? If it’s there, I missed it. If they’ve suddenly decided to sell cookies, $2 is just a meaningless annoyance. It’s not even worth programming a sell key!
  14. I think I’ve done it twice. Last time on Equinox about a year ago. It’s somewhat hit or miss. As stated, it’s the travel edition no age statement whisky. On Equinox I believe it was someone from Craft Social doing the tasting. Not horribly knowledgeable and reading a lot. They also oversold the tasting. I have a lot of OBC in November, so I’ll never say never. If there are some serious whisky drinkers in your group, it can be fun. But everything they’re tasting can only be bought at duty free.
  15. You're not cargo, so it wouldn't be the Jones Act. That's your first clue that something's wrong with what they're telling you. It would be the PVSA. Where do you start and where do you end? Is it the same ship? If you are going from Seattle to Sydney on the same ship without a break, then it's not a PVSA violation. If you are going from Seattle to Honolulu and BREAKING TRAVEL, to include changing ships, before continuing to Sydney, yes, it's a PVSA violation. What's your actual itinerary in total? Including ship. Where do you start, where do you end, and do you change ships or have a break in travel (overnight or multiple days in Honolulu) along the way?
  16. Touche... One of the challenges on the board. Royal Caribbean Group, which calls itself RCG but used to be Royal Caribbean Cruises, Limited, and trades under the symbol of RCL.
  17. Or sell... Eventually shareholders demand a ROE.
  18. It's RCG, not RCL. Are you sure your 401(k) doesn't invest in RCG? Probably not, as they're not rated high on anyone's buy list, and haven't paid a dividend in several years. But there are probably people on this board who have more than a 100 share for OBC investment in RCG. That's why some care. And yes, according to their 10-Q, RCG is at a $376M net profit through the last quarter versus a $1.529B loss for the same quarter in 2022. They've got a long ways to go to recover their losses for 2020-2022.
  19. Fascinating examples... Kmart never really did anything well. It was inexpensive and had a decent operational efficiency model. Some guy from Arkansas who liked to dress in overalls created an empire out of low prices and operational efficiency. You want to hear a true horror story, talk to a trucker who missed his dock time by 2 minutes at a Walmart... Kate Jackson clothing line? Really? Kmart was destroyed by Walmart. As was Sears. And they didn't see it coming. Service Merchandise was likewise outflanked by Walmart, Circuit City!, Best Buy, and Bed Bath and Beyond! Circuit City is long gone and Bed Bath and Beyond is in liquidation last I looked. Haven't looked at their financials lately, but Best Buy is hardly secure. Some guy from Seattle largely outflanked all of them, again with an operational efficiency model. Sell everything. Let the buyer purchase online. Deliver it overnight. Rinse and repeat. I have serious concerns with X at this point, but it's from a strategic point. Beyond paying shareholders, what is RCG's strategy? How do they differentiate Royal from Celebrity from Seaborne? They brought in a president, who is NOT a CEO with a specific history that she's executing (again, not a CEO; I have to believe she's being directed and is good at what she's been directed to do) that people on this board don't like. But if it makes money, the shareholders will, and that's the obligation of the Board and CEO. And speaking of beer, what beer? One of the seeming 10,000 brands now part of AB-InBev? Let's really talk about consolidation!
  20. Straight from the RCG 10-Q: "Net cash provided by operating activities was $2.7 billion for the six months ended June 30, 2023, compared to cash used of $0.1 billion for the same period in 2022. The increase of $2.8 billion was primarily attributable to higher bookings, and occupancy in 2023 compared to the same period in 2022." (Emphasis added.) That's RCG as Celebrity is not a reporting entity to the SEC. Doesn't directly answer the question as those are likely bookings before the recent changes, but if the next 10-Q looks the same, I'd suggest the gnashing of teeth on Cruise Critic isn't actually representative of the corporate health of RCG. And since Celebrity is essentially a subsidiary, there's no way to answer the question.
  21. Was it free in the MDR that night? First or second chic night? it’s not a good look either way, but it’s a very bad look if they charged you for a free MDR entree! I don’t do lobster, but I think I would have told the head waiter where he could put his lobster. And I don’t do that…
  22. I'm just trying to make sure I've got this right. They charged you for the lobster that was an extra charge item on the MDR menu? The shrimp cocktail would have been a no extra charge MDR item? I have mixed feelings about that. I kind of get it, and kind of don't. They may literally not have a way to order the MDR "Premium Selections" without charging them to a customer (or no simple way). On the other hand, I've never known them to charge in Luminae. But they didn't charge you for an on-menu item from Luminae, which is how I originally read your post.
  23. Yeah. The thread is already off the rails, so I don't think I can hijack it... I rarely order steak on a cruise. I don't eat it that much anyway at this point in my life, and I'd rather have either a grilled/smoked steak (probably ribeye these days) medium rare to medium, and thin slice it to share with my wife, OR filet au poivre vert with green pepper corns. But I can make both of those, as good or sometimes better (maybe not the filet au poivre; that's a lot of work). I don't really do lamb, so that's my cruise "go to". That "ribeye" is honestly bizarre. Oh, well...
  24. As someone who generally doesn't order lobster, other than an occasional lobster roll, which is better? Because the top looks a lot better to me. There appears to be no need to bury it in a heavy cream sauce. But again, lobster isn't my thing...
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