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Everything posted by RFerrington

  1. Has anyone actually priced one of these BOGO offers yet ? TBH I’m done with the crappy 3-4-5 night offers on old ships I’ve been getting. I might actually be willing to pay a little more for a 7 night O class ship. Depending upon how much of a “casino discount” they are giving person #2, it might not be a terrible deal.
  2. We just disembarked EX yesterday. We each won a comp cruise and booked through Next Cruise while onboard. Both of those offers were comp room for 2.
  3. I have read of those who purchased a dining package, then pre-booked (and prepaid) their individual specialty dining meals and then asked for a refund for the individual reservations, once onboard. It seems that Royal has caught on to this "hack" and is enforcing the 48 hour cancellation policy. So, if you book (and prepay) a specialty dining reservation for either night #1 or #2, then try and get a refund for the full prepaid price, they will waive the 48 hour cancellation policy at you and potentially not refund your money. I have never done this....so I cannot testify that it's true. It's just what I have read.
  4. The 11-11 bar service is for Oasis class only so it will not be on Anthem
  5. I agree that the 30 day thing is just a smokescreen. It means nothing. If you are within 30 days of a cruise and still getting the bogus 30 day error message, try putting the other guest’s name in (assuming there is another guest). Sometimes my name works and sometimes my husband’s name works.
  6. On EX now. This work around did not work for me. “Suite” was still missing. We had no problem boarding in the Suite line at Miami Terminal G. They didn’t even look to see whether the word Suite was there or not.
  7. You have my sincere condolences. My money routinely suffers the same re-allocation.
  8. I thought I had read that the new smoke free casino annex was going to have its own cashiers cage. Is that true ? We left OA just before they finished the conversion so we didn’t get to see what it finally looked like.
  9. It has been my recent experience (all from Miami) that even the Suites/Pinns/Key don’t really get much of a boarding head start. It seems like, as soon as they start the S/P/K boarding through one door, they also begin allowing the GenPop in through the other door, so basically everyone starts at basically the same time -just different starting points. The only ones with true advantage are the B2B’ers.
  10. Thank you ! It’s so great to be cruising again. It kinda seems like we’re just jumping from ship to ship ! Things will slow down for us after May. The casino comps are few and far between during the summer. We have a shorty on Serenade in July but that’s the only summer cruise we have booked. Making up for lost time !
  11. Combined interior offers only yield an ocean view cabin. IMO it is a waste of your second comp offer unless it’s just a situation where you only have the time off for one cruise. Upgrading from an interior to an OV is typically only a couple of hundred dollars (ship/itin dependent, of course).
  12. Boarded EX today. To my great surprise, all of my Cokes (16 of them) and waters were delivered. I was happy but surprised. I just want my Cokes - they can keep their totes, toiletry bags, beach towels, cheap-ass slippers and whatever else they try and pass off. I hope it continues !
  13. It usually takes a couple of weeks to show up on your account. It should be available by the 15th.
  14. Boarded Explorer today. We are in a JS. No problem with entering the terminal (G) with “unmarked” SSP. Either they didn’t look, don’t care, or are already familiar with the marking issue. Smooth boarding.
  15. One of the most important perks of SC that I haven’t seen mentioned is unlimited laundry service. They wash and press everything then return it to you on hangers. It’s one of my very favorite SC amenities.
  16. You can use any complimentary casino offer and upgrade all the way to Star Class. In the past, it has been as much as a 60% discount off the website price. You must be a Club Royale member and generally (but not always) at least a Prime level player. I have done this many, many times.
  17. A lot of high end Suite passengers get very good rates using casino discounts so while it may look like they are spending big $$ they are not spending exorbitant amounts. Some people book their high end suites and pay small amounts over time.
  18. Hmmm..that’s something I’ve never even thought about - being separate Pinnacles and earning double reward comps. Is that possible ?
  19. If they are only going to allow the complimentary W&F one day during a cruise, does that mean that we are only allowed to submit 1 bag (if both of us are D+ or P) ? I guess I will find out. On EX on Saturday.
  20. I’ve been reading of others who have experienced the same. I guess they are changing the rules, midstream. Definitely a change. IMO they should grandfather those already in the program and start this “reversion” business with new C&A members.
  21. Thanks for the warning. I have been sailing with this passport all year (most recently 2 weeks ago) and no problems (so far). I do get a warning every time I check in for a cruise, warning me that my passport will expire soon but it still lets me check in and no issues at the pier. It is my understanding that as long as you are sailing a closed-loop itinerary from the US, your passport is good until it expires. There are secondary reasons why you might want to have a passport with a minimum of 6 months left, like getting stranded in a foreign country, etc but I’m not too worried about that. We rarely ever get off the ship ! Plus, I’m a gambler ! I’m going to use this passport until the end of May and then shove it through for renewal. We have 2 more cruises in April, plus the 1 in May and I intend to use this passport until then. If something unfortunate happens, I will report back !
  22. I am most likely going to be in your situation very soon. My passport expires in June but I have cruises in May and July. I have everything ready to go for renewal-by-mail, but I am going to wait until we get back from our May cruise on Mariner and then dump everything in the mail. Doubtful that it will be back in time for my 6 July cruise on Serenade, so most likely I will be sailing with my BC in July. No changes in name or status to worry about so I should be good. I just HATE being in this situation.
  23. I believe this is correct. They cannot be combined. The discount only applies to onboard internet purchase, therefore, the discount is applied against the onboard internet price…full (or prorated if purchased for less than a full sailing) price internet package.
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