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Everything posted by JustUs275

  1. I asked this question on another forum and was told yes. So I'm planning on putting them in my carry on, just as I would do with soft drinks or water if I were bringing them.
  2. I ate well today - a light lunch and then dinner was a homemade vegetable beef soup made with a little leftover roast and lots of veggies. I ladled about 1/3 of it out and added riced cauliflower to it for myself...I added a little pasta to the rest for DH. I love pasta too, so I felt good about opting for the cauliflower in lieu of pasta. And now we'll each have 2 more meals for later this week! I love soups in the fall. Does anyone have any good, healthy soup recipes? Terri
  3. Was the drink good? I saw one on YouTube this evening but they didn't really say how it tasted.
  4. Yes we have our own pool and I agree. There are so many other things we would rather do on the ship! That's why we love cruising - there is something for everyone!
  5. I did see that it was dated 8-21-23, but I didn't say anything about it because I figured it was just a typo. 🫠 I have definitely had ridiculous snacking urges, specifically for salty/crunchy snacks, the past few days! So far, I'm doing ok on weight though. My WW weigh-in day is Mondays, so I'll see how I'm doing tomorrow. Monday and Thursday weigh ins are a good balance for me...I'm not one that can just weigh weekly because I tend to go into "denial" mode LOL. I weigh daily but only record those 2 days. I've also been recording any inches (or fractions of!) lost every 2-3 weeks. I read somewhere that it's good to do that because sometimes we lose inches even if we don't lose pounds. I have found it to be true for me. I spent yesterday doing laundry and started my packing process, and we watched football today (go Colts!), then hosted our Small Group meeting this evening. Busy but fun weekend! Terri
  6. I do pack one tankini and swim skirt and a coverup, just in case. It's not unusual for me to never wear it though. We don't do the ship pools and very rarely the hot tubs - way too many people and I've heard way too many stories! 🙃 I do tend to wear swimwear if we are doing a private island beach day. We usually end up spending most of our time in beach chairs, preferably with some shade, relaxing and enjoying the ocean views. But I do enjoy walking out (knee high maximum!) in the water too!
  7. Thank you for the encouragement and very thought-provoking words. I do have 3 weeks until our vacation/cruise! Suitcase is pulled out and ready to begin the process. My progress toward losing the "final five" (pounds) before our cruise has not been great, unfortunately. I am actually at my goal weight, but really would like to have that 5 lb buffer before we leave for our trip. Not gaining weight once I've reached my goal weight is something I've never been able to achieve. But this time can be different, right?! I lost .2 pounds this week - so basically stayed the same. Which I'll gladly take! LOL Now I'm focused on the question you asked, Belle - in 3 months (Christmas), what will I weigh?! We can do this!!! Terri
  8. Good to know - I will definitely be looking for that salad!
  9. Haha - did you tell him to close his eyes and pretend he is on the ship enjoying a Tutti Salad?!
  10. Our post-cruise flight out of MCO is always 4:something too. The Day Use Room was a great option for me - we were able to shower (in a regular size bathroom LOL), tidy up our packing, and take a short nap. It was worth it to me. DH, on the other hand, prefers to sit hours ahead of time, luggage in hand until we can check it, and then sit a few more hours until boarding. 🙃
  11. The Tutti Salad! I believe I recently read that it is no longer available...but hopefully it has been reinstated.
  12. Welcome back, Belle! I definitely ate my share of camp food this weekend, but did make effort to be mindful while fixing my plate. I'm back on track today so hopefully by Thursday there won't be a gain! End of summer also means end of fresh tomato season, which is my go-to daily lunch along with some cottage cheese or chicken breast. So I will have to find a substitute for the fresh tomatoes...my friend kept me in good supply all summer! I enjoy fall weather, winter not so much. LOL But since I don't work daily/full time anymore, it's not as big of a deal. I'd like to figure out an indoor place to continue walking though. Haha I agree with getting down on the floor and then back up again does get more difficult! I like my little robot vacuum 😁 Have a great week! Terri
  13. FWIW, the bar code "trick" did work for our guaranty cabin assignment for our 10/15/23 sailing. I scanned the bar code after I checked in on 8/31 and behind the dash were 4 digits. On 9/15, I got an email and the cabin assignment is those same 4 digits. Now just waiting to see if our Royal Up bid is accepted!
