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Everything posted by NutsAboutGolf

  1. One thing to keep in mind is that for whatever reason with basic wifi you cannot get Cruise Critic to load correctly
  2. Part of the lawsuit claims that X heavily steered them away from PR to FL for unknown reasons
  3. Good datapoint, we've never received them earlier than 21 days
  4. By no means am I disputing he posts videos in hopes to gaining views and subscribers, I'm simply pointing out there is value to his videos whether one chooses to watch them or not
  5. Interesting, to add to the datapoints...Wasn't on the Millie a couple of weeks ago nor was it on the Solstice last March or the month before
  6. 1) Change to SELECT dining as @NorthStarStateCruiser pointed out 2) 21 days before sailing you can "bid" for an upgrade, if you like the price, go for it 3) On seadays during lunch, go to the Eden cafe and try their free cookies and brownies 4) Bring board games, cards, dice, etc as the downside to "Relaxed luxury" is there isn't a ton to do during seadays outside of the casino or sitting by the pool and drinking all day 5) The specially restaurant Le Voyage, which has the highest cover charge of all specialty restaurants has top service and atmosphere but food is the same quality as the other special restaurants; many think the Eden specialty restaurant is better if taking the price into consideration 6) Know that with the IV window down your stateroom AC shuts off regardless whether the bi-fold doors are closed or not 7) In the 4 MDRs, you can order any of the exclusive items at any restaurant, so if you're the Cosmo and want a Tuscan exclusive entrée, you can order the Tuscan item 😎 If you go to a MDR like the Tuscan and there's a wait, the Tuscan host can see if there's a wait at the other three MDRs 9) Specialty restaurants like Fine Cut Steakhouse can have areas that funnel atrium music in, you can ask the host to seat you a quiet location yet those tables are usually the first to fill up
  7. The OP is a top cruise youtuber with almost a .5M subscribers; he always posts on CC and almost never replies/engages on CC as he wants the conversations to happen in the comment section in his video When he posts a negative video about X, in this case how slow the internet is on the Solstice despite have Starlink, it will be brought to X's attention and X is more likely to make corrections than from a few dozen of us whining here on CC
  8. Lawsuit is for $1M which IDK, seems reasonable considering they'll probably settle out of court for half and the lawyer team will get around half so the plaintiffs get about $250,000 and probably a lifetime ban on X
  9. Another part that I find strange...If the body is decomposing, even if in an airtight body bag, you'd still smell the body so every crew member who went into that drink cooler probably knew that "it" would hit the fan once they arrived in FL
  10. Thanks for sharing, how am I going to mine bitcoin on my next sailing with snail-slow speeds like this??? 🤣
  11. That may also get replaced Just my WAG, he went on the Celebration which he wrongly assumed didn't have Starlink then went on the Solstice which did have Starlink and he was surprised that X's Starlink was15 times slower than on Carnival...Like most of us, he just prefers fast internet...We could alter his premise of saying something like "Cruise ship Starlink, due to throttling, doesn't necessary offer fast internet speeds"
  12. I was going to say something simular...They claim X steered them towards FLL vs PR, you would imagine X simply would want to wash it's hands of this by getting rid of the body ASAP and possibly knew the morgue was broken...My WAG (Wild A$$ Guess) is there are some states laws or some reason favorable to X to offload the body in FL...Rare example of fact being stranger than fiction but due to most likely being settled out of court, we will most likely never know the details
  13. This is what he does, post without engaging...Idk what to tell you, perhaps you'd be happier if you blocked him?
  14. Valid but its a bit more complex...In his video, the only Starlink sailing he called out by name was the Celebrity Solstice at sub-5mbps. Yet he then INCORRECTLY claims that Carnivals newest ship, the Celebration did NOT have Starlink, but it was indeed deployed with Starlink, it was just that Carnival, for whatever reason, wasn't yet ready to make the Starlink is going fleet-wide announcement until a couple of months after the Celebration began sailing. His premise that the Carnival Celebration can get fast internet of around 60mbps without Starlink is already misinformation. At the end of the day we just want fast internet, no one cares if from Starlink or another company. Even those who are on team lock my phone in a safe will want fast internet if there's a some kind of emergency where most passengers are force to update their travel plans at the same time Edit to add, due to throttling, not all lines use Starlink equality; we know for sure X is possibly the greatest offender of this as they GREATLY throttles their speeds down presumably to save bandwidth and therefore $$$
  15. Anyone is welcome to vacation anyway they want, however, I do believe one should have their phone on them in case of an emergency and also, if you run into an issue you can take photos for proof
  16. The new ships are great, so many complimentary options. With YT, I often find things but searching for a term then sorted by most viewed and also upload date
  17. Yes. His channel is predominately cruises but not exclusively. He seems to love Carnival despite cruising on most cruise lines including Viking and US river boat cruising
  18. Who knows, perhaps it’s because Capt Kate is at the helm and X corporate wants her to produce and upload social media content This is the point of the OPs video, that cruise lines are reducing speed most likely to save money
  19. Affluent doesn't mean stuck-up/snobby, although you can find those kind of people on every cruise line including carnival. Odds are more passengers on X are at the tail of their career or already retired, just simply had more years to earn more money. Odds are on Carnival you meet younger people who aren't as far along in their career and are spending a great deal on their children
  20. I don't mean the following in a disrespectful way, I'm just pointing out he has nearly a half-million subscribers, I believe he's the #1 cruise-specific youtuber; most likely because he used to be a radio DJ and has a very soothing voice;...100 people on here not watching won't have any affect If we want X to survive long term, they have to attract the youngins that were dragged aboard by their parents and to do that they'll need fast internet His overall point is X is overpromising fast internet yet underdelivering on the speed. Other cruise lines use starlink and do not throttle it down to X's minimal speed. With that being said, X's starlink is a huge improvement from Xcelerate or whatever they were using before as you often had problems with websites not even loading
  21. The elephant in the room is its just X being X, they're being cheap by throttling it down. On your post sail survey, mark the internet a "1" and mention carnival is 15x faster
  22. Don't on the Carnival Celebration or it will ruin you, it's often over 60mbps while X is 4mbps, that's 15x faster
  23. We were on the Millie recently and also on a newer carnival ship last month. Never thought I'd say this but Carnivals newer ship food is better than X's, perhaps the quality of the shows are about the same yet on carnival you can go to the comedy club It's all about the passengers, on X odds are you'll rarely see kids and in general not many young adults either, you'll see most likely older more affluent passengers compared to carnival
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