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Lois R

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Everything posted by Lois R

  1. Hi, I am sure you will get a variety of responses and another suggestion would be to post this on the "Alaska Forum". I have sailed to Alaska multiple times over the years. As for outdoor activities? What are you referring to? No sitting by the pool for me....too cold. I am sure there are indoor activities on the sea days but if you are going to Alaska, I would say make sure you get off the ship to see things while in port🙂 There are some wonderful excursions with beautiful scenery! As for advice? Layering your attire would be one of my recommendations. It can get quite cold, although I would say check the weather within a couple of weeks before you sail. That can help.
  2. I guess that would depend on the cruise line. I have sailed before where we had a full seafood buffet out on deck one evening. This was a smaller ship and would not be in the "floating city" category.
  3. Hi,🙂 thanks....I thought I had seen it on my first day's Chronicles on most of my sailings.
  4. Your way of thinking is correct (I think it must be me)..... when you gain the extra hour, you would think I would be ok......oh well. I agree with you about the afternoons though.......100%. It gets dark out so early. To be honest, I wish it was daylight savings time all year round.
  5. The average age? Probably 70. But that is just a guess. I am 64 and I know there were people older than me and there were others younger than me.....but I would guess the average was on the higher side. But older does not mean less active. What are you looking for?
  6. I also sailed on the Venice cruise with Uniworld in Oct 2019 and loved it too😀 as far as I know, and in doing a lot of research, I believe Uniworld is the only line who does this itinerary. The River Po is not nearly as well known as all the "big rivers" in Europe.
  7. Good morning, TulipTime on AMA was my first river cruise back in 2016 and I loved it🙂 hope you will too.
  8. Good morning, losing daylight savings time always makes me tired the next morning. I feel so BLAAAA this morning...I think I may take a nap......anyone else? Hi Sherri, wishing you a safe flight home and glad you had a great cruise🙂
  9. Good morning, you are correct except for one thing. The first Chronicle's shows what the dress code is for the entire cruise (well, it showed on my recent Whisper cruise). But you are right, each day the Chronicle's are delivered, the dress code is at the top portion.
  10. There are many threads about shoes over on the fashion forum if you really want some details.
  11. But they can make you a '"mocktail" if you prefer.
  12. Lois R

    Free Laundry

    I just reached my 100 day point while I was on Whisper.....free laundry for the whole cruise😀They are aware that the actual day will be coming while it is the middle of the cruise and you are good to go. I also got a congratulatory phone call from the Future Cruise Consultant. I actually sent out clothes twice during the cruise and when I arrived home 99% of my stuff was all clean😀
  13. All I can say is WOW.......your photos are simply fantastic. Thanks for sharing them with us🙂
  14. Hi again, I called Zingerman's and placed my order with them and told them to please slice it for me as well. I think the ability to stay fresh will not be an issue. I always keep my bread sealed and in the frig. I will be glad to let you know about my final product when it gets here😀
  15. It is usually lighter in color....although a good bakery can make a marble rye too, which would have darker and lighter flours. And most places would have a slicer so they can slice it for you.
  16. Good morning, well, I called Zingerman's and they ship all over the country. I actually ordered 1 loaf of the Jewish Rye to try. Will let you know what I think after it arrives. It was a bit pricey but I am ok with it.......10.00 for the loaf + shipping...... And I called a local place that bakes their own breads/pastries, etc......they have a restaurant too. They do bake breads to order and I ordered a loaf from them to try as well. 5.50/loaf. Someone earlier mentioned Kroger's, we don't have a retail store here but I have seen their trucks making deliveries in my condo community. I think they have a brand called Levy's.....I may try that too.....checking on that rye, it is not listed.
  17. Good morning, the brand of my cover up is called Leoma Lovegrove. if you google the name you will find a lot of items..........I can't seem to find a picture of my specific cover up but I have had it for many years so that is probably why. The colors of the items are vibrant, yet somewhat muted at the same time. My cover up is short sleeves with a zipper up the front. Here is a link to give you and idea of the offerings: (and you can go to Beall's website as well) https://www.google.com/search?q=leoma+lovegrove+clothing&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1025US1025&oq=Leom&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i67j46i67i175i199i433j0i67j0i131i433i512j46i433i512j69i60j69i61.6240j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 I just found her own website too..........here is a link to it: https://leomalovegrove.store/
  18. Hi CGT, I will look at that........thanks🙂 The only one I found is up in Ann Arbor, Michigan........
  19. Hi Melody, I did question it. I was in the FL Blue offices this morning. We discussed the entire thing. Florida is VERY different than Colorado (in more ways than one).😮
  20. I did too....many of the places I am seeing do not sell bread by the loaf but I am seeing some places for the first time.......I will continue my search.
  21. LOL....we have a population of 1 million......I doubt I know her. And I cannot move LOL
  22. Hi Lenny, doing ok, thanks🙂....I miss having a good rye bread!!!
  23. Thanks for the photos🙂 WNcruiser, I will be sailing on the Dawn for the 2nd time in January😀.......yes, seems there are a lot of negatives on this forum lately but the Dawn is a beautiful vessel and I would have no hesitation in booking her (but that is just one person's opinion).
  24. Good morning, got home last night about 7. I went to vote early today and then stopped by the Florida Blue Office near my place. I found out some information about that bill I got for the procedure from last year. Seems the person I spoke with on the phone gave me DIS information.........that 6 month time period is for the time the provider has to bill the insurance company.......not the time to bill the customer (me). So, the money is due......I was told that the statute for the 6 month time period is specifically for provider/insurance.......and the provider has no time frame in place for billing the patient..............😮 why am I not too surprised? Kat, I never watched any of Stanley this season!........I might have to go back and watch it on demand. Had a good cruise🙂 and hope all of you are doing well. Is Sherri still on her river cruise?
  25. I have stayed there many times over the years and NEVER had any noise issues. And I am 64, don't consider myself an old fossil but no longer a youngster by any means.
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