  14. Oldest - Monarch; first cruise in 2010. We were so amazed at the size of the ship! Our absolute favorite MDR team was on that cruise. Newest - Oasis (soon to be Wonder!) Favorite - Freedom
  15. I stayed the same this week...it's better than a gain, I suppose! I've been craving tortilla chips and salsa literally every day haha. I made brownies and rice krispy treats for our camping trip this weekend and thankfully they don't tempt me. The weather should be good for lots of hiking/walking! I'm sorry you are having a rough time, Izena, and I sincerely hope things get better for you. Jan - let's hope we have good results next week. My daughter loves kettle corn too! Have a great weekend everyone! Terri
  16. I'm doing WW as well. We are at 33 days until our cruise! Our trip begins a few days before the cruise though, so my time is running out to drop these last 5 lbs before we leave. We will be gone for 2 weeks and I'm really planning to stick with healthy meal options. I do love salads, veggies, and grilled entrees! Terri
  17. It's ok, but not high on my must-have list. I don't think I've ever eaten it on a cruise, only tasted my husband's. I do like shrimp, escargot, fish and other seafood.
  18. Hello all, it's been 2 weeks since I last weighed in - things have been very busy for me since school started back up. Anyway, I've lost 2 lbs since then! Our cruise is only 5 weeks away now! I'm still hoping to lose another 5 pounds before then. Temps have cooled down and lower humidity here, thank goodness! I am having trouble with my Achilles tendon so, in addition to wearing a padded compression sock thing, my podiatrist recommended I hold off on my morning walks. I just started walking again yesterday morning which also coincided with temps cooling down lol. I hope everyone is well and we all have losses to report next week! Terri
  19. Good for you to get back on track! I too find that I do best with weighing daily. A lot of people say to not do that because normal fluctuations can be discouraging - but for me, if I ignore the scales for a few days it is not a good thing. We have to do what works best for us! You can do this!
  20. Thank you for the review! I thought I had read recently that the main courses were ordered/served but maybe that was old information. We will keep our reservation, but it's good to have a reasonable expectation based on a recent visit.
  21. I'm looking forward to hearing about tonight's dinner experience! We, along with our friends, plan to have a dinner in the Bistro during our October cruise. I think we've only eaten lunch there.
  22. Thanks everyone! I'm really hoping this will be a lifestyle change for me. I've gained/lost weight several times in my adult life...although it does seem a lot harder this time around - it came off much quicker in my 40's and 50's! So keeping it off this time is very important for me. My car showed 100* while I was driving after work today...so hot! Looking for a cool-down and lower humidity by Sunday. Then it's back to my morning walks. Terri
  23. Izena - we've been under the "heat dome" this week too. My car said it was 100* at around 11:30a.m.! And terrible humidity too. Definitely not outdoor walking weather. I believe our advisory ends tomorrow night at 10:00. I hope weather and other things get better for you soon! Jan - I agree with pricing - everything is so much more expensive now. It will be interesting to see how everything plays out. I lost 1 lb - making a total of 40# lost since February. Have a great weekend, everyone! Terri
  24. Hello all! I did weigh on Thursday, and lost .8 lb. If tortilla chips & salsa did not exist, I'm pretty sure I'd be at least 10 lbs lighter! They are my weakness for sure. But the good news is that I do eat fewer chips per sitting than I used to! I still need to reduce it by half though. Anyway, now I am 9.8 lbs away from my "cruise goal weight" and our cruise is 8 weeks from today. I think I can, I think I can...! It's going to be HOT here this week - "feel like" temperatures are expected to be well over 100*. So I will need to plan my walking for indoors this week, maybe in the gym at school before work. Have a great week, everyone! Terri
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