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Everything posted by nelblu

  1. But they have to provide documentation which is what the OP is simply asking.
  2. A medical emergency considered unlawful. There's has to be some common sense otherwise it makes no sense.
  3. What happens when a Pax has a medical emergency and has to be airlifted what penalties are incurred. My only experience is some years ago, we had an emergency with my daughter going to hospital. The next port of all was San Juan. With Royal assistance we had a smooth exit. Royal and any other federal entity did not charge us for anything.
  4. I was traveling with family members on Oasis August 20 sail. Since my daughter was traveling with teenagers, she asked if she could use my cabin bathroom/shower (I was solo) if needed. Went to GS and they issued a 2nd cabin card, however, it was not eligible to incur charges.
  5. All of the OP is looking for proper is documentation so as to proceed with the 2nd option, Travel Insurance. Royal needs to step up and deliver on the service.
  6. I guess my deeper question is do the 2 parties exchange details of what amenities are offered by each and in total on a specific booking. Otherwise, you are right that the language vis a vis shareholder's benefit might be not applicable.
  7. While on Board Oasis on August 20th sail I booked an 11 niter on Explorer sailing January '25. Received $200 in OBCs for booking on board. Transferred reservations to my TA for additional amenities and I usually don't read the fine print, but the following statement included with the invoice caught my attention. I've used this TA previously and never saw such as statement. I was planning on applying for the Shareholder's Benefit and held up trying to get my hands around this. Don't want to get the TA involved. Any clarification/assistance would be appreciated. Travel Supplier Offers/Combinability Due to exclusive sale offers or cooperative marketing promotions with our partners, Shareholder Benefits or other benefits originating solely from the cruise line or any travel supplier may not be combinable with the promotion you booked. This is at the sole discretion of the travel supplier(s). There are no exceptions to this policy.
  8. No different system. I have some old ones which I was told can be re-programmed. They were from one of my Anthem sails. Notice the pimples vs the current ones that have clasps. When these were first introduced on the Quantum, they had the Assembly Station on them.
  9. I’ve got a similar time of departure and mine is at Bush Intl. Airport. Originally I had a 12 pm flight and changed it when I discovered that it’s a 2 hour drive in a good day. 😀
  10. Not many kids at the Oasis Lagoon and it's free.😄
  11. It can't be any louder or party atmosphere than the Oasis Lagoon and it's free.🤣
  12. Will be sailing on Harmony on December 3, 2023, and flying United Air into Bush Int'l. Can anyone identify the pick-up location for the shuttle. Also, tentatively arriving at 8:45 AM and is the 10AM shuttle too early. Thanks in advance,
  13. It's been like that for a number of years and including pre-pandemic. When PC was first introduced it was the cat's meow. Heck, they even got rid of the chips.
  14. They change from week to week. For instance, Cats was offered on the 1st 2 days on our August 20 sail, but on Oasis October 9 it's on the last 2 days. We also had only 1 headliner Jason Bishop an illusionist and he was fantastic. In addition, a very funny guy. There's a new production "One Sky" and to me it seems like a combination of "We Will Rock You", dancing and a bit of acrobatics. A replica of an airplane was interesting. Here’s the entertainment schedule for the week of August 20
  15. I'm D+ and on recent August 20 sail, did not receive a paper illustration of my on-board benefits. Had to go to GS and I was given a listing of benefits for all tiers. Also, any invite to special C&A events was done via phone message. Saving paper and ink.🤣
  16. That's what I do, however, if the Op has no discounts, it's best to book in the planner. I would do a cost benefit comparison. The planner undiscounted amount is usually the amount charged pp/pd. Also, if you get a 2nd device, it's cheaper.
  17. Never been able to since the beginning to sail. Remember, some years ago being able to book in the planner.
  18. About 30 days prior to your sail. However, I would examine a few days prior to the 30. Been successful in my August and upcoming October Oasis sails.
  19. On the 5th day of the Oasis August 20 sail, suddenly bananas disappeared from the WJ breakfast. Got a hold of a supervisor and asked if he could get me a banana. He said sure and a few minutes later he brought the fruit to my table. Bananas were there on the 6th and 7th day. I don't get it.😆
  20. When will the full summer ‘25 schedule be out. Interested in Symphony sailing from Bayonne.
  21. You think that’s bad, on my February Antjem sail, I was dying for a good tuna salad sandwich or wrap. They used to have them in the WJ, but not available since the end of the pandemic. I went to the 2x70 cafe and saw on their menu board that they had the tuna wraps. I asked for one and anticipating a wrap in the area of 4 inches. My face dropped when they gave me a plate with a wrap thst was a bit over an inch. When the server saw my expression she added another to the plate. 🤪Simply unreal. By the way, the WJ had something like seafood salad, however did not look appetizing as it was swimming in something called mayo.
  22. I used this promo previously and not assigned to day 1 only. On my Oasis 20th sail I took advantage of this benefit on day 5 and got it the next day. Marked/identified the order slip as "Wash and Fold."
  23. Unfortunately, it was not available to us all week of the August 20th sail. It was set aside for Kosher reasons. What made it bad was that not only the Solarium was not available to the general population but a section of the WJ was reserved to autistic children, handlers and parents. It was a bit of an inconvenience to get a table in the WJ during the busy breakfast and lunch times. By the way, the sail seemed at the max in the number of Paxs on board. Lots of children. It was a hot week, and the pools were at 3 times the capacity posted, in the afternoon on sea days.🤣 PS. Was glad to see an omelet and eggs to order station for breakfast in the WJ. Not available on previous Oasis sails.
  24. We loved CP Cafe prior to the pandemic; however, it's happened too many times got a piece of beef and lots of fat that should have been trimmed off before placing on the counter. We avoided nteh Cafe and ate mostly in the MDR or the WJ. Also, on our August 20th cruise, no cans of sodas available at the Cafe--Unbelievable as they were not prepared.
  25. Same when ships were allowed in Venice and stayed overnight.
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