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CPT Trips

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Everything posted by CPT Trips

  1. Great, thanks. It just dawned on me that GCT isn’t displayed in the drop-down. Should it be? What about Vantage? /s You never know when a law clerk will visit.
  2. When searching Grand Circle, a whole bunch of posts with “Grand” that have nothing to do with GCT are displayed. I won’t suggest how to fix it, it needs fixing. Here’s a screenshot example of irrelevant results.
  3. Or, the company that owns the river ships will either put them back in their service or just lease them to another established company.
  4. Absolutely. And remember that these policies usually require purchase shortly after the date you make your initial payment. Don’t procrastinate. Plus, I’ve always found coverage at a price comparable to or much less than what the cruise line charges.
  5. Add one week and go one way, no backtracking from Amsterdam to the Black Sea. https://www.gct.com/trips/river-cruises/europe/grand-european-cruise/2021/itineraries
  6. I had to check my memory with Mr. Google. The Acadian was a ChevyII with a Canadian made engine and chassis assembled in Canada, rebadged, and sold by Pontiac dealers. Apparently using the Canadian engine and chassis and then doing the assembly in Canada with US parts had significant tax/tariff advantages compared to importing a Pontiac or Chevy.
  7. Somewhere in the recesses of my memory I recall Pontiac marketed and branded Acadian in Canada (circa 1960s).
  8. Take a close look at the full ship deck plan. The corridor on the lower deck is in the center. The corridor on the other decks (those with verandas) is offset slightly. Cabin width is the same. BTW - Viking holds a patent on this design.
  9. Or, they may just be trying to get you hooked on the higher category 😉 Enjoy your cruise!
  10. Interesting travel article about Dubrovnik tourism. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/news/dubrovnik-ban-suitcase?fbclid=IwAR16l_U0trrX6BVsc-OnB7eTNMrK0T44jxYg69sUaTUY81wnY_nMY7y-qG8
  11. GCT’s Romance of the Rhein and Moselle does.
  12. OK, didn’t you say to “always use a credit card?” Aren’t those who paid cash in order to get a discount from the defunct cruise lines less likely to see their money. Air travelers (including non-EU citizens) in the EU are much better protected and compensated than those in the US when there are flight disruptions leading to delays.
  13. It was 5 or more years ago on a GCT cruise when we docked on a Viking dock . . . I don’t think it was Speyer.
  14. And that million is a drop in the bucket considering what they owe pax for undelivered trips.
  15. From the Cruise Industry News article - “The amount of the credit will be equal to the lesser of the amount paid by such Future Customer, and 20 percent of the price of the trip purchased from the Debtor, provided further that the credit may not exceed 20% of the price of the trip purchased from the Purchaser,” the court filing said. “Thus, Future Customers who book travel arrangements from the Purchaser will be able to maximize the value of their credit to the extent that they purchase a trip of value equivalent to the trip they purchased from the Debtor.” Looks like best case is 20% credit for an undelivered trip. Credit, not refund.
  16. More details https://www.seatrade-cruise.com/finance/vantage-travel-files-chapter-11-sale-agreement-pending
  17. I asked this a couple times when rafting. Response ranged from the curt, unfriendly “no,” to a cheery “certainly, take a look around.”
  18. Definately discuss this with more than one TA. You want to determine what the TA will do for you beyond just booking with and being the group agent with the cruise line. This could involve logistical issues such as printing and distributing documents or arranging group transport to the airport if folks live near each other. Or perhaps an extra cruise amenity such as a cocktail hour for the group.
  19. Nor do I, but it was open in 1973 when we visited Amsterdam. Thinking of musical films, that are set in pre-war Europe, along with “The Sound of Music,” there is also “Cabaret.” We saw that in a Berlin Kino shortly after it was released. There were special showings of the original American version containing scenes not included in the dubbed German print normally shown. The American version was quite popular I never did understand why “Two Ladies” was cut, it wasn’t any racier than many other elements of the film. The other cut scene was “Tomorrow Belongs to Me.” And it was obvious why it was cut from the German print. It’s also the answer to the trivia question,”what is the only song in the film Cabaret not sung in “The Kit Kat Club.” This scene is readily available in YouTube.
  20. @Daisi, @gnome12, Gearing up for Canada Day. The first day of a four day weekend here south of the border that closes with our Independence Day. And thanks for having a singable National Anthem.
  21. Just a thought that occurred to me after reading @NightFlight’s post. Many of us purchase our insurance through a third party, one of the big online brokers or the travel agency that booked the trip. It can’t hurt to contact that third party for assistance. Get your ducks lined up before filing the claim and make sure you file in a timely fashion so that your claim is not easy to deny.
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