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Everything posted by ZoeyVictoria

  1. Are any adults Diamond or Diamond Plus, and are any of the rooms balconies? Splitting up the D/D+ could result in more than one balcony discount. Are all of the adults from the same state? If not, check prices for resident discounts. Splitting up the people from a state with a resident discount could result in more than one cabin with a lower price. There might be some hints with the “kids sail free” promo that I am not familiar with, regarding the number of kids in a cabin. I’m sure someone else will help with that. Once you get on board, you can move people into the cabins with their partners and get the keys changed at Guest Services. Or, you could decide it is complicated enough with that number of people in the first place, and book them exactly the way you have them listed. That would probably be my choice.
  2. We are sailing on the Mariner this weekend, October 16. I received the Royal Up email on August 17, September 21, October 11, and again today, two days before sailing. We love our cabin and are not interested in upgrading. Apparently they think someone else would also love it!
  3. The articles I found showed photos of guns, a sword, a suit of armor, a gun safe, and a box with a metallic clasp that contained jewelry. Also many, many bicycles and scooters. Edited to add: I would love to try it if we were younger and had a pickup truck to haul away the junk and a garage to clean up any good stuff. Just not a suitable hobby for retirees living in a condo.
  4. I had to google that and found it to be really interesting. The problems I see would be disposing of any junk he found, and I don’t believe the governments of those countries would think highly of anything of value being removed from the country.
  5. We will be docked on the Mariner next week for 48 hours. Will the casino be open at all during that time?
  6. My Carnival PVP has stated that he and his wife and children have been able to cruise free on standby, and only once has the ship been full and they had to go home and unpack.
  7. I know a lot about Carnival and Royal Caribbean ships because of the time I spend on CC forums, but I have booked cruises on Princess and Celebrity without knowing a thing about the ships. Bookings were based on what fantastic deals they were. I looked at deck plans when selecting cabins, but the rest was unknown. All three turned out well.
  8. I woke up early on September 24 and saw that the projected path of Hurricane Ian was projected to be a direct hit where I live on the west coast of Florida. I researched and eliminated flying to see family members in New York and Virginia, as well as driving up north. Then I found a cruise on the Liberty, leaving the 26th and returning the 30th. Perfect! After a couple hours of discussion, we booked one of the last five available cabins. We headed for the port 46 hours later. Evacuation by sea turned out to be a great idea. We checked projections frequently, but the cruise was enough of a distraction to keep our stress levels down. Ian made landfall south of our area, and there was just minor damage and a 22-hour power outage at our condo. We stayed at sea an extra day and returned home late on September 30. Last-minute booking with a happy ending.
  9. A few weeks ago on the Freedom, I had a Reuben made with limp, lukewarm pieces of cooked cabbage instead of sauerkraut. It will be a long time before I order another Reuben - anywhere 🤮
  10. Update - I tried FPL’s site again and found out our power was back on. Not sure how long it was out. Hopefully the quarter that was on the top of the cup of ice is still there, or at least not too far under the surface. Replacing food is not a huge expense if that is all we have to pay for. The evacuation cruise will be fully covered by the jackpot I won on the little piggy slot machine in the casino, for $35 more than the total of the cruise fare, internet, gratuities, and parking!
  11. That was a good idea, thank you. They do have that information available, but we cannot figure it out. Probably because power outages are so widespread that the “triangles” referred to are a huge overlapping mess. Will try again later, hopefully after they have made some progress in restoring power and there is less going on with the graphics.
  12. Our condo is in Bradenton, but we are not there. FPL shows energy usage by the hour and usually the a/c runs 3-4 times a day while we are gone. It shows no usage since 5 a.m. yesterday, so either low temperatures or no power. We aren’t there to be uncomfortable, but we got caught with a lot of food in the freezer. We froze a cup of water before we left and put a quarter on top of the ice. Crossing our fingers that the quarter is not on the bottom of the cup when we return.
  13. We are on a ship due back to Port Canaveral on Friday and are pretty much planning on returning Saturday instead.
  14. I had one unopened 16.9 ounce bottle of water in my tote bag when we went through security in Port Canaveral (in case we had to wait in a long line again). It was confiscated because “plastic bottles are not allowed”.
  15. If he had been telling me I won the lottery in the tone of voice he was using while almost shouting, it would still have been rude.
  16. They were very aggressive about telling everyone stepping onto the ship that they were required to go to muster before eating lunch. There was another person asking people leaving the elevator on 9 if they had mustered and telling them to go back down to 4 before they could enter the Lido. The nice guy is out steward. He apologizes for his helper.
  17. Thank you, that is what I thought. First time I have ever had a problem and the only rude room steward ever, in 79 cruises. There was another steward who was nice and tried to help without (further) angering the rude one. He offered to let us leave luggage in the hallway and put it in the room for us. We declined, put it into the closet while the rude one was yelling that he needed to wipe out the closet, and got out of there. Hope the nice one is our steward! While we were waiting to get into the cabin at 1:30, we went to the welcome aboard show and won the raffle for the $180 bottle of champagne!
  18. We just boarded the Liberty (evacuating from Ian) and were confronted by a very angry, very rude steward when we tried to drop off our luggage in the closet prior to 1:30. Is that no longer allowed?
  19. No, sorry, it is impossible to use Royal Up on bookings made through Costco. I believe there are a few other places that don’t participate, but Costco is the one most frequently mentioned.
  20. Costco does not participate in the Royal Up program.
  21. That is a good idea, thank you. But…. Price for train is $854 plus lodging, car, and food for several days. Cheapest cabins are $521 (Carnival) or $726 (Royal, includes internet).
  22. We also live in Bradenton, close to the coast. We have a 4th floor condo, so flooding wouldn’t be an issue (except for our cars). I looked at flights to evacuate to family up north. It would be far cheaper to get on a ship on Monday. If the weather is still extreme on Friday, the ship might not dock until the next day, keeping us safe. I need to think about this carefully, because ships are almost sold out but we will be obligated once we book. Can anyone offer anything I haven’t thought of because I am so stressed?
  23. I can now (9:06 p.m.) log in to my account. I am unable to use the cruise planner for two of my three cruises, and still can’t see my set sail pass for one of them.
  24. We have had ours about four years and love it. It has never gotten wet, but I keep a folded black garbage bag in it so I could keep it dry if necessary.
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