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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. You mixed up a couple of numbers. For a minute there I was beginning to wonder if pricing was going to vary by ship. But, no. Menu photo confirms pizza a la carte is $8.50 and the specialty ones are $12. 🙂 I do think it will be a challenge for them to figure out enforcing no sharing in some circumstaces. Of course anything a la carte is shareable.
  2. I would bet some OBC that they either have not loaded the MDR and SDR details, or they don't yet know the table setup in order to do so. Probably the latter which would also be a prerequisite for the former.
  3. The standard mains are three choices: Filet Mignon, Lobster, or a Combo.
  4. No need to check as it is the same on all ships. You have 10 items with alcohol (8 liquors and 2 beer). You can exchange any or all for other alcohol choices (for example, I exchange all for 10 beer). You can also exchange them 1-for-1 for non-alcohol items. You have 10 non-alcohol items (approx 8 sodas and 2 waters). You can exchange any or all for other non-alcohol items (for example, I exchange all of these for Perrier). You can trade the whole thing in for a bottle of wine, but it won't be that great and the value is much less than the total bar value (but value is in eye of beholder and if nothing in the mini-bar appeals...).
  5. If you are going to book directly with Princess, then I would definitely work to get a good CVP you can work well with. I book with an outside TA, but I can tell from folks who do book directly that they have a FAR better customer service experience (if they have a decent good one) versus dealing with the regular phone reps.
  6. But RS and Casual Dining were not items in the packages and were the same for everyone on board. I don't see a case here on this ground - other than a case for ALL guests if one was to advocate grandfathering.
  7. I never suggested the full amount. However, RS and ON are involving ship crew to get the goods to the guest. There is gratuity baked into SD covers and other service fees, so I would think it logical that SOME amount of the RS fee and ON fee will be going to the pool. It would be nice to know this from Princess.
  8. When using a 3rd party booking site, it is always a good idea to enter your Name, BD, and CC Member Id. This will ensure that website shows you the deals you are eligible for and there may be an offer that you won't see if anonymous. Same applies to Princess. However Princess only shows one deal and aims to show the best one. Again, there may be a better one for you if you identify yourself.
  9. But you seem to suggest in several posts that there (at least) could be a charge for Elite Afternoon Tea if guest doesn't have a package that covers RS $5 fees. There is no delivery charge for Elite benefits no matter what package guest has.
  10. I and others have posited this question. Does any of the $5 RS fee or the ON $15 service fee go into the tip pool? I am not aware if Princess has made a statement on this, but we might ASSUME they are doing so since they do with other fees, services, cover charges.
  11. You can get hardcopy daily from GS or Excursion Desk.
  12. Sounds like they have reduced the packaging.
  13. That is what I would expect, but I do wonder if they are going to bulk ship across the border and then have a distribution company handle the individual packages. It could save them money and time in shipping if they investigated that option. Not my concern, but I figured they would use Canada Post after either USPS or a bulk shipment to a Canadian service who would then turnover individual package to Canada Post.
  14. Inexcusable IMO. What would have happened if you went into Green Lane? Couldn't someone still fetch your Medallions? She may have been talking through her hat... even though not wearing one... Carmen Roig, VP Sales, said guest could go in any lane and get served. It is not right to miss the priority boarding benefit. Hope you are letting the CC Host know about it.
  15. We don't know how they are going to do Canada. I have heard of FedEx in US and my last one to US was FedEx in fall 2019. Otherwise, was Europe.
  16. NO ONE can guarantee that. If the prices do not increase by then, you will be able to purchase on board for the same price. With something like the cruise fare packages, there SHOULD BE (normally) some advance warning, so you could then add the package to your booking then and beat the increase if not wanting to wait for on board.
  17. We do as well (buy lot in US), but mostly when we are IN the US. Have you seen some of the ridiculous pricing for items on Amazon.ca that are obviously from US sellers and sometimes a $10 item is $100 and I wonder who on drugs is going to actually order the thing? No free shipping from Amazon.com to Canada. But we certainly take advantage when down in FL. We have Amazon Prime in Canada and turn on in USA when go down.
  18. Take it back. Other than bulk shipping savings, charging $15 USD per shipment doesn't seem out of line when you look at details on USPS (which IDK if they will use them or not). This option is still there, but $5 isn't a big deal. I would probably prefer to have Medallion in hand again for next time we go out of PE until I see for myself how the lines flow under the new system. (If not going to go for Sanctuary, it doesn't really matter to me at all).
  19. I think so as I seem to recall a post or two about all the packaging. I know they want to make an impression on new guests, but we old-timers could do with a plain brown bubble envelope. Yes, I know shipping costs by any sort of speed courier are up there, but USPS shouldn't be that bad. Okay. Wow. I stand corrected. Looks like at least $15.75, unless Canada gets a break. USPS just seems to bulk quote international and I always thought Canada was better. And it could be PCL is not just using USPS. They may be getting some bulk rates as they probably have figured out to send a bulk batch across the border each week and a company in Windsor, ON, or Fort Erie, ON, or Niagara Falls, ON, could be then forwarding in Canada Post. No idea, but we might understand more when guests actually start receiving them. I would say you could USPS Medallion box for less than $10 in USA domestic. It is what it is I suppose. We always have to pay a premium up here.
  20. They must get something. I believe someone else posted this is a reason to defer purchase.
  21. I guess for PE departures, I can continue to "beat the system" and continue to have Medallions shipped to our pre-cruise hotel in FLL.
  22. YAY!! BOO!!! Ludicrous to charge us 50% more. But am I surprised? No. No justification whatsoever to boost the charge in USD. Perhaps they meant CAD. Oh, forget that thought - @Thrak posted they were quite definite about the amount. Still a terrible ripoff as it doesn't cost 50% more to send to Canada. If they reduced the waste packaging, they could do it for less. Humph!!
  23. Pretty soon the on-board sales group will be getting even pushier on the packages, like "Buy it or else!":
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