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Everything posted by janecambridge

  1. We saw villagers holding monkeys, sloths, snakes etc.They too wanted money for a photo. Fortunately no one on our tour wanted to pay them. It encourages more animals to be removed from the rainforest. It was quite distressing seeing these beautiful wild animals tied up.
  2. lApproaching the mouth of Amazon during the day and we had a sudden jolt and came to a halt. Electric off and water too. (Probably half hour). Eventually we saw gallons of water being pumped out, presumably to lighten the load. Apparently we hit a sandbank. I do wonder how man walked on the moon but a captain couldn’t see a sandbank.
  3. Keep an eye on your bill for everything using the tv and logging in to your account.3 times we had someone else’s bill on our account.We had a prestige packet,We had to prove we weren’t in Polo one night and not drinking hard liquor at midnight in Horizons.!
  4. Just back from Amazon on Marina. Snippet: In Recife we got the courtesy bus to town to visit the Pernambuco prison that is now a market. It is highly recommended to get off bus, look and get back on. We were told to not walk away. One or two did (of course!). 2 people had necklaces ripped from their necks. Find a roll call for your trip. We all used Dobrazilright.They are 5 star and came highly recommended. They were very good. At all times we were kept up to date via email. The tours sounded better than Oceania’s and far less travellers with each guide. The all day Manaus tour was the highlight. 18 of us on a large boat going deep into Amazon country. We swam with the dolphins and they are all wild, not confined. The first day of Rio was exceptionally good with Lucas. We did not have yellow fever jabs or malaria tabs. We took a lot of mosquito repellent and only used it the first day. Be aware that Marina does not stock up properly down the Amazon so after a few days fresh items were limited or non existent, especially at breakfast. Passengers are asked to limit water use and the launderettes are closed for 3 days. We ended up tendering in Manaus both days instead of docking. We were very late for everything the first day there. Oh and we ran aground !
  5. We have done one Regent cruise in the past, loved it. Since sailed Oceania, Seabourn and Saga. Oceania used to be our favourite but just coming off of Marina it changed. Seabourn once and never again. Saga is great with same all inclusive as Regent including free pick up from home. In UK Regent don’t give us business air.for any flights. Booked Regent for this August. Looking forward to it, except economy Canada air flight out.
  6. Do I have an opportunity to book a future cruise onboard explorer in August? Are there good deals to be had by doing this? Thank you .
  7. If you are in an OC,VS or OS any sales offers after booking are not valid for you. Their reasoning is because those suites already have lots of extras! It happened to us on our Christmas cruise.
  8. I laughed at the jigsaw puzzle scene. Someone is being paid to make sure the puzzles that are open on the table are neat and all the pieces there!!😂
  9. Thank you very much. There is some good and helpful information here. Much obliged.
  10. First one (May 1st) is Oceania?
  11. Wondering if gym and casino opened? When we had norovirus onboard a few years ago, It was paper tablecloths, paper menus, sachets of everything. No quiz or fun, but both casino and gym ( one of the most virus spreading areas anywhere) , were open!
  12. This was the non crispy, non ginger fatty chicken in Red Ginger ! Delivered on soggy pak Choi
  13. We have only done Royal clipper and never saw a lanyard. When you order drinks at the bar or at the table, you just say your room number.
  14. It breaks my heart to hear someone who is gay is upset when prepping for a cruise. We are not gay, but we always ended up being friends with gays on most cruises. We had alot of bookings in restaurants prior to our Amazon cruise as we had a high suite. I tried to work out the best days according to daytime activities. But we still dropped a few once on board.so I’m sure others drop or swap. We always felt Jacques was the worst restaurant on board but it turned out to be the chef and maitre de .(who walked off the ship one morning and never came back!!) This last cruise,Jacques was our favourite. The new head chef delivers food as his daily special, and is far better than any other plate on that ship, Marina. We walked out of red ginger and dropped our bookings, leaving table for two at 7pm available twice. So there is hope Mark. It’s lovely to read all these positive comments for you. You will get what you want at some point. 🥰
  15. We have been advised to take our own reusable water bottle. Some people on our cruise are using the collapsible type. Better than plastic bottles. 👍
  16. It is since January 8th this year..
  17. We were fortunate to land on Falklands on our sailing.We did the Battlefields tour to pay our respects to the Lads who lost there lives and remain there. The week before the Princess ship got everyone on land who wanted to go but the weather turned so quick they could not tender back to ship.They stayed with locals for the night. Its hardly worth watching the weather for the next trip as it changes in minutes.
  18. Thanks all.it should read Seward.We hope to stay there a few days then bus or train to Anchorage for one night before flight to Seattle.
  19. No But thank you,I will check it out.
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