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Everything posted by rodndonna

  1. When I look at them I am drawn to think it will make the room feel much more spacious, but does it? Does that space feel like an extension of the room? I could see the appeal on an itinerary where I wouldn't spend much time on the balcony anyway if I gain room space.
  2. We were on the NS early December and after having played pickleball once on a previous HAL cruise, thought it would fun to try the pickle ball "pick-up" activity. We didn't participate as it was REALLY busy. Was fun to watch for awhile though and nice to see the court being so well utilized.
  3. It's never sold at $99 - that is the stated "value" of the package and the going rate is $50/pp/pd. Sometimes they have offered it out discounted from there for reasons no one really knows. $45 came up a few times and then a number of quite discounted rates from there. My "theory" when they offer it at a much better rate than $50 or $45 is that the fare for your voyage/room is now reduced from your original booking and they equalize it out by offering you HIA at a rate such that you are paying the same rate as a new booking for your category with HIA included. Just a theory...
  4. Well - if I were you I would ask them to cancel and rebook you then. When this has happened to us in the past, they just added whatever the extra OBC without cancelling and rebooking. Maybe a newbie ?
  5. Yes - I only get discounts after the generous 'free' stateroom days last year. We book with discount and then can apply shareholder OBC.
  6. Thanks. We called in to our airline agency to book and have our FCD applied. Was quite an effort for some reason, although I think it might be because the FCD is US$ and we are booking in CAN$ . I had not thought of that before, and possibly why I wasn't able to apply it on-line myself. More oddly, when the agent came back from having me on hold and talking to HAL, they applied it as CAD$200. So either we made and extra $50CAN (after exchange) or they just just lumped the USD$100 FCD and credit of US$50 into a simple CAD$200... bit of a mystery .🤔
  7. I agree, but isn't that the case with all cruise based holidays? I wouldn't recommend generally recommend a cruise itinerary for anyone truly interested in seeing all what can be seen and experienced in any area of the world.
  8. Since you played roulette I am not sure how that works (in terms of getting credit for your play). If you were credited for your play, try some of the "low hanging fruit" bookings, shorter Mexican and Caribbean in shorter term. If someone else posts they got freebies (people do on here), better chance you would have a discount on that cruise. Honestly though, it's a bit mysterious....
  9. I think so. I think the discounting gets complicated when they combine promos and casino discounts ... in the end, with HAL it seems you just have to do regular mock bookings (including booking up and own in room categories) to get an idea what your options are. Thankfully we are retired so ample time to review everything regularly. We're also pretty borderline on HIA (at full price) but really like the convenience. Someday we will try a cruise without .. but not yet 🤔
  10. Try a mock booking for your cruise through room selection up to payment. I don't know why, but or me I have to actually keep going through the booking to see any discounted rate that may be against the fare for a cruise. It doesn't say anything .. I just look at the price as I go through and notice the price change (dropped). When I have seen this on my last booking, it then showed a "Casino Discount" line in my pdf booking summary.
  11. I was getting close to that point, but our last cruise has given me hope. After 2 cruises (Alaska and Norway) of insufferable hacking and nose blowing, we were preparing for the worst again on our recent cruise. Happy to report our 7 day cruise last week in the Caribbean was a breath of fresh air (pun intended- haha) with much reduced evident illness, even in a full theatre and music venues. They now had signs indicating "Cover your cough" which had been a big issue on our prior cruises (sad folks have to be reminded of this). Not sure if was the warmer climate or just a lucky cruise this time, but it felt pretty normal. Sadly at the FLL airport with 6 cruises disembarking that day, it was a different story, but at least our cruise felt pretty normal.
  12. We have just returned from a cruise and purchased a $100 FCD which I can see in my account online. When I follow through a booking I and am able to select it and click the box for it ... but then nothing seems to change in my booking. When I continue to the credit card payment page, it is looking for the original deposit amount (i.e. is not reduced by the $100 FCD). Am I missing something? Would rather not use a PCC as I intend to transfer the booking to a TA afterwards.
  13. Oddly the price for the cruise we are looking Dec 2023 did not change from the weekend pricing, and even better our casino discounted fare is now lower. We did just return from a HAL cruise but only played the Casino briefly but managed a small win which we withdrew, maybe they really want it back 😎
  14. Yeah - I find that odd that they are only out of Vancouver, but it works for us as we are starting in Canada. The nice thing for me about the one way is the ability to extend the time in Hawaii a couple (or few days). Also have never been on a cruise with more than 3 sea days total and I have weak sea legs ...so the idea of making it across (or back) on a cruise is intimidating enough.
  15. Yeah - I agree, if you don't have the luxury of time to add after you get there, not much point. We will likely end up on Celebrity, as it allows us to see more of the islands (overnights) and then a couple of extra nights in Honolulu would be ideal for us (with no kids in September) https://www.celebritycruises.com/itinerary-details/12-night-hawaii-from-vancouver-british-columbia?packageID=EG12H023&sDT=2024-09-21&cCD=CO Best of luck and have fun planning!
  16. That could be a problem for you (with kids) - I don't see any on a quick search. They seem to be all when school is in on shoulder seasons , April, September and October. 😗 Edit: For a family on a budget - if you COULD take them out of school - hard to beat RCL in September 2024 https://www.royalcaribbean.com/cruises?search=destination:HAWAI|startDate:2024-09-01~2024-09-30 Not suggesting you take them out of school of course... but am now thinking this is an option for us as it won't likely be overun with kids then. We would like to try RCL at some point, and without kids this might be a good way to do 😃
  17. Have you thought about a one way rather than a circle trip to Hawaii? It is where I am leaning for late 2024 trip , but just starting research now. I like the idea of using a sea days to deal with time zone changes.
  18. This is assuming you have booked the FLEXIBLE fare option. - You just go in again, and click "change or cancel flights" -(not sure of exact wording) - it will give you options again, if there is a cheaper or better one, just select it and you will now have that fare. If you don't pick a new one, your original flight and fare remains.
  19. EDIT: oops - my point below is the disadvantage of paying it off early, not ticketing early. 🙃 There is one potential disadvantage - if there is a price drop and you refare lower, it is not credited back to you but stated it is to be issued as a credit on your account (at least it was in my recent case). We refared for a drop of just over $300 that was to be credited, but was not. Not we are stuck with chasing FlightEase for that ... uugghh.
  20. Thanks - After looking and going through pretty much everything I could purchase, still no luck. I am thinking it may be a Canadian site thing. It is not unusual for things offered to US residents not be available to non-US residents. We should be able to purchase them on board though.
  21. New to Celebrity - Where do you purchase "slot packages"? Have looked on-line under "Manage" you reservation and don't see it there. Is it something you purchase on board only?
  22. I'd really like to try the 0% Gin. We are beer/wine drinkers with about the only mixed drink choice being Gin and Tonic (especially before dinner or in hot weather). I actually am content with just tonic water as a drink, but if I could get that 'gin' taste in there that would be nice. We are 'drinkers' in that we still drink, but appreciate non-alcoholic options to alternate or replace drinks when on holiday and drinking more (and our tolerance continues to erode with age .....)
  23. Are they that bad? (I'm not picky). Our next cruise is with Celebrity, and I just read that they carry an assortment of the Fre non-alcohol wines (red, white, rose, bubbly). Will be giving them a try anyway - at least the Rose should be drinkable I would think.
  24. The signature thing (for inventory control) being new, we were that not surprised it varied (and expect it may continue to do so). At the bars we could order 2 at once (they actually suggested we do that and prefer it) while at dining it was always both cards required. I assumed they modified the rule to 2 drinks per card at the bars to help reduce the effort required where they are dealing with so many orders. When dining, it is not really an issue so they maintain 1 drink per card rule. The 15 non-alcoholic and 15 alcoholic drinks per person was definitely a mistake or misunderstanding.
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